The Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh is the chief executive of the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. According to the Constitution of India, the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh is the legal head of state, but actual executive authority rests with the Chief Minister. Following elections to the Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly, the Governor usually invites the party with a majority to form the government. The Governor appoints the Chief Minister, whose Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the Legislative Assembly.

Arunachal Pradesh's Chief Minister: Quick Facts

Current Chief MinisterPema Khandu
Political PartyPeople's Party of Arunachal
Term of office5 years
Oath taking date30 May 2019
First Chief MinisterPrem Khandu Thangun

Current Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh 2023

Pema Khandu is an Indian politician. He became the youngest Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh on 29 May 2019. In 2005, he became the Secretary of Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee. In 2010 he became the President of Tawang District Congress Committee. On 16 July 2016, he contested the elections as leader of the Congress Legislature Party. In 2014, he again contested the assembly elections from Mukto and won unopposed.

At the age of 37, he took oath as the Chief Minister on 17 July 2016. On 16 September 2016, Pema Khandu left the Indian National Congress along with 43 MLAs from the ruling party and joined the People's Party of Arunachal and formed the government with the Bharatiya Janata Party. On 31 December 2016, he joined the Bharatiya Janata Party along with 33 MLAs from the People's Party of Arunachal and formed the government.

History of Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh was formed on 13 August 1975 and Janata Party leader Prem Khandu Thungon was the first Chief Minister of the state. Since 1975, the state has had 9 Chief Ministers, with Gegong Apang being the longest serving Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh. The major ruling parties have been the Indian National Congress party followed by the People's Party of Arunachal and the state has also seen President's rule twice. For a period of one month. Pema Khandu is the 9th Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, becoming the youngest Chief Minister at the age of 37.

Complete List of Chief Ministers of Arunachal Pradesh (1975-2023)

Here is the Latest updated Complete List of Arunachal Pradesh CM from 1975 to 2023 with Names, Service Period, and Political Parties Information:

Serial No.Name of the Chief MinisterTake officePost freeParty/political party
1Prem Khandu Thangun13 August 197518 September 1979Indian National Congress
2Tomo Raiba18 September 197903 November 1979Arunachal People's Party

President's Rule (03 November 1979 to 18 January 1980)

3Gegong Apang18 January 198019 January 1999Indian National Congress, Arunachal Congress
4Mukut Mithi19 January 199903 August 2003Arunachal Congress (Mithi), Indian National Congress
5Gegong Apang03 August 200309 April 2007United Democratic Front, Bharatiya Janata Party, Indian National Congress
6Dorji Khandu09 April 200730 April 2011Indian National Congress
7Jarbom Garlin05 May 201131 October 2011Indian National Congress
8Nabam Tuki01 November 201117 July 2016Indian National Congress
9Pema Khandu17 July 2016May 2019People's Party of Arunachal
10Pema KhanduMay 2019So farPeople's Party of Arunachal

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