According to Gregory calendar, on August 03, the day number in a year is 216 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 217. August 03 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 03 August in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1704Gibraltar captured the English fleet of Kallenburah.
1811Jungfra's first ascent was the third highest summit in the Bernani Alps.
1852The first Harvard-yellow Regata in the United States- was the first intercollegeatspports event, which was held at Vinseepasauki, Newhampshire Lake.
1852The inauguration was held at the first sports program to be held in the Harvard-Yale Regata-United State of America-Lakevinapasauki, New Hampshire.
1860The Second Maori War was launched in New Zealand.
1882The US Congress pushed forward the 1882 Immigration Act.
1886Mathalisharan Gupta, a poet of classical compositions like Panchavati, Yashodhara, Saket, was born on this day in Chirgaon, Jhansi.
1892The first electric light bulb in Bulgaria was used at the Plovdiv Fair.
1899John Marshall Law School founded in Chicago.
1900The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company was established.
1900Firestone tires and rubber company, leading in the maspraction of automobile tires, were installed in Occon, Ohio, US by Harvey Firestone.
1913The strike by agricultural laborers in Vehlandiah in California, USA, became impure in riots, one of California's first major agricultural labor relations.
1914During the First World War, Germany declared war against France.
1914First World War: Germany declares war against France
1916On this day, lyricist Shakeel Badauni was born.
1916The Irish nationalist Sir Roger case was hanged in London's Pentonville Jail on charges of treason for his role in Easter Rising, revolting from Britain to win Irish independence.
1929Jiddu Krishnamurthy is believed to have shocked the theosophy movement by dissolving the Order of the Staster, established for his support.
1936The African American athlete Jesse Owens won four times his medals at the Berlin Summer Olympics, defying the optimistic Aryan domination of Nazi leaders.
1938Eduardo Santos became the President of Colombia.
1940The Second World War-Italy began his attack on the British Somalland.
1948Prior to the Unitedstates House of Representatives' House Un-Amazer Activities Committee, the former detective became the informer of the government. The letters accused the US State Department official Algeria Sath of communist and Soviet spy.
1949The US Basketball Association agreed to merge with the National Basketball League to form the National Basketball Association.
1957Abdul Rahman was elected the new leader of Malaysia under whose leadership Malaysia gained independence from Britain. Abdul Rahman, who was educated in Britain, though he came from the royal family, was always called the leader of the common man.
1960Niger officially gained independence from France as part of the thedecolonization of the French community.
1977The United States Senate hearing was held on Project Mkeltra.
1984American swimmer and Olympic winner Ryan Locte was born.
2000Britain's 'Queen Mother' celebrated its 100th anniversary.
2001The first film "The Princess Diaries" starring Anne Hathaway was released.
2003The Anglican Church of America decided to appoint a gay bishop. Jane Robinson of New Hampshire was elected bishop by an overwhelming majority by the House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church.
2004The American spacecraft Messenger departed for the planet Mercury.
2004The Statue of Liberty is publicly open for the first time since the September 11 incident.
2005The BBC stumbled on documents, stating that in 1958 the British government helped Israel to get nuclear weapons.
2005Former Tehran Mayor Mahmud Ahmadinejad began his term as the sixth President of Iran.
2006The dispute between the Sri Lankan army and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam is the worst violence for the time when they agreed to ceasefire in 2002.
2007The Russian spacecraft Progress M61, which left for the International Space Station, successfully reached its orbit.
2007100 people died in a train accident in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
2007Mexican archaeologists proudly declare to find out what Aztec king's grave is considered, Ahuitzotal.
2007Former Deputy Director of Chile's secret police, Raulituriaga, was caught running after an allegation for kidnapping.
2008North Korea has announced that it will drive away the 'unnecessary' South Korean employees from the Kumgangson Resort and warns of military action as tension increases on the shooting of a South Korean tourist.
2009Bolivia became the first country in the history of South America, which understood the rights of local people to run their lives.
2010Iran dismissed the Brazil's proposal to give political asylum to Sakkinah Mohammadi Ashtani, which was condemned to death for infidelity in Iran.
2012The Mexican army arrested the accused of killing 49 bodies of Los Jitas Drug Cartel and dumping them in May 2012. The suspect is one of the 37 fugitives in this Apodaka jail riots, which took place earlier this year.
201380 people died in a rebellion in Iraq.
2014A genetic adaptation among Greenlanders that significantly increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, discovered by Danish scientists.

Important Historical Events of 03 August in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1803Second Anglo-Maratha War started against Scindia of British Gwalior.
2006The United States said that it would not aid uranium enrichment in India.

Important Days of 03 August National & International Days 🏁

Liberation DayNational Day
Maithilisharan Gupt JayantiNational Day
Niger Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 03 August 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1886Maithili Sharan Gupt / Poet / India
1916Shakeel Badayuni / Poet / India
1939Apoorva Sengupta / Cricketer / India
1956Balwinder Sandhu / Cricketer / India
1960Gopal Sharma / Cricketer / India
1984Sunil Chhetri / Footballer / India
1989Chetna Pandey / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 03 august 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 8 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of August