According to Gregory calendar, on August 20, the day number in a year is 232 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 233. August 20 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 20 August in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1641England and Scotland signed the 'Pact of Treaty'.
1707Pensacola's first siege ended with ending his attempt to capture Pencola in Florida, Britain.
1710The Spanish succession war- The Spanish-Burban army created by Margis de Bay was badly defeated by a multinational army led by Austrian Commander Guido Starrahmbberg.
1781George Washington began to move southern troops to fight Cornwallis.
1794The Fallen Timbers were fought in Northwestern Ohio.
1828The first session of Raja Ram Mohan Roy's Brahmo Samaj was held in Calcutta (now Kolkata).
1847American soldiers defeated Mexican soldiers at the Battle of Churubusco.
1882In 1812, the overcher was first displayed in Moscow in the Cathedral of Christ the Savier by Russian composer Pyotra Ilich Tachikov Akash.
1897Ronald Ross identified malaria-causing anopheles mosquito while working at the Presidency General Hospital in Calcutta (now Kolkata).
1910The storm-streams added hundreds of small fire to the UUS. The state Devils broom in Washington and Idaho caught fire, extinguishing about three million acres (12,140 sq km), which was the biggest fire in American history.
1911The first telegram sent from the US New York Times office reached the whole world.
1920The first commercial radio station Detroit, starts its operations with a call sign 8MK in Michigan. The radio station was launched by the Detroit news newspaper and is now taken care of by CBS.
1940In the midst of Britain's fight, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill gave a speech thanking the Royal Air Force, which said, 'never was so outstanding for so many people.
1944The Second World War-Gastapo transported aircraft of 168 friendly countries, which were classified as detectives and criminals, so that the prisoner of the war could not be sent to the Buchanwald concentration camp.
1953French forces removed Mohammed bin Yusuf, the Sultan of Morocco, from Sidi.
1953The French government ousted Morocco's King Mohammed V, capturing him in Corsica.
1962NS Savanna, the first cargo traveler to run nuclear power, started his first visit.
1964International Telecommunication Satellite Consortium Intelsat) started functioning.
1977US Space Agency NASA sent Voyager to spacecraft.
1979Prime Minister Chaudhary Charan Singh resigned as Prime Minister after a 23-day tenure.
1982A multi -national peace army is sent to Lebanon to prevent conflict between Muslim and Christian militia groups and to monitor Palestinians who retreat from Lebanon.
1988Worse fire in Yelostone National Park destroys 150,000 acres of park. It ruined 1/3 of the park in summer, while the fire broke between 5 and 10 miles a day.
1988The fire at Yelostone National Park in the United States was destroyed more than 150,000 acres (610 km2), which is the worst day of one day.
1989After hitting a dragger on the Tems River in London, the boat of Khushi drowned in only thirty seconds, killing 51 people.
1989The final phase of the O-Ban bus route in South-East Adelaide was completed, which became the longest and fastest bus in the world, with a total of 12 km (7.5 mi) buses 100 km / h. (Maximum speed of up to 62 mph) Example Fig.).
1995Purushottam Express and Kalidi Express suffered 350 casualties in a head-on collision.
2005The original letter by Albert Einstein, whose title is located in the archives of Lauretz Institute for Theoratical Physics, Leden University, Dated 19 December, Dated 19 December.
2007NASA cleaned the Space Shuttle Endeavor for an initial landing in Cape Canvarts yesterday.
2008The Spner Flight 5022 crashed after flying from the barrage airport in Madrid, killing 154 people.
2009Abdelbset Ali Al-Meghi, Lockerbi Bam-Barshak, was freed from the Scottish government. He was released on the terms of humanity as he was diagnosed with a terminal form of prostate cancer.
2010A new method for dealing with mood disorders, such as depression, is found in the study of ketamine activity with nervous system, especially MTOR-free synaps formation.
2011Two American hikes who were convicted of espionage and illegally entering Iran were sentenced to eight years in jail by the Tehran court.
2013Nine militants were killed in Russian police action in the North Caucasus.
2013Turkish Prime Minister Rasipateyipradoan blamed the US and Israel's influence for removing Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi from power; Which has been rejected by both.
2013A radioactive water leakage was detected at Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant. Since the 2011 earthquake and tsunami were affected, the plant faced several issues, such as recession and fire.
636Khalid Ibn Al-Walid-led Rashidun forces controlled Siriyand Palestine in the battle of Yarmauk, marking the first great wave of Mussalim victory after Muhammad's death.

Important Historical Events of 20 August in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1597The Dutch East India Company's first ship returned from East Asia.
1944The 6th Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi was born.
1988A magnitude 6.5 earthquake in India and Nepal killed a thousand people.
2011India's famous historian Ram Sharan Sharma passed away.

Important Days of 20 August National & International Days 🏁

World Mosquito DayInternational Day
Goodwill DayNational Day
Energy Renewable DayNational Day
Saint Longowal Memorial DayNational Day
Indian Renewable Energy DayNational Day
International Youth Day/Indian Akshay Urja DayInternational Day
World Water Week (20 to 24 Aug)International Day
Estonia Day of Restoration of Independence from Soviet UnionNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 20 August 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1896Gostha Pal / Footballer / India
1915D. Devaraj Urs / Politician / India
1940Rex Sellers / Cricketer / India
1944Rajeev Gandhi / Politician / India
1944Rajiv Gandhi / Politician / India
1946N. R. Narayana Murthy / Business Man / India
1948Kamaljeet Sandhu / Athlete / India
1986Taniya Sachdev / Chess Player / India

See full list of famous people born on 20 august 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 10 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  13055
  Post Category :  History of August