According to Gregory calendar, on November 10, the day number in a year is 314 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 315. November 10 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 10 November in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1202The first major action of the fourth crusade and the first attack against the Catholic city by Catholic criminals, began in Zara, Croatia.
1483Martin Luther was born who started a new stream of Christianity.
1766New Jersey's last Royal Governor William Franklin signed the charter for the establishment of Queen's College, now known as Rutgers University.
1775The United States Marine Corps was established as Continental Marines by a resolution of the second continent Congress during the American Revolutionary War.
1793France ended the worship of God by force.
1793The rule of forced worship of God was abolished in France.
1871Journalist and explorer Henry Morton Stanley is currently located near the missing missionary and explorer David Livingstone, Tanzaniaken Lake.
1885Gottlieb Demeler introduced the world's first motorcycle.
1891The first women's Christian Temperance Association meeting was held in Boston.
1894Fred Lugard signed a contract with "Obsalamu " of King Lafia Nikki.
1909American musician and lyricist Johnny Marks was born.
1919The first national conference of the American Legion was held in the city of Minneapolis.
1940In the 20th century, the country's strongest earthquake occurred 7.7 mL earthquake in the Verranasia region of Romania.
1940The 7.7-magnitude earthquake in Bucharest, Romania killed more than 1000 people.
1945Indonesian National Revolution -British officer Brigadier A. W. S. A few weeks before the assassination of the debris, the British started their vengeance by attacking Surbaya, Indonesia.
1946Slimbridge Wetland Reserve opened in England.
1951Direct dial coast-to-coast telephone service was introduced in the United States.
1958Merchant Harry Winston described the Smithsonian Institution as 'Hope Diamond', 'the world's most famous diamond'.
1964Leonid Brezhnef was elected general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
1969Sesame Street aired its first episode on the network.
1970The Great Wall of China was opened for tourism.
1975SS Edmund Fitzgerald, the biggest boat on the great lakes of North America, drowned with the lives of 29 people in Lake Superior.
1975SS Edmund Fijrald, the largest ship on the great lakes of North America, drowned in Lake Superior with the loss of 29 lives.
1978Rohini Khandilkar became the first woman to win the National Chess Championship.
1982Leonid Brezhnev, the leader of the Soviet Union, died. Brezhnev ruled the Soviet Union for 20 years.
1986The Constitution was re-enacted in Bangladesh.
1989The demolition of the Berlin Wall began in Germany.
2005The United States House of Representative Republican leadership drops a provision from budget plans that will open the Arctic National Wildlife Refugee for drilling due to protest against liberal Republican and expected in the Senate.
2006Sri Lankan Tamil MP Nadarajah Raviraj Colombo was assassinated.
2006Scientists at Rice University have learned that small particles of iron oxide, when placed under a strong magnet, are tied with arsenic through nano technique. It is probably very beneficial for countries suffering from arsenic pollution of ground water.
2006Prominent Sri Lankan Tamil politician and human rights lawyer Nadraja Raviraj was murdered in Colombo.
2007Police in Iran have convicted about 180 Sufi Muslims who were responsible for attacks in a Shia Mosque in Boruzard when a cleric described their religion as "illegitimate".
2007At the Ibero-American Summit in Santiago, Chile, King Juan Carlos I of Spain asked Venezuela President Hugo Chavez, "Why don't you shut up?" gave a speech.
2008The surface of the report that was lost in the ice after January 21, 1968, a united state nuclear weapon was lost somewhere after the B -52 straight or trace crashed outside Greenland.
2008Five months after landing on Mars, NASA terminated the Phoenix mission when communications with the lander ceased.
2009An electric failure in ITAIPU leads to a large -scale blackout. This affected 15 Brazilian states and the entire country of Paraguay for a short time, causing uproar in big cities like Sao Paulo.
2010A teenager prison caught fire in the city of Elobasco, Al Salvador. This killed 16 people and injured several.
2011According to opposition activists, around 38 people, including six children, are killed by security forces in Syria: 16 Holmes in the city, 10 in Idlib, six in Hama, three in suburban areas of Damascus and three in Dara.
2012François Bozies, president of the Central African Republic François Bozies, asked to take his son into custody for refusing to pay a hotel bill.
2013Famous Rajasthani litterateur Vijayadan Detha died.
2013In motor sports, Mark Markage of Spain won the title of being the youngest motorcycle driver to win the 2013 Moto GP World Championship at the age of 20.
2014After two-year opposition relationship between Japan and China in relation to the control of some islands in Eastern China Sea, Shinzo Abe, Japanese Prime Minister and Xi Linping, Chinese President ended the dispute through Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation amount

Important Historical Events of 10 November in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
2001Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee addressed the United Nations General Assembly.

Important Days of 10 November National & International Days 🏁

World Science DayInternational Day
Forest Martyr'S DayNational Day
Transportation DayNational Day
World Science Day for Peace and DevelopmentInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 10 November 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1848Surendranath Banerjee / political leader / India
1871Sachchidananda Sinha / Politician / India
1848Sir Surendranath Banerjee / Politician / India
1848Surendra Nath Benerjee / Professor / India
1848Surendranath Banerjee / Freedom Fighter / India
1848Surendranath Banerjee / Politician / India
1871Dr. Sachchida Nand Sinha / Lawyer / India
1871Sachchidananda Sinha / Journalist / India
1899Swami Satyabhakta / Philosopher / India
1954Donkupar Roy / Politician / India
1967Ashutosh Rana / Actor / India
1971Chetanya Adib / Actor / India

See full list of famous people born on 10 november 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 17 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  11842
  Post Category :  History of November