According to Gregory calendar, on July 28, the day number in a year is 210 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 211. July 28 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 28 July in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1540His Chief Minister Thomas Cromwell was hanged by King Henry VIII of England for treason and hero.
1717King Frederick Wilhelm I of Porsia made education compulsory for children aged 5–12 years.
1741Captain Bering discovered Mount Saint Elias, Alaska.
1742Persia and Austria signed a peace treaty.
1751The kingdom of Kartali defeated a large army of Tabriz Khana under Erkele II at the Battle of Kiribullah.
1794The French Revolution-Maximilien Dey Robpiere and Louis Antoined St.-Jam, Architect of the Terror, were executed after the previous day was arrested.
1821Peru declared its independence from Spain.
1821The Battle of Peru-Swatterism-Argentina General Jose Day Sanmartin announced Peru's independence from Spain.
1821Peru declared independence from Spain.
1866In the US, the use of the metric system for metering was legalized.
1866At the age of 18, Vinny Reem became the first and youngest artist to receive a statue from the United States government, the statue of Abraham Lincoln in Capital Rotunda, USA.
1878At the conclusion of the Berlin Conference, the Berlin Agreement was signed between the Russians Germany, France, Britain and Austria.
1914Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia. It was here that the First World War began.
1914Austria-Hungeri announced the war after accepting only the condition of Serbia of the July ultimatum after the murder of Archduk Franz Ferdinand in Sergevo.
1932US President Herbert Hoover ordered the removal of the 'Bonus Army'-a group of veterans who were occupying government property to demand immediate payment for payment of money.
1935The Boeing B -17 Flying Fort Heavy Bombary Aircraft, which dropped more bombs than any other American aircraft in World War II, took the first flight.
1957In Ishaya, Japan, 992 people died due to heavy rains.
1959Postal codes began to be used in Great Britain.
1964Ranger 7 launched toward the moon, sending 4308 photos.
1976At least 8.2 magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale, which is the deadliest in history, spread to Tangshan, China, killing at least 2,40,000 people.
1977The first oil reaches Valdez, Alaska via the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System.
1978The Soviet Union conducted a nuclear test in northeast Kazakhstan.
1983NASA launched commercial communication satellite Telsatar-3A.
1989Brevs del Murphy played a domestic innings of 2 3 runs in an innings. He is the 14th man to score 2 domestic runs in an innings. He has also set a record of 6 RBI in an innings.
1990Alberto Fujimori became the President of Peru.
1995Two followers of Lord Shri Rajneesh were convicted for killing the District Oregon of Attorney of the United States.
1995Osho's two followers (Lord Shri Rajneesh) were convicted of killing the United States Attorney for the Registrar of Oregon.
1996The remains of the prehistoric Kennevik man were discovered at the Ona Bank of the Colombia River near Washington, Kennevik, USA.
1998Lewinsky and Star announced a complete immune agreement for Lewinsky and her parents. It was created after months of power struggle.
2005Claimed to have discovered the tenth planet of the solar system.
2005The provisional Irish Republican Army announced to end its campaign to create autocratic Ireland to end British rule in Northern Ireland.
2010California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has responded to the Emergency in the financial position. He responded to most state employees' need to take unpaid leave of three days per month.
2011America's swimmer Ryan Lochte set a new world record for 200m individual medley. He won a gold medal at the 2011 World Aquatics Championships held in Shanghai, People's Republic of China.
2011A trojan asteroid that revolves around the Earth around the Sun is recognized by astronomers. Astronomers said that it is a threat to the Earth because it sits in a gravitational 'sweet place'.
2012The U-550 has been discovered at the cost of Massachusetts. This sinking boat is German U-BOAT. It was found after a major discovery.
2012South Africa's Cameron van Der Burg has set a world record in men's 100m breaststroke. It is established in the 2012 Summer Olympics. This is a new Olympic record.
2013Teresa Hanz Kerry, wife of US Secretary of State John Kerry, was discharged from the hospital after suffering from a Caesar. She was in the hospital about three weeks ago. The 74 -year -old old woman is expected to recover completely.
2014Russia has imposed additional sanctions by the US and the European Union. It focuses on the boundaries related to the country's marshal, power and economic sectors.
2014US officials complained that Russia insulted the intermediate-range nuclear forces. This violation was done by Russia by testing a type of cruise missile. Russian officials raised their voice against the charge.

Important Historical Events of 28 July in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1858The first use of thumbprints as a mark of identification by Sir William James Herschel of the Indian Administrative Service.
1979Chaudhary Charan Singh became the 5th Prime Minister of India.

Important Days of 28 July National & International Days 🏁

World Hepatitis DayInternational Day
World Nature Conservation DayInternational Day
World Hepatitis Day [WHO]International Day
Earth Overshoot DayInternational Day
World Liver DayInternational Day
Peru Fiestas PatriasNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 28 July 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1909Brahmananda Reddy / Politician / India
1909Kasu Brahmananda Reddy / Politician / India
1957Anil Janavijay / Writer / India
1972Ayesha Jhulka / Actress / India
1983Dhanush / Actor / India
1986Huma Qureshi / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 28 july 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 8 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  13215
  Post Category :  History of July