According to Gregory calendar, on October 12, the day number in a year is 285 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 286. October 12 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 12 October in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1398The Grand Duke Viyatutas of Lithuania, the Great and Tutonic Nights Grand Master Konrad Von Jungingan signed the Treaty of Salinas, the third attempt to hand over Samogitia to the Nights.
1492Assuming that he had reached the East Indies, Christopher Columbus made a landfall on an island in the Caribbean, causing a series of incidents due to US European colonization.
1711Carell VI was crowned Habsburg Roman Catholic Emperor.
1730Christian VI succeeded Frederick IV as King of Denmark.
1776The British brigade began guarding the Thorg Necas Road in the Bronx.
1792The first Columbus Day celebrations were held in the United States in New York City, 300 years after their arrival in the New World.
1792Christopher Columbus, who discovered America, was dedicated to the first memorial in Baltimore, Maryland.
1798The Flemish rebellion against the French-occupied Boerenkridge began.
1799When she landed at 900 meters (3,000 ft) from a hot air balloon, Janeviv Labrase became the first woman to create the appearance jump (artwork painted).
1799Janné Genevieve Lubrosse became the first woman to jump from a balloon with a parachute from a height of 900 meters.
1815The former King of Naples sentenced Joachim Murat to death.
1822Pedro-I of Brazil was declared the Constitutional Emperor of Brazil.
1847A German inventor Vonner Von Siemens founded Siemens and Halske, which later became Siemens AG, the largest engineering company in Europe.
1847German inventor and industrialist Werner von Siemens founded Siemens AG and Halske Ko.
1850The first women's medical school, the Women's Medical College of Pens) was opened.
1854Lincoln University was founded as the Ashmun Institute.
1871The British Government enacted the Criminal Tribes Act under which 160 local communities were declared to be criminals.
1879British troops captured Kabul and Afghanistan.
1892The United States Plays of Alziganess was first used in public schools with the opening of the world's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois.
1898The first city council was established in Matiur.
1901US President Theodore Roosevelt changed the name of Rashtrapati Bhavan from Executive Manson to the White House.
1909The football team was established in Curitiba, Brazil.
1910John D. opened his first 75-bed hospital at the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research in New York.
1915A German firing squad killed British nurse Edith Cavel to help all friendly soldiers to escape Belgium's occupation.
1917First World War-Nuzeland soldiers suffered 2,735 casualties, including 845 deaths, in the first battle of Paschendele, this is the country's biggest disadvantage in a day.
1928A 'Iron Lung' medical ventilator designed by Philip Dinker and his colleagues at Boston's Childrenhores was first used to treat poliomyelitis.
1928For the first time, a machine named 'Iron Lung ' was used for a child at Children's Hospital in Boston, USA.
1937Federal agents kill Al Brady and his gang members in a firing at Bangore, Main on Columbus Day in 1937.
1945The Nazi party has been asked to spread by The Allied Control Council. It has been warned that any attempt to restore it in any form will be considered a criminal offense.
1945The Communists won the Shangdang campaign.
1960Japan Socialist Party leader Engir Asanuma was murdered using a Samurai sword on a live TV.
1964For the first time in the world, the Soviet Union sent astronauts to space without wearing a space suit.
1966The Nobel Peace Prize for Medicine has been presented to two American doctors, Francis Peetan Rautand Charles B. Hugins. He dedicated his life to battle cancer.
1968Spain declared Equatorial Guinea as its independent.
1968The 19th Summer Olympic Games of XIX Olympiad began in Mexico City, Mexico.
1968Equatorial Guinea, a country located in Central Africa, gained independence from Spain and this day was declared the national day of this country.
1982Thorborn Faldin became the Prime Minister of Sweden.
1984The provisional Irish Republican Army carried out a bomb blast at Bretton, Grand Hotel in England, unsuccessfully attempts to kill Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and most of his cabinet.
1991Iraq's nuclear program is banned by the United Nations Security Council to prevent exploitation and used as cover of secret weapons laboratories.
1992The Cairo earthquake in 1993 killed 543 people and injured more than 6,500.
1992A 5.8 MB earthquake occurred south of Cairo, Egypt, killing 545 people.
1992The earthquake in Egypt's capital, Cairo, killed about 510 people.
1997The massacre on the Falls Road block of Sidi Dawood city in Algeria killed 43 people.
1998The US Parliament passed the online copyright bill.
1999Pakistani General Pervez Musharraf led the military coup against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government.
2000Two suicidal attackers attacked the US Navy destroyer USS. It was probably in anchor in the Aden of Yemen, killing 17 members of its crew, while 39 others were injured.
2000The spacecraft 'Discovery' launched from Florida.
2002A terrorist attack at a nightclub in Bali killed 202 people.
2004Pakistan test-fired the Gauri-1 missile.
2005The People's Republic of China launched the human spacecraft, Shanejho 6 spacecraft with Fee Junlong and Nih Hiseng spent five days in it.
2008A nun Alphonsa Muttathupadathu, a nun from Kerala, sets an example by becoming the first female saint of the Catholic Church.
2010Facebook has received a letter from Greenpeace that has half a million signatures that are asking the company to cut their relations with coal -based electricity.
2013Two million people face loss of electricity and five people are killed when Typhoon Narhiits Philippines.
2014Social activist Evo Morales was elected as the President of Bolivia for the third consecutive time.
2014Evo Morales was again elected President of Bolivia.

Important Historical Events of 12 October in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1871The Criminal Tribes Act came into force in British India, giving the arrest, control, and monitoring of the activities of 160 tribal or social communities to arrest, control, and monitor activities.
1967Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, a fighter, fierce thinker and socialist politician of India's freedom struggle, died.
1988The Birchandra Manu massacre took place in Tripura, India.
1988Sri Lankan Citizen War-Indian soldiers launched a unsuccessful attack on Jaffna University, which served as the military headquarters of Tamil Tigers.
2008Sister Alphonsa of Kerala became the first female saint of India.
2009India successfully tested its indigenously developed medium -distance missiles in the eastern state of Orissa.

Important Days of 12 October National & International Days 🏁

World Natural Disaster Prevention DayInternational Day
Ram Manohar Lohia Memorial DayNational Day
World Arthritis DayInternational Day
Equatorial Guinea Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 12 October 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1911Vijay Merchant / Cricketer / India
1931Bhumidhar Barman / Politician / India
1931Kumar Vimal / Writer / India
1935Shivraj Patil / Politician / India
1935Shivraj V Patil / Politician / India
1946Ashok Mankad / Cricketer / India
1991Akshara Haas / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 12 october 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 15 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of October