The year 1833 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1833 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1833 in World ⚡

11 MayA ship going from England to Quebec crashed into the Atlantic Sea, sinking into the Atlantic Sea, killing 215 people.
03 SeptemberBenjamin H.D. Started publishing the first successful newspaper in the US, the 'New York Sun'.
27 SeptemberThe great social reformer Raja Ram Mohan Roy died.
21 OctoberAlfred Noble, a Swedish chemist and inventor of dynamite, was born.
18 NovemberThe Jonhoven Treaty was signed between Holland and Belgium.
12 AugustThe city of Chicago was established in America.
29 AugustThe British Slave Abolition Act took the form of law.
14 MarchHobbs Taylor was the first dentist born.
03 JanuaryBritish sovereignty over the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic was reassessed.
06 FebruaryPrince Otto Frederick Ludwig of Bavaria gave the title to his King Prince Otto Frederick Ludwig, his name was taken by His Highness the First, Grace of God, King of Greece, Prince of Bavaria.
04 MarchAndrew Jackson was sworn in for his second term as President of the United States.
01 April16 legislatures from 18 Mexican states elected General Antonio López de Santa Anna as President of Mexico.
10 MayThe Le Van Khoi rebellion began against Emperor Minh and Vietnam.
09 JuneDubai gained independence from the United Kingdom.
08 JulyRussia and Turkey signed a defense treaty.
29 AugustThe British Parliament called for Factory Acts to limit child labor.
02 SeptemberOberlin College was founded in Oberlin, Ohio.
20 OctoberAlfred, Lord Tennyson, wrote his much awaited poem "Olise's".
25 NovemberThe Netherlands and Belgium signed the Treaty of Jonhoven.
04 DecemberAmerican Anti-Slavery Society was formed in Philadelphia by Arthur Tappan.
03 JanuaryWith the arrival of two British naval ships at the Falkland Islands, the United Kingdom re-asserted sovereignty there.
06 FebruaryOtto became the first modern King of Greece.
01 AprilMexican Texas met San Felip de Austin to combat evil.
10 MayLe Wan Khoi got out of jail and rebel Emperor Minh M. Revolt against NG, mainly to avenge the change of the grave of the former Vicearayoy of Vietnam of his adopted father Le Wan Van Duti
10 MayLê Van Khôi kicked out of jail to start the rebellion. Vietnamese Emperor Minh, mainly to avenge the slander of his adopted father Lê van duy's grave
11 JulyNonagar warrior Yagan, wanted for major attacks on whitakolologists in Western Australia, was killed by colonial residents as a symbol of the cruel and sometimes cruel behavior of the indigenous people of Australia.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1833 in India ⚡


Famous People's Birthdays in 1833 😀

02 NovemberMahendralal Sarkar / Physician / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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