The year 1947 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1947 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1947 in World ⚡

09 MayThe World Bank gave its first loan to France.
10 JulyIn the Canton area of ​​China, 200 people died after a train fell in a river.
16 September1,930 people were killed by cyclone Kathleen in Saitama, Japan's capital.
17 SeptemberDepartment of Defense was established in the US.
18 SeptemberNational Security Act passed.
30 SeptemberPakistan and Yemen joined the United Nations.
23 OctoberGertie Corey and her husband Carl Corey were the first couple to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine. He was given this award for his theory of carbohydrate cycle.
16 November1,930 people were killed by cyclone Kathleen in Saitama, Tokyo.
21 NovemberPost independence stamps were issued for the first time in the country.
04 AugustThe Supreme Court was established in Japan.
08 AugustPakistan approved its national flag.
15 AugustRaksha Bravery Awards - Paramvir Chakra, Mahavir Chakra and Vir Chakra were instituted.
23 DecemberThe transistor was first performed at Bell Laboratories.
16 JanuaryVincent Aurel was elected President of France.
17 FebruaryVoice of America' began airing in the Soviet Union.
23 FebruaryThe International Standardization Organization established the world standard.
08 AprilAmerican industrialist Henry Ford died at the age of 83.
25 JanuaryFamous gangster Al Capone died.
05 FebruaryBolselva Berat became President of Poland.
15 MarchHindu and Muslim conflict started in Punjab.
07 AprilThe Arab Bath Party was founded in Damascus.
29 MayAn airplane crashed in a mountainous area on the Flugelag Islands, killing 25 people.
10 JuneIn Sweden, the Saab company built its first automobile.
30 SeptemberPakistan and Yemen became members of the United Nations.
24 OctoberThe first President of Pakistan established Azad Kashmir in Pakistan.
22 DecemberItaly voted to accept the new constitution.
12 FebruaryFrench designer Christian Dior unveiled a 'New Look' that revolutionized women's dress and reestablished Paris as the center of the fashion world after World War II.
12 FebruaryThe Sikhote-Alin meteorite, one of the largest iron meteorite impacts ever observed, fell in the Sikhote-Alin Range in Siberia.
23 FebruaryThe International Organization for Standardization, responsible for worldwide industrial and commercial standards, was founded.
01 MarchThe International Monetary Fund began its financial operations.
06 AprilThe first Tony Awards were given at the Waldorf-Estoria Hotel in New York City, recognizing the achievement at Live Americanthiare.
07 AprilThe Arab Bath Party was established in Damascus.
15 AprilJackie Robinson, the first African American, who played his first game in Major League baseball, to break the breadball color line.
16 AprilThe US Financer and President's advisor Bernard Barchfiest described the post -World War II tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States as 'Cold War'.
18 AprilIn the largest non-atomic single explosive detonation history, the Royal Navy installed 4,000 tonnes of surplus ammunition with unsuccessful attempts to destroy the island of Heligoland, Germany.
19 April522 people were killed when a French ship exploded near the city of Texas.
01 MayThe Italian separatist Salwatore Giuliano and his gang opened fire near Pisa Digli Albnesi, Sicily during the May Day March, killing 33 injured 11ands.
05 JuneIn a speech at Harvard University, the United States Foreign Secretary George Marshal called for financial assistance to war-affected Europe, designing a recovery program which is known as a martial plan.
20 JuneA mafia hitman killed gangster Bagsey Seial in Beverly Hills, California.
24 JuneKenneth Arnold reported the UFO to be widely seen for the first time near Mount Rainier, Washington. Kenneth A. Arnold was an American aviator and businessman. He is commonly known for creating the first widely reported unknown flight object in the United States, after claiming to see nine unusual items flying in a series near Mount Rainier in Washington .
25 JuneThe diary of a young girl (known as Anne Frank's diary) was published. The Diary of a Young Girl, a book written by the Dutch language diary kept by Anne Frank, while she was hiding with her family for two years during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. The family was caught in 1944, and Anne Frank died of typhus at the Bergon-Belson concentration camp.
06 JulyThe production of AK -47 rifle began in the Soviet Union. AK means Avatomat Kalashnikova. It was designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. It is a semi -automatic or automatic light load machine gun. This gun is used by the armed forces of maximum countries of the world.
08 JulyAfter the report of various news agencies reported the US Army Air Force personnel capturing a 'flinding school' in Roswell, New Mexico, the themilli said that what was actually recovered, the annexipramental high-altitude surveillance weather There was debris from the balloon.
19 JulyBurma's nationalist Aung San and six members of his newly formed cabinet were murdered during a cabinet meeting.
29 JulyEniC, the world's first general-purpose electronicDigital computer, was turned on in its new home in the ballistiscation search laboratory in the Aberdeen Provings Grounds.
02 AugustThe British South American Airways aircraft crashed at Mount Tupungato at Argentina Andes, out of which debris could not be detected.
18 SeptemberThe National Security Act came into force, the United States Air Force was established as a separate branch of the US Army, as well as as a central intelligence agency.
17 OctoberBurma and Britain today signed an agreement, which if it gives Burma complete freedom outside the UK, thus ends 300 years of British rule over the country.
19 OctoberAccording to the Federal Works Administrator, a minimum of 40 cents per hour wage is old and should be improved at 75 cents per hour.
25 NovemberMcCartheism-Executives of the Movie Studios agreed to the black listener screenwriters and directors, who were sent to jail for contempt of Congress to refuse to testify the houseful-American activity.
29 NovemberThe United Nations General Assembly voted for Palestine to resolve the Arab-Israeli struggle in the British mandate of Palestine for Palestine, to approve the plan to separate the Jews and Arab states.
22 DecemberThe Constitution of the Italian Republic was enacted by the Constituent Assembly.
30 DecemberMichael, the king of Romania, was forced to abandon by the feudal communist government.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1947 in India ⚡

02 JuneLord Louis Mountbatten announced the partition of India.
03 JuneLord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of India under the British Raj, announced the partition of India. Which Indian leaders accepted.
14 JuneThe Congress Working Committee placed the proposal of the Mountbatten plan for partition of India before the All India Congress Committee.
15 JuneThe All India Congress accepted the Partition of India proposal of the British Plan.
30 JuneAfter the declaration of the partition of India, the members of the Boundary Commission for the partition of Bengal and Punjab were announced.
04 JulyThe Indian independence bill was proposed before the British Parliament. Under which the country was divided into India and Pakistan.
18 JulyThe Indian Parliament was forced to pass the law of independence of this country.
21 JulyThe Constituent Assembly of India approved the national flag.
01 SeptemberIndian Standard Time was adopted.
13 SeptemberIndian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru suggested mutual transfer of 40 lakh Hindus and Muslims.
14 AugustIndia was partitioned and Pakistan became a separate nation.
15 AugustPandit Jawaharlal Nehru was sworn in as the first Prime Minister of independent India.
17 AugustAfter the independence of India, the first contingent of the British army went home.
23 AugustVallabhbhai Patel became the Deputy Prime Minister of India.
06 JanuaryThe All India Congress Committee accepted the Partition of India.
20 FebruaryBritish Prime Minister Clement Attlee announced that Britain would leave India by June 1948.
22 MarchLord Lewis Mountbatten came to India as the last Viceroy.
17 JulyThe Indian passenger ship SS Ramdas was destroyed by a storm in Mumbai, killing 625 people.
15 AugustIndia got independence from the British Government, the biggest contribution was by Mahatma Gandhi.
09 NovemberThe Indian Army attacked Junagadh.
23 MayThe British Cabinet agreed to Lord Mountbatten's proposal for partition into two states of India, one Muslim and the other Hindu. The Viceroy is a series of conversation with Lord Listowal, Secretary, India.
29 MayEstablishment of Indian Standards Institute. In twenty years of British rule in India, when the country faced the huge work of building an industrial infrastructure, it was the Institution of Engineers (India), who prepared the first draft of the constitution of an institution, which can take The construction of national standards was.
14 JuneThe colony of Pakistan and Bangladesh gain formal independence from Great Britain, as the British have withdrawn from the Indian Empire.
14 AugustThe colony of Pakistan and Bangladesh gain formal independence from Great Britain, as the British have withdrawn from the Indian Empire.
15 AugustIndia acquires independence from Great Britain after over 200 years of rule.
17 AugustA commission led by Cyril Red CLIF established the border Redcliff Line between India and Pakistan after the partition of India.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1947 😀

21 JuneShirin Ebadi / Writer / Iran
10 MarchKim Campbell / Politician / Canada
21 AugustMargaret Chan / Doctor / China
Kanchan Choudhary / Police officer / India
01 OctoberDalveer Bhandari / Lawyer / India
01 SeptemberP. A. Sangma / Politician / India
01 SeptemberP.A. Sangma / Politician / India
01 SeptemberPurno Agitok Sangma / Politician / India
03 JuneMala Sen / Writer / India
04 JuneAshok Sarraf / Actor / India
05 JulyLalji Singh / Scientist / India
11 JuneLalu Prasad Yadav / Politician / India
11 JuneShahabuddin Yaqoob Quraishi / Civil Servant / India
14 NovemberBharathan / Writer / India
15 SeptemberBhupinder Singh Hooda / Politician / India
16 MarchPratima Puri / Journalist / India
18 SeptemberRavi S. Naik / Politician / India
19 JuneSalman Rushdie / Novelist / India
21 JulyChetan Chauhan / Politician / India
22 DecemberDilip Doshi / Cricketer / India
22 AprilVirendra Bhatia / Politician / India
28 FebruaryDigvijay Singh / Politician / India
28 FebruaryVijay Bahuguna / Politician / India
29 JanuaryAshok Gupta / Writer / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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  Post Category :  20th Century History