World Science Day Quick Facts

Event NameWorld Science Day ()
Event Started1999
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byUNESCO

World Science Day Brief

Every year on 10 November, 'World Science Day' is celebrated for peace and development in many countries of the world. Under this, the contribution of science to peace and development work is told.

World Science Day History

This day was celebrated in Budapest in 1999 jointly by the International Council of Science and UNESCO in pursuance of the World Conference on Science. This day was established by UNESCO to raise awareness about the benefits of science around the world.

World Science Day Objective

World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated to raise awareness about the contribution of science to peace and development. Programs related to various scientific activities are organized on this day in all scientific institutions, such as national and other science laboratories, science academies, schools and colleges, and training institutes.

World Science Day Theme(s)

  • The theme of World Science Day in the year 2022 is "Together with Science and Society to Tackle the Global Epidemic".
  • The theme of World Science Day in 2021 was "Together with Science and Society to Tackle the Global Pandemic".
  • The theme of World Science Day in the year 2020 was "Together with Science and Society to Tackle the Global Epidemic".
  • The theme of World Science Day in the year 2019 was "Open Science, No One Left Behind".
  • The theme of World Science Day in 2018 was "Science, a Human Right".
  • The theme of World Science Day in 2017 was "Science for Global Understanding".
  • The theme of World Science Day in 2016 was "Celebrating Science Centers and Science Museums (Celebrating Science Centers and Science Museums)".
  • The theme of World Science Day in 2015 was 'Science for a Sustainable Future'.
  • The theme of World Science Day 2014 was "Quality Education of Science" for an assured future for human life.
  • The theme of World Science Day 2013 was 'Science for Water Cooperation: Sharing Data, Knowledge and Innovations'.

More info about World Science Day

When is Science Day celebrated in India?

National Science Day is celebrated every year on 28 February in India under the aegis of National Council of Science and Technology and Ministry of Science and Technology to create awareness and create scientific temper in the society about the benefits of science. Sir CV Raman announced his discovery on 28 February 1928. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930 for this discovery.

Important Days of November Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
10 NovemberWorld Science Day - International Day
11 NovemberNational Education Day - National Day
12 NovemberNational Bird Day - National Day
14 NovemberChildrens Day - International Day
14 NovemberWorld Diabetes Day - International Day
16 NovemberInternational Tolerance Day - International Day
17 NovemberNational Epilepsy (Apasmar) Day - National Day
17 NovemberNational Journalism Day - National Day
19 NovemberWorld Toilet Day - International Day
20 NovemberInternational Child Rights Day - International Day
21 NovemberWorld Fisheries Day - International Day
21 NovemberWorld Doordarshan (Television) Day - International Day
22 NovemberJhalkari Bai Jayanti - National Day
25 NovemberInternational Womens Violence Eradication Day - International Day
26 NovemberNational Law Day - National Day
26 NovemberWorld Environment Protection Day - International Day
26 NovemberNational Milk Day - National Day
नवंबर माह का तीसरा गुरुवार of NovemberWorld Darshan Day - International Day

World Science Day FAQs:

World Science Day is observed every year on 10 November.

Yes, World Science Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on November all over the World.

World Science Day started on 1999.

World Science Day is observed every year by UNESCO.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  17537
  Post Category :  Important Days of November