The year 1883 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1883 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1883 in World ⚡

21 SeptemberTelegraph service started between the US and Brazil.
30 OctoberThe great thinker and social reformer Swami Dayanand Saraswati died.
01 AugustIn order to give importance to the postal service, Great Britain introduced the inland postal service.
13 FebruaryGerman musician Richard Wagner died at the age of 70.
17 FebruaryThe great revolutionary, freedom fighter and social activist Vasudev Bal Vant Phadke died in Adan prison.
24 MarchNew York and Chicago had a phone conversation for the first time.
04 JanuaryLife magazine was first published in Los Angeles.
13 FebruaryGerman composer Richard Wagner Venice died of a heart attack in Italy.
16 MarchSusan Hayhurst became the first American female graduate of a college of pharmacy.
28 AprilThe first seven tournaments were played at Melrose RFC, Scotland.
24 MayThe Brooklyn Bridge opened to traffic 13 years after construction.
28 JuneThe first European central electric power station was inaugurated in Milan, Italy.
04 JulyThe world's first rodeo pecs were held in Texas.
01 AugustInland postal services were started in Great Britain.
15 SeptemberOpened to students at the University of Texas at Austin.
01 OctoberSydney High School (First Boys' Public School) was established in Sydney Australia.
14 NovemberThe Congress of Chile established the National Library.
20 DecemberThe cantilever railway bridge opened at Niagara Falls.
24 MayNew York City opened Brooklyn Bridge (Picture) - the world's longest suspension bridge at that time.
05 JuneOrient Express, a train line that operates Begmenum with intrigue and luxury trip.
05 JuneOrient Express, a train line which became synonymous with pithy and luxury trip, began.
16 JuneMore than 180 out of 1,100 children died in Victoria Hallal in Sunderland, England, when they dropped the stairs of gifts from entertainment after the end of a variety of shows.
16 JuneMore than 180 children died in Victoria Hallstamped in Sunderland, England, when they stamped the stairs to take gifts from entertainers after the end of a variety of shows.
12 AugustThe last known Keta, which is a subspecies of the field, passed away at the Artis Magistra Zoo in Amsterdam.
12 AugustLast known quota, a sub-species of Zebra, Artis Magistra Zoo died in Amsterdam.
26 AugustThe biggest explosion in human history occurred when Aropian destroyed the volcanic island of Kraktao (volcano).
26 AugustA large -scale explosion destroyed the volcanic island of Crakatoa, leading to so much ash that by next year the average global temperature fell to 1 ° C (2.2 ° F).

Important Historical Events of the Year 1883 in India ⚡

02 JuneThe first baseball game was played in electric lights at Ford Wayan Indiana.
21 JulyIndia's first public theater in Kolkata was the 'Hall Star Theater '.
28 MayBirth of 'Veer' Savarkar. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar was an Indian freedom-supporting activist, politician as well as a poet, writer and playwright. He advocated to end the system of caste in Hindu culture, and bring back Hindus back into Hinduism. Savarkar created the term Hindutva, and emphasized its uniqueness from Hinduism, which he associated with social and political communalism.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1883 😀

28 MayVeer Savarkar / Freedom Fighter / India
18 SeptemberMadan Lal Dhingra / Revolutionary / India
03 MayN. C. Sen Gupta / Professor / India
18 SeptemberMadan Lal Dhingra / Freedom Fighter / India
28 MayVeer Savarkar / Freedom Fighter / India
28 MayVinayak Damodar Savarkar / Politician / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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