The year 1958 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1958 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1958 in World ⚡

14 JuneDr. C.V. Raman was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize in the Kremlin.
14 JulyThe revolt of General Abdul Karim in Iraq was followed by the end of the monarchical system and the establishment of democracy.
29 JulyThe US Congress passed a bill to establish its space agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
06 SeptemberThe US conducted nuclear tests in the Atlantic Sea.
15 SeptemberThe virus of the deadly disease trachoma was first discovered in medical science.
23 SeptemberBritain conducted atmospheric nuclear tests on Christmas Island.
28 SeptemberThe constitution came into force in France.
27 OctoberGeneral Ayub Khan became the ruler of Pakistan by overthrowing Pakistan's President Skether Mirza.
01 NovemberThe then Soviet Union conducted nuclear tests.
27 AugustThe metric system of measurement of weights was introduced.
29 AugustFamous pop singer Michael Jackson was born.
06 DecemberThe construction of the world's longest and most important tunnel began in Italy. Its excavation work was completed on 14 August 1964 after 6 years of hard work.
20 JanuaryThe search party met at the South Pole with a mission to cross the Antarctic. It was the first attempt to cross the Antarctic from the surface.
26 JanuaryThe Japanese boat sank near the southern Awaji island of Nankai, killing 167 people.
31 JanuaryThe first American satellite Explorer I was placed into Earth's orbit.
05 FebruaryThe Mark 15 molecular bomb, near Tybee Island from the US Air Force, was lost in the water.
23 FebruaryArgentina's legendary Formula One driver Khuan Manuel Fangio was kidnapped by two men.
26 FebruaryThe remains of an ancient civilization were found at the site of Kot Di Ji Sindh in Pakistan, which was about three hundred years older than the Mohenjodaro civilization.
08 January14-year-old Bobby Fisher won the United States Chess Championship.
01 FebruaryEgypt and Syria united to form the United Arab Republic.
17 MarchLaunched Vanguard 1 satellite of the United States.
01 AprilBBC Radiophonic Workshop established.
01 MayArturo Frondiji became the President of Argentina.
15 JunePizza Hut is established.
10 JulyFirst parking meter installed in Britain.
18 AugustVladimir Nabokov's controversial novel Lolita was published in the United States.
01 SeptemberThe first cod war began between the United Kingdom and Iceland.
26 OctoberPan American launched the first transatlantic flight of the World Airways Boeing 707.
03 NovemberThe new UNESCO building was inaugurated in Paris.
18 DecemberThe United States launched SCORE, the world's first communications satellite.
18 JanuaryAfrican Canadian Willie O'Ree of the Boston Bruins played his first game in the National Hockey League, breaking the colour barrier in professional ice hockey.
28 JanuaryThe Danish toy company Lego Group patented their design of Lego bricks.
31 JanuaryExplorer 1 the United States' first satellite, waslaunched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, and became the first spacecraftto detect the Van Allen radiation belt.
05 FebruaryA Mark 15 nuclear bomb disappeared off the shores of Tybee Island, Georgia, after it was jettisoned during a practice exercise when the bomber carrying it collided in midair with a fighter plane.
06 FebruaryThe aircraft carrying the Manchester United football club and some fans and journalists crashed while attempting to take off from Munich-Riem Airport in Munich, West Germany, killing eight players and 15 others.
21 FebruaryBritish artist Gerald Holtom designed a logo for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament that became more commonly known as the peace symbol.
22 FebruaryEgyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and Syrian President Shukri al-Quwatli signed a union pact to form the United Arab Republic.
27 MarchNikita Khrushchev became the head of the Soviet Union after the death of Joseph Stalin.
05 AprilThe first Live Canadian National Television Channel, Discovery Passage, Ripple Rock located under water in British Columbia, was destroyed in a planned explosion.
13 AprilIn the midst of the Cold War, inaugurated the International Tchaikovsky competition by American pianoist van Clibern in Moscow.
15 AprilOn the initiative of Walter O 'Male, Los Angeles Dojers and Sen Francisco giants played in the first Major League baseball game of the US West Coast.
18 AprilControversial American poet Agera Pound was given Washington D.C. K. Elizabeth was released from Hospital, where he was imprisoned for twelve years.
12 MayCanada and the United States signed a formal agreement of the North American Air Defense Command to provide aerospaceswarring and defense to North America.
13 MayBen Carlin, an Australian courageous, became the first and only person to broadcast the world on 13 May, 1958 by amphibian vehicle. He traveled 17, 000 km from the land and 62,000 km from the sea in a ten -year time journey.
13 MayAustralian Ben Carlin became the only person to circle the world in a dual moving vehicle, who traveled to 80,000kilometres (50,000 mi) by land and sea.
22 MayEthnic riots broke out in Ceylon, mostly targeting Sri Lankan Tamils, resulting in over 300 deaths in the following days.
23 MayThe satellite explorer 1 transmission stopped. Explorer 1 was the first satellite in the United States, which was launched as its participation in the international geophysical year. The mission followed two satellites last year; The Soviet Union, the beginning of the Cold War Space Race between the two countries.
16 JuneOther leaders of Imre Nagy and unsuccessful Hungarian Revolution 1956 were executed after secret tests.
09 July516 meters (1,693 ft) high megatsunami, highest evergreen, Litua Bay, Alaska, America.
29 JulyUS President Dwight. Eisenhower signed the National Aaronatics and Space Act law, establishing a new federal non-compound space agency, known as NASA (logo picture).
23 SeptemberThe United Nations General Assembly is expected to call for a vote today about China's entry and one seat in the United Nations.
04 OctoberThe new constitution was introduced to the French Fifth Republic, France's current political rule.
07 OctoberTrying to control political instability in Pakistan, President Iskandar Mirza suspended the 1956 constitution, imposed law and canceled the elections for January 1959.
13 OctoberThe first book 'Dark Peru from Dark Peru' was published by English children's LiteratureTrack Paddington Bare.
27 OctoberGeneral Ayub Khan removed Iskandar Mirza from the post to become the second President of Pakistan in a bloodless coup when Mirza appointed him the promoter of Marshal Law.
10 NovemberMerchant Harry Winston described the Smithsonian Institution as 'Hope Diamond', 'the world's most famous diamond'.
01 December90 children died due to fire at our Lady of Angels School Grade School in Chicago. This happened because the school was not properly prepared in the event of a fire without spraying and there was no fire.
09 DecemberThe John Birch Society, named John Birch, was established in the United States to fight the alleged threat of communism in the United States, an American entry who was killed in China.
10 DecemberThe first domestic passenger jet operated aircraft flight took place in the United States when the National Airlines Boeing 707 launched 111 passengers from New York City to Miami.
18 DecemberThe United States launched the world's first telecom satellite Score.
23 DecemberThe Tokyo Tower, 332.5 meters (1,091 ft), opened the largest heroic steelstructure in the world.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1958 in India ⚡

27 SeptemberMihir Sen became the first Indian to swim across the British Channel.
22 FebruaryIndia's renowned politician, intellectual and litterateur Abul Kalam Ahmad Azad died at the age of 70.
22 AprilAdmiral RD Katari became the first chief in the Indian Navy.
15 MayThe Gift Tax Act was enacted on 15 May 1958 as the Act of the Parliament of India, so that the Act of giving or receiving gifts as per specification in Schedule I of the Act could be taxed.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1958 😀

02 AugustArshad Ayub / Cricketer / India
02 JulyPawan Malhotra / Actor / India
03 NovemberSwaroop Sampat / Actress / India
05 AugustH. S. Mahadeva Prasad / Politician / India
09 FebruaryAmrita Singh / Actress / India
11 JanuaryBabulal Marandi / Politician / India
12 JanuaryArun Govil / Actor / India
15 AugustSimple Kapadia / Actress / India
18 OctoberKajal Kiran / Actress / India
21 JuneReema Lagoo / Actress / India
23 JuneMukesh Khanna / Actor / India
24 JuneSuman Sharma / Pilot / India
28 OctoberAshok Chavan / Politician / India
NA NANikhat Kazmi / Journalist / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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