The year 1892 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1892 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1892 in World ⚡

22 MayDoctor Washington Scheffield invented the tube for toothpaste.
28 SeptemberThe first night of football was played.
13 OctoberEdward Emerson Bernard first discovered the tail star, called D-1892T1, through photographs.
23 NovemberBelgium defeated Arabia in the Battle of Lomani Congo. About 3000 people died in the war.
20 JanuaryBasketball was played for the first time.
11 JanuaryHawaii Historical Society was established.
02 FebruaryJohnny Briggs scored hat-trick England vs Australia.
15 MarchJessie W. Reno invented the first escalator.
15 AprilThe General Electric Company was established in New York.
28 MayJohn Muir Sierra Club organized in San Francisco.
07 JuneThe Republican convention began in Minneapolis.
03 AugustThe first electric light bulb in Bulgaria was used at the Plovdiv Fair.
16 SeptemberThe first woman took admission to Yale University to graduate.
01 OctoberUniversity of Chicago ICT placed in first grade.
02 NovemberThe French poet Paul Varlein traveled to the Netherlands.
05 DecemberJohn Thompson became the fourth Prime Minister of Canada.
01 JanuaryThe immigration station on Ellis Island in New York Harbor Opened, and would, over the course of its existence, process twelve million immigrants to the United States.
15 MarchLiverpool F.C., one of England's most successful footballclubs, was founded.
18 MarchCanadian Governor General Lord Stanley of Preston pledged to donate what would become the Stanley Cup, today the oldest professional sports trophy in North America, as an award for Canada's top-ranking amateur ice hockey club.
18 MarchLord Stanley of Preston pledged to donate an award for Canada'stop-ranked amateur ice hockey club, now known as the Stanley Cup, the oldest professional sports trophy in North America.
28 MayAided by a group of professors at the University of Celfornia, Berkeley and Stanford University, conservationist John Muirfond entered the Sierra Club, the Environmental Organization in San Francisco.
06 JuneChicago's 'L ' train (picture of 1922 train), the second longest rapid transit system in total track mileage in Unitedstates began.
07 JuneA 'Actoroon' Homer Plessy of New Orleans was arrested for leaving the car 'Whats-only' in the train.
06 JulyDuring a steelworkers strike at Homestad, Pennsylvania, the advertising between strikers and Pinkan agents resulted in tenders and dozens of people were injured.
07 JulyThe Philippine revolutionary Gupta Samaj Katipunan was established by the anti -Spanish Philipino in Manila.
24 AugustGudison Park in Liverpool, England, which is one of the world's first built football grounds.
12 OctoberThe United States Plays of Alziganess was first used in public schools with the opening of the world's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois.
08 NovemberDespite the racial partition, Black and White Union members united in a general strike in New Orleans, Louisiana, America.
12 NovemberWilliam Hefliner was paid $ 525 by Allegheni Athletic society, the first professional American football player.
18 DecemberThe first performance of the fairy-story Balle The Natackerwas was held at Maryinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1892 in India ⚡

06 JulyDadabhai Naoroji was elected as the first Indian Member of Parliament in Britain.
06 JulyDadabhai Naoroji became the first Indian to be elected in the British Parliament. He was a Parsi intellectual who became a social reformer. He was actually one of the largest cotton traders in India. He played a major role in the Indian freedom struggle.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1892 😀

01 JanuaryMahadev Desai / Author / India
14 NovemberBirbal Sahni / Scientist / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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