The year 1794 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1794 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1794 in World ⚡

28 AugustThe period of fear and terror came to an end after the death penalty of Maximilian Robespierre and his comrades in France.
13 JanuaryCongress averaged 15 stars and 15 stripes in the US flag.
04 FebruaryThe French First Republic abolished slavery.
14 MarchEli Whitney was granted a patent for the cotton gene.
30 AprilThe Battle of Balluo was fought, in which the French army defeated the Spanish under General Union.
18 MayBattle of Trecoing: French troops defeated the British Army.
24 JuneBowdoin College was founded in Brunswick, Maine.
12 JulyHoratio Nelson lost sight in his right eye in a British army operation at Calvi in ​​Corsica.
20 AugustThe Fallen Timbers were fought in Northwestern Ohio.
10 SeptemberThe University of Tennessee was founded in Knoxville.
29 OctoberFrench troops captured Venlo.
14 NovemberThe first recording meeting of the Franklin Literary Society was held at the Canonsburg Academy of Modern Washington and Jefferson College).
15 DecemberThe Revolutionary Tribunal was abolished in France.
14 MarchAmerican inventor Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin, the first ever machine that quickly and easily separated cotton fibers from their seedpods.
27 MarchTo protect American merchant ships from Barbary pirates, the United States Congress established a naval force, consisting of the USS Constitution and five other frigates, which eventually became the United States Navy.
01 MayLast year, with his victory in Spain's Balou's battle, the Pirenis-France war re-achieved almost all land that he lost to Spain.
07 MayDuring the Terror-branded reign, a traitor, French chemist Antonylavoider, a former royal tax collector, who was ruined, convicted and convicted on the same day with Fermi Ganerale.
07 MayFrench Revolution: Maximilian Robpiere established the Supreme French cult as the new state religion of the French First Republic.
01 JuneThe glorious first of June, the first and largest fleet of naval struggle between the first French Republic of the Great Britain and the French Revolutionary Wars during the French revolutionary wars.
23 JuneQueen Catherine II of Russia allowed the Jews to settle in Kiev. Yakaterina Alexaina or Catherine II, also known as Catherine The Great, was Russia's most famous and longest rule -in -law leader. His reign was called the Golden Age of Russia.
26 JuneFrench Revolutionary Wars: The Frearar's fight marked the first successful military use of the aircraft. The french use of the reconnaissance balloon l 'Entreprenant marked the first military use of an aircraft which had an impact on the result of the war.
27 JulyThe National Convention ordered the arrest and hanging of terrorist leader Maximilian Robpiere, when he encouraged more than 17,000 enemies of the French revolution to arrest harassment '.
28 JulyThe French Revolution-Maximilien Dey Robpiere and Louis Antoined St.-Jam, Architect of the Terror, were executed after the previous day was arrested.
19 NovemberThe United States and Great Britain concluded the J treaty on the basis of ten years of peaceful trade between the two countries.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1794 in India ⚡


Famous People's Birthdays in 1794 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  18th Century History