The year 1860 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1860 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1860 in World ⚡

06 NovemberAbraham Lincoln was elected the 16th President of America.
16 DecemberPowell Napco, one of the scientists who invented TV, was born.
29 FebruaryThe table machine was invented by Herman Hollerith.
09 MarchJapan appointed its ambassador to the US for the first time.
09 AprilFor the first time, the voice of man was notated.
10 JanuaryThe Pemberton Mill collapse in Lawrence Massachusetts, United States, killed 146 workers.
03 FebruaryThomas Claasen took over as the first US Superintendent of Agriculture.
09 MarchThe first Japanese embassy in the United States was established in San Francisco.
02 AprilThe first Italian Parliament meeting began in Turin.
18 MayAbraham Lincoln was elected as the US presidential candidate for the Republican Party.
30 JuneA historical debate about development was held at the Oxford University Museum.
19 JulyThe first railway was extended to Kansas.
03 AugustThe Second Maori War was launched in New Zealand.
08 SeptemberThe loss of the paddle steamer "Lady Elgin" on Lake Michigan submerged about 300 people.
08 OctoberTelegraph line launched between L&SF.
20 DecemberSouth Carolina became the first state to secede from the United States Union.
17 MarchThe First Taranaki War began at Waitara, New Zealand, markingan important phase of the New Zealand land wars.
24 MarchRonin samurai of Mito Domain assassinated the Prime Minister of Japan, Io Nosuke, who was troubled by his role in the inauguration of the Japan Toforining powers.
03 AprilThe Pony Express is a mail service that has become the most coronation of long distance communication in the US west.
09 AprilOn his fanographography machine, Phdouard-Léon Scott De Martinville made a record known recordings of a audible human voice, when he recorded himself singing 'Au Clair de Lun Lune'.
05 MayUnder the leadership of Italian General Guseppe Garibaldi, a voluntary campaign of a thousand flagged off a campaign to win the two Sicili empire from Jenoa.
30 JuneSeven months after Charles Darwin's publication of the on Origin of Species, several major British scientists and philosophers participated in a development debate at Oxford University Museum Oxford, England.
21 SeptemberThe second opium war-Engine-French army won a decisive victory against the soldiers of the King dynasty in the Battle of the municipality, allowing them to capture Beijing.
20 DecemberSouth Carolina became the first of the eleven slave states to separate from the United States, which led to the creation of the United States of America and later during the US Civil War.
29 DecemberTo compete with the French Navy's La Glair, the world's first Pironclad warship, the British Royal Navy launched the world's first threaded armored warship, HMS Warrier.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1860 in India ⚡

04 DecemberAgustino Lawrenceo of Margao, Goa, received a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Paris. He became the first Indian to pursue a doctorate from a foreign university.
19 DecemberLord Dalhousie, who was the Governor General of India from 1848 to 1856, died in Britain.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1860 😀

10 AugustVishnu Narayan Bhatkhande / Singer / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  19th Century History