According to Gregory calendar, on December 10, the day number in a year is 344 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 345. December 10 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.
Important Historical Events of 10 December in the World ⚡
Event Year | Incident/Event |
1508 | The Papal States, France, Aragon and the Holy Roman Empire formed the League of Kambarai, which was an alliance against the Republic of Venice. |
1582 | France started using the Gregorian calendar. |
1684 | Edmund Haley presented Paper de Motu Corporum at Garum, in which the rules of the Kepler of Isaac Newton were derived from the Royal Society, the principle of his togling. |
1799 | France became the first country to adopt the system for weight and measures. |
1817 | Recognized Mississippi as the 20th state of the United States. |
1861 | The forces led by an anti-colonial guerrilla Nagyun Troung Trok in South Vietnam drowned the French Lorcha Elaspence. |
1884 | Huckleberry Finn's Mark Twain Adventures was first published in London. |
1884 | The first published by American writer Mark Twainwas in the Adventures of Berry Finn in the United Kingdom and Canada. |
1896 | Alfred Bernhard Nobel, a Swedish chemist and founder of the Nobel Prize, died. |
1896 | Alfred Zari's play Ubu Roi performed his only performance in Paris, De Luvrey, who caused a riotous response to discredit. |
1898 | The Treaty of Paris was signed and the Spanish-American War ended. |
1898 | The Spanish-American War ended after the Confederate Paris. |
1901 | The first Nobel Prize was awarded on the anniversary of his founder Swedish chemist and industrialist Alfrednobel's death anniversary. |
1901 | The first Nobel Prize ceremony was held in Stockholm on the fifth anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death. |
1902 | The first Aswan Dam was built on the Nile River in Africa. |
1902 | Women were granted the right to vote in Tasmania. |
1903 | Pierre Curie and Marie Curie were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics. |
1907 | During the brown dog episode, around 1,000 protesters marched through London and then clashed with 400 police officers at Triphalgar Square on the existence of a memorial for animals, which were animals. |
1929 | A train accident in Namur near Belgium killed 17 people and injured 60. |
1936 | Edward eighth of the United Kingdom, still desires to marry American socialite Walis Simpson against widespread opposition, sacrificed the only British emperor, the throne, the only British emperor to voluntarily donate since the Anglo-Sexon period. |
1940 | Hitler gave a speech for munitians activists in Berlin. |
1941 | Japan won the Battle of Guam. |
1945 | Alcide de Gaspieri became the Prime Minister of Italy. |
1950 | Declared Human Rights Day. Its purpose is to draw the attention of people around the world to human rights, so that everyone in every country and community is seen with one eye. |
1953 | Albert Schitzer was awarded the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize. |
1958 | The first domestic passenger jet operated aircraft flight took place in the United States when the National Airlines Boeing 707 launched 111 passengers from New York City to Miami. |
1960 | The Nobel Prize-awarded African National Congress leader Albert Luthley appealed to end apartheid in South Africa. |
1968 | Japan's biggest successor, the ever-plow "300 million yen robbery", took place in Tokyo |
1977 | The fate of a millionaire and rice seller, Tongsoon Park was being debated by Korea and the United States, as they were convicted of fraud and corruption. It was assumed that Korea and American were close to an agreement in the case and would testify to the park American and later sent back to Korea. |
1979 | A large number of opposition leaders were arrested by Taiwan's KMT dictatorship, who organized pro -democracy demonstrations, an incident credited KMT's rule in 2000. |
1983 | Raul Alfonsin became the first democratically elected President of Argentina to hold the office after the fall of military democracy. |
1988 | According to rescuers, about 45,000 people have been killed and about 50,000 homeless due to the devastating earthquake in Armenia. |
1989 | During the first open democracy performance in Mongolia, journalist Tskhiagin Albegdorj announced the formation of the Mongolion Democratic Union, which will help in termination of Calogist regime after four months. |
1996 | The famous Confederate and President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, signed a new constitution. |
2002 | Former US President Jimmy Carter has been presented with the Nobel Peace Prize to help him solve the Middle East crisis in the 1970s using diplomacy. |
2005 | Socoliso Airlines flight 1145 crashed from Abuja to Port Harkourt killed about 103 people and injured 7 others. |
2007 | Christina Fernandes was sworn in as Argentina's first elected female president. |
2007 | Russian President Vladimir Putin announced at the party meeting that he would support Dimitri Medvedev as his successor in the March 2008 presidential election. |
2008 | After monitoring the stellar classes around Sagittarius A * (Super Vishal Black Hole at the center of Milky Way) for 16 years, scientists estimate the mass of the object at 4.31 million solar mass. |
2009 | A unsuccessful launch of the intercontinental missile RSM -56 by Russia is being described as the cause of mysterious spiral light appearing above Northern Norway yesterday. |
2010 | Somali pirates a Liberian ship in 80 natical miles east of the border between Pirates Tanzania and Mozambique, in the most spectacular attack yet. |
2011 | A citizen has died and at least 20 others have been injured, who were injured after an Israeli aerial attack on an terrorist base in Gaza city, says Palestinian. |
2013 | Uruguay became the first country to legalize the development, sale and use of drug marijuana. |
Important Historical Events of 10 December in India ⚡
Event Year | Incident/Event |
1878 | Chakravarti Rajagopalachari, the last Governor General of India, was born. |
1998 | Indian economist and philosopher Amartya Sen was awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics for his contribution in the field of welfare economics. |
2001 | Dada Muni, one of the stalwarts of Indian cinema, died. |
Important Days of 10 December National & International Days 🏁
Day/Observance | Level |
International Human Rights Day | International Day |
World Broadcast Children'S Day | International Day |
Animal Rights Day | National Day |
Dattatreya Jayanti | National Day |
Martyr Veer Narayan Singh Sacrifice Day | National Day |
Rajagopalacharya Jayanti | National Day |
Tripura Mahavidya And Annapurna Jayanti | National Day |
Human Rights Day | International Day |
Famous People's Birthdays on 10 December 😀
Birth Year | Name/Category/Country |
1878 | Chakravarti Rajagopalachari / Governor General / India |
1945 | Ranjana Kumar / Banker / India |
1878 | C. Rajagopalachari / Politician / India |
1878 | Chakravarti Rajagopalachari / Lawyer / India |
1878 | Chakravarti Rajagopalachari / Lawyer / India |
1902 | S. Nijalingappa / Politician / India |
1902 | Siddavanahalli Nijalingappa / Politician / India |
1943 | Chitra Mudgal / Writer / India |
1945 | Ranjana Kumar / Economist / India |
1948 | Jasuben Shilpi / Sculptor / India |
See full list of famous people born on 10 december 🔗
This day in other months 📅
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