According to Gregory calendar, on December 06, the day number in a year is 340 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 341. December 06 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 06 December in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1060Bella I Champion was declared the king of Hungary.
1723Emperor Carell declared the Sixth Pragmatic Constitution.
1724The premiere of Collie Sibber's play "Caesar in Egypt" began in London.
1768The first edition of Encyclopपीdia Britannica was published.
1768The first edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica was published.
1774Austria became the first country to implement the state education system.
1848The Austrian Imperial Army led by Franz Schlick attacked Hungary.
1865Slavery in the United States was officially eliminated when the thirteenth amendment to the US Constitution was confirmed.
1877The first time a human voice was recorded, Thomas Edison was the first to say, "Re head a little Lamb".
1897London became the first city in the world to host a licensed taxicab.
1907An explosion of a coal mine in Monongah city of the United States killed 362 workers.
1907When the United States Bureau of Mines was established, at least 362 miners were killed in an explosion in Mononga, West Virginia.
1909Saratov State University was established in the Russian city.
1911Western Union introduced discounted rates for its trans-Atlantic cable service between New York and London.
1917Helifax Harbor, Nova Scotia, a ship in Canada, who was taking TNT and picric acid, caught fire after a collision with another ship and the second largest man -made contingent explosion in history occurred.
1917The Senate of Finland officially declared independence of the country in Russia.
1921The Anglo-Irish Treaty was signed and then came into existence by force after a year, the establishment of the Irish Free State, the first independent Irish state to be recognized by the British government.
1928At the behest of the United States, the Colombian army suppressed a one -month long strike by joint fruit companyworkers.
1935Michael Joseph Savage became the 23rd Prime Minister of New Zealand.
1953Vladimir Nabokov completed his controversial novel Lolita, five years after it started.
1956At the Melbourne Olympics, 14 -year -old swimmer Sandra Morganbeck won the Olympic gold medal winning Australian player.
1956Bahujan political leader and constitution builder Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar died.
1958The construction of the world's longest and most important tunnel began in Italy. Its excavation work was completed on 14 August 1964 after 6 years of hard work.
1975Four members of the Provincial Irish Republican Army took two people hostage in a house on Balcomb Street in Marylibon, London and surrendered six days later.
1978The people of Spain voted in favor of democracy and projected a new constitution to end the 40 -year autocratic rule in the referendum.
1978The citizens of Spain voted to establish democracy after 40 years of dictatorial rule.
1982The Irish National Liberation Army exploded a bomb blast in inballykelly, northern Ireland, killing eleven British army soldiers and civilian citizens.
1983Six Israeli civilians died in a bus explosion in Jerusalem.
1988The Australian capital region was provided self-governance.
1989Claiming that she was struggling with 'Feminism', 25 -year -old Marklepine killed fourteen women before committing suicide in Montreal's Ecole Polytechnic.
1992The Babri Masjid in Ayodhya is attacked by a mob of Hindu fighters, who later attacked Muslim homes and property in the two-month-old Hindu-Muslim rebellion, killing about 2000 people.
1992The disputed Babri Masjid structure in Ayodhya was demolished by fierce Hindu kar sevaks. As a result, around 400 people were killed in the violence.
1994According to studies conducted, about 1 pound of oil may be lying under the Windsor Castle in Berkshire. Rani has agreed to allow oil drilling in the ground of Windsor Castle.
1998Hugo Chavez was elected President of Venezuela.
2005The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has revealed a new species of photographs in Borneo. A carnivorous mammal like lemon refers to Mangoz and Civate that makes it a member of the Vive Ride family.
2005Members of the People's Armed Police shot and killed several people in Dongzhu, Guangdong, China, opposing government schemes to build a new power plant.
2006Pictures revealed by NASA prove that in the last 7 years, water has been flowing from 2 gulls on Mars.
2007France has begun to construct the world's second European pressure reactor on the third unit of the Flemanville nuclear power plant after signing an extraordinary agreement with China for new nuclear power.
2008The Republic of Ireland after identifying adulterated food recalls all its Irish pork products.
2009An HIV positive person is convicted for trying to pass his wife intentionally on the virus, such a case in New Zealand to report such a case for the first time.
2012Three people died and around 250 others were forced to vacate their homes due to a tornado and wild weather in the city of Auckland, New Zealand.
20127 people were killed and 770 were injured during Egyptian protests.
2012Seven people were killed and 770 were injured during a demonstration in Egypt.

Important Historical Events of 06 December in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1732Warren Hastings, the first Governor General of the East India Company, was born.
1907The first incident of dacoity related to India's freedom struggle occurred at Chingaripota railway station.
1987MiG-29 joined the Indian Air Force, renamed 'Baz'.
2011Due to the growing global economic crisis, the Reserve Bank of India has reduced interest rates by 25 basis points to 4.25 percent.

Important Days of 06 December National & International Days 🏁

Bhimrao Ambedkar Memorial DayNational Day
Civil Defense Foundation DayNational Day
Home Defense DayNational Day
Home Guard Raising DayNational Day
Finland Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 06 December 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1732Warren Hastings / Governor General / India
1732Lord Warren Hasting / Statesman / India
1732Warren Hastings / Governor General / India
1853Haraprasad Shastri / Historian / India
1932Kamleshwar / Author / India
1945Shekhar Kapur / Producer / India
1950Nirupama Rao / Diplomat / India
1985Rudra Pratap Singh / Cricketer / India

See full list of famous people born on 06 december 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Tue 20 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  14134
  Post Category :  History of December