What is scientific research?

"Scientific research is the systematic and objective recording and analysis of any controlled observation, on the basis of which generalizations, rules, or principles are developed and by which a number of phenomena, which may be the result or cause of a particular action, can be controlled." and about them. Research in simple language is 'Search for knowledge' or 'Methodical investigation' in any field. Scientific research attempts to solve curiosities by resorting to the scientific method, testing old things and theories, So that new facts can be obtained, it is called research.

Today the whole world is living in the era of science and technology. Science and technology have made a lot of progress with time. New inventions of science and technology have made human life very simple and easy. India is also slowly developing in the field of science and technology. India has established various research institutes for its science and technology, the list of which is as follows-

List of Atomic Energy Research Institutes:

Atomic Energy Research Institute Establishment Year Headquarters
Bhabha Atomic Research Center 1954 Mumbai (Maharashtra)
High Altitude Research Laboratory (Defence Institute of High Altitude Research - DIHAR) 1963 Gulmarg (Himachal Pradesh)
Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research 1971 Kalpakkam (Tamil Nadu)
Kaiga Atomic Power Station 2000 Kaiga (Karnataka)
Madras Atomic Power Station 1984 Madras (Tamil Nadu)
Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS) 1993 Kakrapar (Gujarat)
Naraura Atomic Power Station 1991 Narora (Uttar Pradesh)
Rajasthan Atomic Power Station 1973 Ravatbhata (Rajasthan)
Uranium Corporation of India Limited 1967 Singhbhoomi (Jharkhand)
Tarapur Atomic Power Station 1969 Tarapur, Mumbai (Maharashtra)

List of institutions under the major Department of Space of India:

Space Institute Establishment Year Headquarters
Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Center 1962 Thumba, Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala)
ISRO Satellite Center (ISAC) 1972 Bangalore (Karnataka)
Space Applications Centre 1972 Ahmedabad (Gujarat)

List of major scientific and technical institutions of India:

Scientific and Technological Institute Establishment Year Headquarters
Sriharikota Range Center 1971 Shri Harikota (Andhra Pradesh)
Master Control Facility (ISRO) 1982 Hassan (Karnataka)
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre 1963 Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala)

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  Last update :  Mon 29 May 2023
  Post Views :  18347
  Post Category :  Space Science