According to Gregory calendar, on August 02, the day number in a year is 214 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 215. August 02 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 02 August in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1610English marine explorer Henry Hudson said that now Hudson Bay is known, thinking that he made it in the Pacific Ocean via Northwest Passage.
1738France assisted Emperor Karel Sahava in the war against Turkey.
1763The reason for the war of the British Army was fought with Mir Qasim in Giria, West Bengal, because of the British army occupying Murshidabad.
1782George Washington created an honorary badge of distinction.
1790It was the first time the American government got a public engagement in the US.
1790Earlier the United States census was held, as the Constitution of the United States was made mandatory to allocate the votes of Congress seats and by -elections.
1802In a referendum, Napoleon Bonaparte was confirmed as the first Consul of France.
1830Recently, his hand, Charles exempl, was forced to leave the throne in favor of his grandson Henry.
1831The Netherlands army captured Belgium after a campaign of ten days.
1870Tower subway, the world's first underground Kandra Marg, was opened under the River Tems in London.
1870Tower subway (internal picture), one of the oldest underground railway in the world, was opened under the River Temes in London.
1876American legal bill Hicock was assassinated during a Pokargeme in Dakota Territory Deadwood.
1903The internal Macedonian revolutionary organization began the Ilindon Rebellion against the Ottoman Empire in Macedonia.
1905Businessman and right-wing politician Christian Lundberg became Prime Minister of Sweden.
1922A storm in China killed about 60,000 people.
1923Calvin Coolized United States's 30th President Warren Ji Harding suffered a deadly heart attack.
1929Kansas, Okhla, as well as a high -temperature flood in addition to droughts like crossing in western Missouri. The temperature was going above 100 degrees and it reached 107 degrees throughout the canns. This is the hottest temperature recorded by the weather center.
1934German leader Adolf Hitler became President and Chancellor of Germany today after the death of German President Paul von Hindonburg
1939Physicist Leo Szeelald signed US President Franklin signed by Albert Einstein. Wrote a letter to Roosevelt, warning that Germany could develop a atomic bomb, which led to the establishment of the Manhattan project.
1947The British South American Airways aircraft crashed at Mount Tupungato at Argentina Andes, out of which debris could not be detected.
1964Three North Vietnamese Torpedo boats demolished Tofido into Tonkin's Gulf against Tofido against American destroyer Madox. On the 4th, the North Vietnamese patrol boats again attacked Medacox, which formed the Gulf of Tonquin resolution, which allowed American forces to attack on the north Vietnamese basis as their response.
1980The suicide bombings took place in Italy, in which 85 people died.
1980A terrorist bomb blast occurred at Italy's Central Station Bologna, killing 85 people and injured more than 200.
198085 people were killed and over 200 injured in a terrorist bombing at a railway station in Bologna city, Italy
1981Mohammad Ali Rajai was sworn in as the second President of Iran.
1984Euro court pitted against phone tapping.
1986The first film produced by Studio Gabili, Castle in the Sky directed by Hao Miyazaki, was released in Japan.
1990Iraq invaded Kuwait, also known as the First Gulf War. The war was internationally condemned and immediate economic sanctions against Iraq were implemented by members of the UN Security Council.
1990100,000 Iraqi soldiers invaded Kuwait due to an oil quarrel. Saddam Hussain, the Iraqi dictator threatened to convert the city of Kuwait into a 'cemetery', if another country tries to protest against the force.
1990Iraq attacked Kuwait, overturned the days of Kuwait's military war and finally increased the outbreak of the Gulf War after seven wars.
1999China has test-fired a missile with a long range of 8000 km, capable of hitting from surface to surface.
2003The United Nations Security Council allowed forces to be sent to Libya to stop the Huwe conflict.
2004Lindsay Davenport of America won the women's singles title of San Diago Tennis Championship by defeating Russia's Miscini.
2007A super market in Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay, caught fire, killing 300 people.
2007Two of Al Qaeda and Taliban supporters have been convicted at various places in Pakistan.
2008In the morning Kiyushu, the southern island of Jaffna, came under a terrible storm that caused widespread devastation by Ugasi.
2008The International Olympic Committee has removed the United States' 2000 Summer Olympic 4 × 400 meter relay team from their gold medal after Antonio Petigrav, one of the team members confessed to doping.
2009Communists of Mongolia are found in the Gobi Desert, unusual Buddhist goods buried in the 1930s during the expulsion.
2011The US Senate after voting in favor of a loan deal, only to avoid the default time limit, President Obama signed the agreement, which would increase the $ 2.4 trillion loan limit in the law.
2012According to the revelation of a source of the United States government, Barack Obama agreed to any secret order in early 2012, allowing CIA and American companies to supply rebels in Syria to allow the al-Assad regime to supply rebels in Syria. Can be uprooted. ,
2013Healthcare company Johnson & Johnson was charged a $ 85,000 in China after being accused of harassing anti -monopoly laws in the country. Some parts of the defect included concern that they were determining the minimum rate for medical devices.
216The Second Punik War-Karthajian forces led by Haniebal defeated a numerically better Roman army near Kannai city in Apulia, South-East Italy.
338A Mesidonian military defeated the joint army of Athens and Thebs in the Battle of Cheronia, keeping the Macedonian dominance on the ancient Greece.
416Roman Emperor Majorian was removed five days later and killed for his reform efforts, unlocked, Roman Emperor Majorian.

Important Historical Events of 02 August in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1701The Great Peace Hurons of Montreal signed Indian castes by France and North American at the urging of Chief Condieronque.
1858The Government of India Act was passed by the British Government.
1858The Government of India transferred the East India Company to the British Crown.
1861Famous scientist Prafulla Chandra Rai, who was an Indian, is considered the 'father of chemistry'.
1897The siege of Malakand ended when a relief column was able to achieve the British post in the Malakand region of the North West Frontier Province in colonial India.
1989Sri Lanka's Civil War-Indian Peace Sena greeted 64 minority Sri Lankan Tamil citizens during the two-day period in Vilvathithurai, Sri Lanka.
2001Pakistan was approved by the Government of India to import sugar from India.

Important Days of 02 August National & International Days 🏁

Sanskrit DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 02 August 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1844Sir Dinshaw Edulji Wacha / Politician / India
1876Pingali Venkayya / Geologist / India
1877Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla / Politician / India
1877Ravishankar Shukla / Politician / India
1887Tommy Ward / Cricketer / India
1929Vidya Charan Shukla / Politician / India
1930A. P. Venkateswaran / Politician / India
1945Bunker Roy / Activist / India
1956Vijay Rupani / Politician / India
1958Arshad Ayub / Cricketer / India
1983Yuvika Chaudhary / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 02 august 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 8 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of August