The year 1830 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1830 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1830 in World ⚡

13 MayThe establishment of the Republic of Ecuador, Juan Jose Florence became the first president.
24 MayPassenger railroad service was introduced for the first time in the US.
13 JulyRaja Ram Mohan Roy and Alexander Duff started Scottish Church College with five students.
15 SeptemberWilliam Huskisson, an English man, was the first passenger to die in a rail accident.
04 OctoberThe Kingdom of Belgium broke away from the Netherlands.
15 NovemberSocial reformer Raja Ram Mohan Roy left for England.
22 NovemberCharles Gray became Prime Minister of Britain.
29 NovemberNovember rebellion against Poland's rule started in Poland.
11 JanuaryLaGrange College now University of North Alabama) commenced operations, becoming the first publicly chartered college in Alabama.
03 FebruaryGreece's sovereignty was confirmed in the London Protocol.
26 MarchThe Book of Mormon, Palmara, was published in New York.
06 AprilJoseph Smith and 5 others organized the Mormon Church in Seneca, New York.
13 MayEcuador was separated from Gran Colombia.
12 JuneFrance started the process of colonization of Algeria.
24 JulySlavery was abolished in Chile.
09 AugustLouis Philippe became King of the French.
27 SeptemberEnded the Belgian Revolution to liberate Brussels from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands.
04 OctoberThe provisional government announced the separation of Belgium from the Netherlands.
08 NovemberFerdinand II became the king of two Sicilias.
20 DecemberThe independence of Belgium was recognized by the great powers.
10 MarchThe Royal Netherlands East Indies Army, the military forcemaintained by the Netherlands in its colony of the Dutch East Indies,was established by royal decree.
10 MarchAlexander Graham Bell made his first successful bi-directional telephone call, saying, 'Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you.'
26 MarchThe Book of Mormon, the defining sacred text of the Latter Descent movement, was published for the first time.
06 AprilJoseph Smith, Junior, Oliver Bonson, David Whitmer and others organized the Church of Christ, in which the Later Day St. Moving began.
24 MayBaltimore and Ohio railroad, the first common carrier and class I railroad in the United States, opened for scheduled service.
24 MayNursery poem 'Mary Head a Little Lamb' was first published by Sara Joseph Hale.
02 AugustRecently, his hand, Charles exempl, was forced to leave the throne in favor of his grandson Henry.
28 AugustTom Thumb (replication picture) is the first American-made steamlocomotive, which is engaged in an impenetrable race against the horse-drawn car innerland.
15 SeptemberLiverpool and Manchester Railways opened the first locomotive-halt railway to connect two major cities.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1830 in India ⚡

28 MayUS President Andrew Jackson signed the law of the Indian Discolor Acts, which authorizes him to interact with the original Americans for the funeral with his ancestral houses.
28 MayUS President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Discolor Act in the law, which authorizes them to interact with the original Americans to remove their ancestral motherland.
13 JulyScottish Church College, the oldest continuously prevalent in India, came to the fore as an institution of liberal arts and science college, Mahasabha.
13 JulyScottish Church College, the oldest continuous Christian liberal art and science college in India, was established as the institute of the Mahasabha.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1830 😀


Historical Events by Month 📅

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