According to Gregory calendar, on September 03, the day number in a year is 246 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 247. September 03 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.
Important Historical Events of 03 September in the World ⚡
Event Year | Incident/Event |
1189 | Richard the Lionhart was crowned the King in Westminster of England. |
1651 | Under the Oliver Cromwell, the English MP forces won the final battle of the Third English Citizen War Worster. |
1651 | Under the Oliver Cromwell, the English MP forces won the last battle of the Worster's Beetle, the Third English Citizen War. |
1709 | The first major group of Swiss reached the German colonies. |
1731 | William KH Frisco was made Viceroy of Frisland. |
1783 | The Revolutionary War ended with the Treaty of Paris between the US and Britain. |
1783 | Great Britain and the United States signed the Treaty of Paris, formally abolishing the American revolutionary war. |
1791 | The Parliament of France passed the constitution of the country. |
1812 | In London, England, the world's first factory to fill cans opened. |
1833 | Benjamin H.D. Started publishing the first successful newspaper in the US, the 'New York Sun'. |
1838 | The future American eliminations escaped from Frederick Douglas slavery. |
1901 | Australia's national flag, the Commonwealth Star and a Blue Enstine with the Southern Cross flew over the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne for the first time. |
1901 | The national flag of Australia, a Blue Encene, with the Commonwealth Star and the Southern Cross, adopted the Royal Exhibition Exhibition for the first time in Melbourne. |
1914 | Prince William of Albania had to leave the country after six months due to the opposition under his rule. |
1923 | Pandit Kishan Maharaj, the legendary tabla player of the country, was born. |
1925 | The US Navy's first rigid aerial vessel USS Shenandoa was broken into a squad line on Ohio (Picture of debris). |
1925 | The US Navy's first rigorous aircraft separated in a squad line over USS Shanendah Ohio (Picture of debris). |
1937 | In Australia, some of the world's longest fences are used to use more and more camels for patrolling. , |
1939 | World War II began with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin declaring war on Germany and Britain against Germany on a radio broadcast. |
1939 | Britain and France announced the war on Germany in vengeance of Hitler's Poland invasion. |
1940 | Famous composer of Hindi cinema Pyarelal was born. |
1941 | Holocaust: SS-Hauptsturmführer Karl Fritzsch first used pesticides Zyklon B to Auschwitz to Auschwitz; It was eventually used to kill about 1.2 million people. |
1941 | Holocost-SS-Huptstarmfuehar Carl Fritz first used pesticides Zyklon B to execute the Soviet Pows Mess in Oschitz; It was eventually used to kill 1.2 million people. |
1941 | German artillery began shelling on Leningrad. |
1942 | Holocost-In the first Jewish Jews Basti, the residents of Lachwa Ghetto, who were occupied by Poland, fought a failed fight against the Nazi prisoners, giving information about the 'liquidation' of the Jewish settlement. |
1943 | The Allies attacked Italy during the second world war. |
1950 | Emilio Nino Farina became the first Formula One World Champion. |
1968 | British doctors have seen an increase in cases of inflammation of the vein, which causes blood coagulation in women using birth control pills. |
1971 | Qatar gained independence. |
1984 | About 1300 were killed and hundreds were injured in South Philippines due to a terrible storm. Winds measured up to 185 kilometers per hour. |
1991 | 25 people were killed when a fire broke out inside a burning chicken prolsing plant in Hamlet, North Carolina, USA. |
1995 | EBay was founded. |
2001 | Truble-Protestant loyalists began picketing of a Catholic school for girls in the Protestant part of Belfast, Ardoyne, Northern Ireland. |
2004 | After two days of deadlock, Islamist terrorists killed about 340 hostages inside a school in Beslan, Russia. |
2005 | The Qatar oil rich nation has been offered $ 100 million aid to $ 100 million with the devastating loss done by Katrina of the storm. |
2008 | The Republican Party has officially declared Arizona Senator John McCain as its candidate in the 2008 United States presidential election. |
2009 | Australia records its hottest August amid rising winter temperature. |
2010 | The unemployment rate in the United States for the month of August this year increases to a dangerous 9.6%. |
2011 | 13th World Championship in Athletics: Usain Bolt won the 200 meter race. |
2013 | Microsoft Corporation purchases Nokia's mobile phone division for $ 7.2 billion. |
2013 | Microsoft bought Nokia for 7.2 billion. |
2014 | The pharmaceutical chain CVS Pharmacy announced that it would turn its name into 'CVS Health' and stop marketing tobacco products. |
590 | Gregory I became the Pope, which first came from a monastery background. |
863 | Byzantin-Arab Wars-Bijtin Empire decisively defeated, began the Emirates of Melitane in the Battle of Lalakon, the era of buzzing-climbing era. |
Important Historical Events of 03 September in India ⚡
Event Year | Incident/Event |
1906 | India's famous film actor Prithviraj Kapoor was born in Peshawar (now Pakistan). |
2014 | More than 200 people died due to floods in India and neighboring Pakistan. |
Important Days of 03 September National & International Days 🏁
Day/Observance | Level |
Qatar Independence from Britain | National Day |
Famous People's Birthdays on 03 September 😀
Birth Year | Name/Category/Country |
1905 | Kamlapati Tripathi / Politician / India |
1934 | Raj Kumar Dorendra Singh / Politician / India |
1950 | Govind Namdev / Actor / India |
1956 | Jishu Dasgupta / Actor / India |
1965 | Manoj Joshi / Actor / India |
1974 | Rahul Sanghvi / Cricketer / India |
See full list of famous people born on 03 september 🔗
This day in other months 📅
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