The Chief Minister of West Bengal is the head of the executive branch of the Government of West Bengal. The Chief Minister heads the Council of Ministers and appoints ministers. The Chief Minister, along with his cabinet, exercises executive authority in the state. The Governor appoints the Chief Minister, whose Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the Legislative Assembly.

West Bengal's Chief Minister: Quick Facts

Current Chief MinisterMamata Banerjee
Political partyTrinamool Congress
Term of office5 years
Oath taking date20 May 2011
First Chief MinisterPrafulla Chandra Ghosh

Current Chief Minister of West Bengal 2023

Mamata Banerjee is an Indian politician who has served as the eighth and current Chief Minister of the Indian state of West Bengal since 20 May 2011, the first woman to hold the position. Banerjee started her political career in the Congress Party as a young woman in the 1970s. Banerjee previously served as Railway Minister twice, the first woman to do so. She is also the second woman Coal Minister and Minister of Human Resource Development, Youth Affairs and Sports, Women and Child Development in the Cabinet of the Government of India.

History of Chief Minister of West Bengal

The state of West Bengal was formed in August 1947. West Bengal has had eight Chief Ministers since then, with Prafulla Chandra Ghosh, the first Chief Minister of Bengal, sworn in from the Congress Party in August 1947 and the third longest serving Chief Minister, sworn in from the All India Trinamool Congress Party since May 2011. Jyoti Basu holds the all India record of serving the state for 23 years as Chief Minister. On 20 May 2011, Mamata Banerjee was sworn in as the Chief Minister of West Bengal, the current Chief Minister of Bengal and the first woman to hold the office.

Complete List of Chief Ministers of West Bengal (1947-2023)

Here is the Latest updated Complete List of West Bengal CM from 1947 to 2023 with Names, Service Period, and Political Parties Information:

Name of chief ministerDischargeDischargeParty/political party
Prafulla Chandra Ghose15 August 194722 January 1948Indian National Congress
Bidhan Chandra Rai23 January 194825 January 1950Indian National Congress

Chief Minister of West Bengal:

Name of chief ministerDischargeDischargeParty/political party
Bidhan Chandra Roy26 January 195001 July 1962Indian National Congress
Prafulla Chandra Sen01 July 196228 February 1967Indian National Congress
Ajay Kumar Mukherjee01 March 196721 November 1967Bangla Congress
Prafulla Chandra Ghose21 November 196719 February 1968Independent

President's rule (from 20 February 1968 to 25 February 1969)

Ajay Kumar Mukherjee25 February 196930 July 1970Bangla Congress

President's Rule (30 July 1970 to 02 March 1971)

Ajay Kumar Mukherjee02 April 197125 June 1971Indian National Congress

President's Rule (25 June 1971 to 19 March 1972)

Siddhartha Shankar Ray20 March 197230 April 1977Indian National Congress

President's Rule (30 April 1977 to 20 June 1977)

Jyoti Basu21 June 197705 November 2000Communist Party (Marxist)
Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee06 November 200013 May 2011Communist Party (Marxist)
Mamata Banerjee20 May 2021In presentTrinamool Congress

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