According to Gregory calendar, on October 27, the day number in a year is 300 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 301. October 27 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 27 October in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1275The oldest record named Amsterdam 'was created by the Ona Certificate, which was made by the Count Floralis V of Holland, who allowed Inhimbents, who built a bridge with a dam across the amstale (picture), the bridge Exemption from paying toll.
1553Condemned as a heretical to promote non-trinitarianism and infant-infant baptism, Michael Servatus was burnt at stake outside of Geneva.
1605Akbar, the third ruler of the Mughal Empire, died in Fatehpur Sikri.
1644Joint forces of the English Civil War-Sansad recorded a rage over royalists, but failed to achieve any strategic loss in the second battle of Newbury.
1676Poland and Turkey signed the Treaty of Versailles.
1682William Penn landed on the way to the city of New Castle, Delaware Colony, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1751The Hauraki period began in Japan.
1789The Austrian army was killed by the Brant revolutionaries at the Battle of Turnhaut.
1795The United States and Spain signed the Treaty of Madrid, which the Spanish Colonies and the U.S. Establishes boundaries between.
1810The United States annexed the Republic of West Florida.
1810The United States cut the western colonies of Florida, West Florida.
1811Isaac Merritt Singer, the inventor of the sewing machine, was born.
1838Missouri Governor Lilburn Boggs ordered the expulsion, which is the order of all Mormon people) to leave the state.
1838Missouri Governor Lilburn Bogs issued 44 Executive Officer of Missouri, all Morman ordered to leave or kill the state.
1904New York City built the first underground pedestrian tract road.
1907The Hungarian Lingmans firing fifteen people firing a crowd of people collecting local church consignments at CSernova (now Ružomberok, Slovakia).
1914The Greek army captured the city of Northern Epirus at the behest of the Allies.
1916Supporters of the Emperor-Namit Iyasu V of the disgusted Ethiopia won the Segle battle, and ended the attempt to get him back the throne.
1920The 10th and first Dalit President of the country, K.K. R. Narayan was born in Travancore.
1920The headquarters of the League of Nations were moved to Geneva, Switzerland.
1922The Dutch 2nd Chamber voted for child labor laws.
1940The World Fair in New York concluded with a day's conclusion of 537,952 visitors.
1946After the referendum in France, the constitution of the fourth president of this country got public approval, thus the fourth democracy started in France.
1952Along with the film world, Anuradha Paudwal, who created a special identity with hymns, was born.
1958General Ayub Khan became the ruler of Pakistan by overthrowing Pakistan's President Skether Mirza.
1958General Ayub Khan removed Iskandar Mirza from the post to become the second President of Pakistan in a bloodless coup when Mirza appointed him the promoter of Marshal Law.
1959The cyclonic storm in western Mexico killed at least 2000 people.
1962After much calculation from the two parties, the United States and the USSR arrive at a consent plan to end hostility and the fortnight faces the old Cuba missile crisis, in which the world was considering a omnipotent nuclear armdone.
1971DRC (Congo Democratic Republic) Zaire has been re -organized.
1981The Cold War-Soviyat whiskey-headed submarine U 137 was surrounded by the Carlskron Naval Base (monument picture) near the runway, termed the incident of spark as 'whiskey on the Rocks '.
1986The British government has unexpectedly neutralized the financial markets, a step that has changed their way of functioning in the country, which has been described as 'Big Bang'.
1986International World Prayer Day was held in Assisi Italy.
1991The High Council of Turkmenistan approved the independence of this country from the Soviet Union.
1992US Navy's Petty Officer Alan R. Shindleer, Junior was killed in INSEBO, Nagasaki, Japan, who was a victim of hatred crime to be gay, who gave birth to a national debate, which did not establish the US forces. Do not tell the policy.
1999In the terrorist attack on Amenia Parliament, PM Vazhagen Sargsyan and Speaker Karen Demirchan were killed.
2000Henry McLeish became the first minister of Scotland.
2001Famous actor of Hindi films Pradeep Kumar died.
2003More than 50,000 people were affected by the earthquake in China.
2004Boston Red Sox completed a sweep of St. Louis Cardinalsto to win the first championship of the club in 86 years.
2005Most of the ninth African descent youths in various parts of France created a furore for four months due to the death of three Muslim youths in the Clichchi-Su-Boybab of Paris.
2005The death of two Muslim youths in the Clichchi-Sus-Bois suburb Paris in various parts of France had been four months after the riots by most of the youth of North African origin.
2006China's industrial and commercial bank shares went on sale in stock exchanges in Shanghai and Hong Kong, making it the world's largest IPO (initial public offering).
2008Two Nazi-Nazi white dominations have been arrested on charges of conspiracy to end the Kenai-based US Presidential candidate Barack Obama.
2009The Church of Scientology, which is placed under the test in France, has been convicted of organized fraud in the Gelic nation.
2010Human beings have been discovered by the largest neutron star, astronomers.
2011A bomb of the WW-II era has been discovered in the German city of Hal, which can remove 12,000 people.
2014The outbreak of a cholera claimed to have killed at least 51 people in Niger, the capital of Nigeria.

Important Historical Events of 27 October in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event

Important Days of 27 October National & International Days 🏁

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage [UNESCO]International Day
India Sweden Innovation DayNational Day
Infantry DayNational Day
World Day for Audiovisual HeritageInternational Day
Indian Army Celebrated Infantry DayNational Day
Audio-Visual Heritage DayNational Day
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 27 October 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1920K. R. Narayanan / Politician / India
1923Arvind Mafatlal / Industrialist / India
1968Dileep / Actor / India

See full list of famous people born on 27 october 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Fri 16 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  8831
  Post Category :  History of October