The year 1812 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1812 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1812 in World ⚡

03 SeptemberIn London, England, the world's first factory to fill cans opened.
18 SeptemberThe fire in Moscow burned 75 percent of the city, killing 12,000 people.
26 MarchA massive earthquake in Venezuela's largest city of Caracas destroyed 90 percent of the city and killed about 20,000 people.
01 JanuaryThe Austrian Civilization Bergerilichs Gestzbuch Austrian Civil Code) came into force in the Austrian Empire
13 FebruaryThe first Chilean newspaper Aurora de Chile stood to deal with political philosophy and in favor of the new national government.
05 MarchPrussia and France signed the Treaty of Paris.
30 AprilLouisiana was accepted as the 18th US state.
16 MayRussian Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov, signed the Treaty of Bucharest which resulted in the Russo-Turkish War (1806–12) and Bessarabia was annexed to Imperial Russia.
18 JuneThe War of 1812 began between the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
12 JulyThe US invaded Canada in Windsor, Ontario.
12 AugustPeninsular War: After the Battle of Salamanca, the combined English and Portuguese forces under the command of Wellington entered Madrid.
14 SeptemberFrench invasion of Russia: Napoleon's troops entered Moscow, which was deliberately set on fire by Muskovite, at the behest of Fodor Rostopchine.
09 OctoberDuring the War of 1812, US naval forces under Lieutenant Jesse Duncan Elliott captured two British warships, HMS Detroit and HMS Caledonia.
05 NovemberJames Madison defeated DeWitt Clinton in the US presidential election.
20 DecemberThe first volume of Grimm's "Fairy Tales" was published in Germany.
27 FebruaryManuel Belgrano raised the Flag of Argentina, which hedesigned, for the first time in the city of Rosario, during theArgentine War of Independence.
26 MarchThe Boston Gazette printed a political cartoon endorsing the allegation that Governor Elbridge Gerry had created oddly shaped electoral districts in which Tohl incumbents won reelection.
06 AprilAfter a siege of peninsular war-three weeks, under the Anglo-Portuguese Army, Earl of Wellington, Badazoz, Spain was captured and forced to surrender the French Garys.
11 MaySpencer was the only British Prime Minister to assassinate Pensor Parswelbac, advocating the British House of Commons.
24 JuneWar of Napoleon: Napoleon's Grande Army started the Russian river, starting the Russia attack. Napoleon hoped Russia's Zar Alexander I to forces the British traders to stop trading. The official political objective of the campaign was to free Poland from Russia's danger. Napoleon named another Polish War to bias with poles and make a political pretense for his actions.
24 JuneUnder Napoleon, Napoleon's War-French Grande Armes marked the beginning of their Russia's attack on the Neman River.
24 JuneWars of Napoleon: French Grande Armes marked the beginning of their invasion of Russia under the Napoleon River.
15 AugustThe War-Potavatomy warriors of 1812 destroyed the United States Fort Dearborn in Chicago, Illinois and captured the remaining people.
19 AugustThe USS Constitution was defeated in the 1812-American Navy War, the Nebritish Royal Navy defeated HMS Gurreyar on the coast of Nova Scotia in Canada, leading to its surname 'Old Ironusides'.
13 OctoberIn the 1812 war, British soldiers and Mohok warriors canceled an American invasion from across the Niagara river in the battle of Queenstone Heights near Queenston, Ontario.
23 OctoberGeneral Cloud François D. Malt launched a conspiracy against Napoleon, claiming that the emperor died in Russia and Heva is now the commandant of Paris.
25 OctoberIn the 1812-USS war, the United States captured HMS Mapdunian, causing the first British warship to be brought to an American port.
03 NovemberThe French attacks on the Grand Armary of Russia-Asa Napoleon began to retreat, the guards behind it were defeated in the battle of Vyzma.
18 NovemberDuring the Napoleon's Napoleon's invasion of Napoleon, the leadership of Marshall Mitchell in Kasinin's battle did not give him the nickname of the brave despite the French defeat.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1812 in India ⚡

04 SeptemberThe alliance of the original American tribes in the 1812 war began the siege of Fort Harrison in Terre Haute, Indiana by setting fire to the fort.
22 NovemberWar of 1812 - During the punitive campaign against the villages of American native -tribals, a contingent of Indiana Rangers was ambushed by Kikapu, Vinnabago and Shaoni warriors.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1812 😀

14 DecemberLord Canning / Indian Govt. / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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