According to Gregory calendar, on June 18, the day number in a year is 169 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 170. June 18 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 18 June in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1053Humphre of Houtville led the forces of Normans at the Beetle of Sivitate against the Joint Army of the Pope Leo IX and the Holi Roman Empire.
1429The French forces led by the Zone of Arc defeated the Chief English Army under Sir John Fastolf in the battle of Pate. It turned the attitude of a hundred years of war.
1576The battle of Haldighati started between Maharana Pratap and the Mughal ruler Akbar.
1802Ga Long was crowned as the first emperor of the Nguyen dynasty in Vietnam.
1812The War of 1812 began between the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
1815Battle of Napoleon: Waterloo's battle resulted in the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte by Duke of Wellington and Gabhard Lebrech von Blue, forced him to leave the throne of France for the second and last time. It was the attempt of German Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck to remain associate with Russia after the three-emperor league of the 1885 Serbo-Bulgarian War.
1815Battle of the seventh alliance-Napoleon Bonaparte fought its final battle, the battle of Waterloo in the current Belgium.
1815Napoleon's army defeated Britain in the Battle of Waterloo.
1837Spain adopted the new constitution.
1842An elementary school system was introduced in Sweden.
1858Charles Darwin receives a paper from Alfred Russell Walece that includes almost identical conclusions about Darwin's own development, inspiring Darwin to publish his theory. Alfred Russell Wale Om FRS was a British naturalist, explorer, geography, anthropologist and biologist. He is naturally known to imagine the principle of evolution through natural selection; His paper on this subject was jointly published with some articles by Charles Darwin.
1858Charles Darwin obtained a manuscript by fellow naturalist Russell Wales on natural selection, republishing his principle of development.
1858Charles Darwin obtained a manuscript by fellow naturalist Russell Wales on natural selection, republishing his principle of development.
1887Germany and Russia signed the reinsurance treaty.
1894The first was the Rosenberry Uganda declared a British patronage.
1897Kyoto University Officiation was established in Japan.
1908The Philippines University, National University ofThe Philippines was established.
1913The Arab Congress opened in 1913, during which Arab nationalists discussed desired reforms under the Ottoman Empire.
1923Checker taxi imposes its first taxi on the roads. In early 1900, motor taxi taxi started appearing on the streets of major cities. Especially in Chicago, where many rail routes had terminals, there was a great need for on-demand, point-to-point chofir-operated transport.
1941Turkey signed a peace deal with Nazi Germany.
1946The first Satyagraha movement for independence from the Portuguese rule began in Goa under the leadership of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia.
1953Douglas C -124 GlobeMaster II aircraft Tachchwa, crashed after bus from Japan, killing more than 100 people along with all 129 people in aircraft accident.
1972The British European Airways Flight 548 crashed near the city within less than three minutes after the departure of London Heathrowport, killing 118 people aboard, which was the worst airplane in Britain at that time.
1979Salt II was signed by the United States and the Soviet Union. Salt II was a series of interactions between the United States and the Soviet negotiaters from 1972 to 1979 demanding a ban on the manufacture of strategic nuclear weapons. The Salt II was the first nuclear weapon treaty that made a real cut in strategic forces from 2,250 in all categories of distribution vehicles on both sides.
1979The arms control agreement was signed between the US and the Soviet Union.
1980Shakuntala Devi multiplied the two 13 digit numbers and gave the correct answer in 28 seconds.
1981The United States Air Force (USAF) F-117 was the first operational aircraft designed around the stealth technology. Lockheed F -117 Nighthock, the first operational aircraft that was initially designed around Stealth Technology, creates its first flight. Lockheed F-117 Nighthock is a single-seat, twin-engine stealth attack aircraft developed by Lockheed's Secret Skink Works Division and operated by the United.
1982The body of Italian banker Roberto Calvi, known as 'Godbanker ' due to a close relationship with the Vatican, found the Hagffy scaffolding under London's Blackpiers Bridge.
1983Space Shuttle Program: STS -7, astronaut Sally Ride became the first American woman in space. Sally Kryston Ride was an American physicist and astronaut. Born at Los Angeles, she joined NASA in 1978 and became the first American woman in space in 1983. She became the youngest American astronaut to do so at the age of 32.
1983Aboard Space Shuttle Challenger, Astronaut Sally Ride Basmeth first American woman in space.
1983Iranian teenager Mona Mahmudnizad and nine other women were embarrassed due to their membership in Bahai faith.
1987M / s. Swaminathan received the first World Food Award.
1994The trustees of Lylist Elster Volunteer attacked a crowded strip in Lafinsalland, Northern Ireland, with six attacks.
2003Google introduced the internet program Adsense.
2004Chad's troops killed 69 Sudanese militias.
2006The first Kazakh space satellite, Kazsat was launched. Kazsat was a communication satellite that planned to occupy a geostative orbit of about 36,000 km above the Earth. The this was built by the Khulakhev Space Center in collaboration with the Thales Ellenia Space. The partial control of the satellite was lost in July 2008 and completely in October 2008.
2009A robotic spacecraft of NASA was launched to Lunar Recognition (LRO). The LRO mission is a precursor to the future human and robot mission on the moon by NASA. For this a detailed mapping program will identify safe landing sites, detect potential resources on the moon, marks the radiation environment, and demonstrate new technology.
2009NASA launched its first mission Lunar reconnaissance orbit on the moon in ten years.
2009NASA sent a reconnaissance probe to find water on the moon.
2012Salman bin Abdulziz Al Saud was appointed Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.
2013Two suicide attacks in Iraq's capital Baghdad killed 31 people and injured 60.
618Lee Yuan became the Emperor Goju of Tang, starting three centuries of the Tang dynasty in China.
860A fleet of about 200 Russia ships flew into Bosoporus and began to open the suburbs of Constantinopal.

Important Historical Events of 18 June in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1946Ram Manohar Lohia, a socialist, called for direct action day against the Portuguese in Goa. A road in Panjim is named after this date. The Direct Action Day, also known as the great Calcutta murders, was a broader riot and murder between Hindus and Muslims in the city in the city of Bengal (now known as Kolkata) in the Bengal province of British India.

Important Days of 18 June National & International Days 🏁

International Picnic DayInternational Day
Goa Revolution DayNational Day
International Day for Countering Hate SpeechInternational Day
Sustainable Gastronomy DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 18 June 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1852Chakravarti Vijayaraghavachariar  / Politician / India
1861Devaki Nandan Khatri / Writer / India
1931K. S. Sudarshan / Social Worker / India

See full list of famous people born on 18 june 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 3 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  14779
  Post Category :  History of June