According to Gregory calendar, on December 22, the day number in a year is 356 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 357. December 22 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 22 December in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1241Lahore was captured by Bahadur Taym Hulagu Khan, the chief of the Mongols.
1666Guru Govind Singh was born.
1715James Edward Stuart reunited the Jacobite rebels in Scotland, but failed to provoke his army.
1769Sino-Burmese War 1765–69) ended by conflict.
1769After the sound was defeated in the war, the King dynasty agreed to Trin's terms, ending the China-Burmese war.
1772The first schoolhouse west of the Moravian missionary Allegheny was built.
1807In an attempt to avoid getting entangled with Napoleon's wars, The United States Congress passed the Ambergo Act, refusing to catch American ships to trade with foreign countries.
1807The United States Congress passed the sanctions law.
1851The first freight train in the country was run from Roorkee.
1855The Metropolitan Board of Works was established in London.
1882Christmas Christmas lights tree made by Thomas Edison.
1882The first Christmas tree was decorated with bulbs made by Thomas Edison.
1886The first national accountant "society was formed in America.
1891323 Brucian' became the first meteorite to be discovered by photography.
1910Postal savings letter issued for the first time in America.
1920The 8th Congress of the Soviet Union approved the GOELRO scheme, the first plan for national economic reform and development.
1937Lincoln Tunnel, connecting New York City to Wehaven, New Jersey, opened.
1940Manvendra Nath Rai announced the establishment of the Radical Democratic Party.
1944During the Second World War, General Anthony McAoliff of the US Army responded to the German ultimatum of surrender during the war with the word angle, 'Nuts! '
1947Italy voted to accept the new constitution.
1947The Constitution of the Italian Republic was enacted by the Constituent Assembly.
1956Britain and France left the port and withdrew their forces from Egypt after continuing to occupy Egypt's port of port Said for 50 days.
1961The US conducted a nuclear test in Nevada.
1964Lockheed SR -71 Blackbird, long distance from the United States Air Force, Mach 3+ strategic reconnaissance aircraft and The World's fastest manual aircraft took their first flight.
1972Australia established diplomatic relations with China and East Germany.
1972More than 12 thousand people died in the 6.25 magnitude earthquake in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua.
1974Grande Komor, Anjun and Mohali voted to become a trusted country of Komoros.
1984While riding the New York City Subway train, Bernhard Goitz shot four African American youths who attempted to loot him, a nationwide debate over the legal boundaries of vigilance, racism and self -defense.
1988Brazilian unionist and environmental activist Chiko Mendes was kept in his Xapuri house.
1988A Pan Am's jumbo jet crashed in the town of Lockerbie near the Scottish border with 258 passengers.
1989Minus 18 ° F in Denver, Consula in Kanses City, Missouri, -42 degree F in Denver, Scotsbrasska -47 ° F, F in Hardine Mont F and Black Hills South Dakota -60 ° F.
1997Hussain Farah Aidid abandoned the disputed title of Somalia's previous birth.
2001Burhanuddin Rabbani of the northern coalition handed over Powerin Afghanistan to the interim government led by Hamid Karzai.
2010US President Barack Obama signed a law related to homosexuality, paving the way for homosexuals in the military.
2010An important colleague-conservative study of the spatial memory of Bambalbes has written to the Royal Society's Biology Letters Journal by two eight years old.
2010The United States reiterated its controversial 'Dont Ask, Dontel' policy on homosexuals in the army.
2011Noted nuclear physicist P.K. Iyengar died.
2011The protesters protesting against the construction of a power plant in Hayman, southern China were fired and arrested.
2011The proposed penance measures of Italian Prime Minister Mario Monty are debated by the Italian Senate.
2012Christmas food parcels are distributed in the Republic of Ireland; Hundreds of people are in line to get them.
2012After the resignation of Prime Minister Mario Monty, Italian President Giorgio Napolitano dissolved Parliament.
2013A safety news site reports that 40 million target corporations stolen from customers and debit card account are for sale in the black market; The cards are being sold for more than $ 20 to $ 100.
2013President Barack Obama and the first family started their 17 -day air holiday; This is the sixth consecutive year when Obama has visited family and friends on the island of Ohu for Christmas and New Year.
2014The tension for the New York City Police increases after the police killed two officers to avenge the murder of two unarmed black people in recent weeks; Police have been ordered to work in the first couple while in patrol and consider their safety.
2014Pakistani officials arrested the suspects in the Taliban military school attack in which 148 people were killed; The government has removed the death sentence and bombed the terrorist strongholds along the Afghan border to address the terrorist violence.

Important Historical Events of 22 December in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1939Members of the All India Muslim League celebrated a 'Day of delivery' to celebrate the resignation of members of the Indian National Congress on the decision to enter World War II at the request of the United Kingdom.

Important Days of 22 December National & International Days 🏁

National Mathematics DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 22 December 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1666Guru Gobind Singh / Poet / India
1853Sarada Devi / Philosopher / India
1887Srinivasa Ramanujan / Mathematician / India
1887Srinivasa Ramanujan / Scientist / India
1929Wazir Mohammad / Cricketer / India
1947Dilip Doshi / Cricketer / India
1971Ajeenkya Patil / Academic / India

See full list of famous people born on 22 december 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Wed 21 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  9528
  Post Category :  History of December