National Consumer Day Quick Facts

Event NameNational Consumer Day ()
Event Started2000
Event LevelNational Day
Observed byIndian government

National Consumer Day Brief

In India, 'National Consumer Day' is celebrated every year on the 24th of December. It is noteworthy that on December 24, 1986, the Consumer Protection Act Bill was passed. After this amendments were made to this Act in 1991 and 1993.

In order to make the Consumer Protection Act more functional and purposeful, a comprehensive amendment was brought in December 2002 and came into force on 15 March 2003. Consequently, the Consumer Protection Rules, 1987 were also amended and notified on 5 March 2004.

National Consumer Day History

The Government of India has declared 24 December as National Consumer Day, as the President of India accepted the enactment of the Historic Consumer Protection Act, 1986 on the same day. Apart from this, March 15 is celebrated every year as World Consumer Rights Day. This day is written in golden letters in the history of Indian consumer movement. This day was First celebrated in India in the year 2000.

National Consumer Day Objective

The purpose of National Consumer Day is to make the consumer aware of his rights and responsibilities.

More info about National Consumer Day

What is the Consumer Protection Act called?

The Consumer Protection Act 1986 was enacted to protect the rights and interests of those who are consumers in some way or the other from the exploitation of trade and industry. According to this Act, any person who buys goods and services for his own use is a consumer. User is also a consumer of these goods and services with the permission of the Buyer.

Main consumer Rights

Everyone is a consumer, regardless of occupation, age, gender, community and religious creed. Consumer rights and welfare have become an integral part of every person's life today and we have used all of these in our daily life somewhere.

"World Consumer Rights Day" is observed every year on 15th March. This was stated in a landmark declaration made by former US President John F. Kennedy, which states the four fundamental rights.

  • Right to protection
  • Right to information
  • Right to choose
  • Locus standi

This declaration ultimately led to an international recognition of the fact that all citizens, regardless of their income or social status, have fundamental rights as consumers. 9 April 1985 is another notable day when a set of Guidelines for Consumer Protection was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations and the Secretary General of the United Nations interacted with the member countries to change policy or adopt these guidelines by law.

Some laws of consumer rights protection:

According to the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, a person who buys goods or services for his own use is a consumer. Any person using such goods/services with the permission of the purchaser is also a consumer. So each of us is a consumer in some way or the other.

Consumers as well as Voluntary Consumer Organizations, Central or State Governments, may take action against one or more consumers.

  1. Indian Telegraph Act-1885
  2. post office act 1898
  3. Indian Merchandise Act 1930, relating to Consumer/Civil Courts
  4. Agricultural Products Related to Directorate of Agriculture and Marketing Government of India
  5. Drugs Control Administration MRTP Commission-Consumer Civil Court relating to Drugs and Cosmotic Act-1940
  6. The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969
  7. Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act-1970
  8. Indian Institute of Standards (Certificates) Act-1952, relating to Consumer/Civil Courts
  9. Food Adulteration Act-1954,
  10. Life Insurance Act-1956,
  11. Trade and Merchandise Marks Act-1958,
  12. Hire Purchase Act-1972,
  13. Chit Fund Act-1982
  14. Railway Act'-1982
  15. Information and Technology Act-2000
  16. Electrical Wire Cables-Equipment and Accessories (Quality Control) Act-1993
  17. Indian Electricity Act-2003
  18. The Drug and Magic Remedies Act-1954 relating to Drug Inspector-Consumer-Civil Court
  19. Food and Supplies Related Essential Commodities Act-1955
  20. The Standards of Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodity Rules) - 1977
  21. The Standard of Weights and Measures (Enforcement Act, 1985)
  22. The Prevention of Black Marketing and Maintenance of Supplies Essential Commodities Act, 1980
  23. State Pollution Control Board/Central Government Water (Conservation and Control of Pollution) Act-1976
  24. Air (Protection and Control of Pollution) Act-1981
  25. Household Electrical Appliances (Quality Control) Order-1981 relating to Bureau of Indian Standards-Civil/Consumer Court
  26. Bureau of Indian Standards Act-1986 relating to Bureau of Indian Standards,
  27. Consumer Protection Act related to consumer court
  28. Environment Protection Act-1986 related to the Ministry of Environment-State and Central Pollution Board
  29. Electrical Appliances (Quality Control) Orders relating to Bureau of Indian Standards-Civil-Consumer Court

Important Days of December Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
01 DecemberWorld AIDS Day - International Day
02 DecemberInternational Slave Eradication Day - International Day
03 DecemberWorld Disability Day - International Day
04 DecemberIndian Navy Day - National Day
05 DecemberWorld Soil Day - International Day
05 DecemberInternational Volunteer Day - International Day
07 DecemberInternational Civil Aviation Day - International Day
09 DecemberInternational Anti-Corruption Day - International Day
10 DecemberInternational Human Rights Day - International Day
11 DecemberInternational Mountains Day - International Day
14 DecemberNational Energy Conservation Day - National Day
16 DecemberNational Victory Day - National Day
18 DecemberInternational Minority Rights Day - International Day
20 DecemberInternational Human Unity Day - International Day
22 DecemberNational Mathematics Day - National Day
23 DecemberNational Farmers Day - National Day
24 DecemberNational Consumer Day - National Day
25 DecemberChristmas Day - International Day

National Consumer Day FAQs:

National Consumer Day is observed every year on 24 December.

Yes, National Consumer Day is an National Day that is celebrated every year on December all over the India.

National Consumer Day started on 2000.

National Consumer Day is observed every year by Indian government.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  15087
  Post Category :  Important Days of December