International Child Protection Day Quick Facts

Event NameInternational Child Protection Day ()
Event Started1950
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byWorld Health Organization

International Child Protection Day Brief

Children's Day is a commemoration celebrated annually in honor of children, whose observatory date varies by country. In 1925, International Children's Day was declared for the first time in Geneva during the World Conference on Child Welfare. Since 1950, it is celebrated on 1 June after most communist and communist countries. World Children's Day is celebrated on 20 November to commemorate the declaration of the rights of the child by the United Nations General Assembly on 20 November 1959.

International Child Protection Day History

International Child Defense Day was First celebrated in Russia in 1949. Its decision was taken at a special meeting of the International Democratic Union of Women in Moscow. On 01 June 1950, 'International Child Defense Day' was celebrated for the first time in 51 countries around the world.

International Child Protection Day Objective

Its Purpose is to draw public attention to the need to protect the rights of children. On this day in Russia, people's attention is especially drawn to the problems of orphans, disabled and poor children. Children are given gifts and special functions are organized for them.

More info about International Child Protection Day

Countries Organized Events:

Various competitions are organized in Moscow, the capital of Russia, in which prizes are distributed to children. Dance-music programs are also held as well as various exhibitions and informative programs are also organized.

Since 2007, on the 'International Day of Child Protection', the Kremlin's Grand Church has a ceremonial parade of cavalry and foot guards for Moscow school students, attended by soldiers from the presidential regiment. In 2013 teenage students from the Kremlin Equestrian School also participated in the ceremony.

Important Days of June Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
01 JuneInternational Child Protection Day - International Day
01 JuneWorld Milk Day - International Day
05 JuneWorld Environment Day - International Day
08 JuneWorld Ocean Day - International Day
08 JuneWorld Brain Tumor Day - International Day
10 JuneWorld Eye donation Day - International Day
12 JuneWorld Child Labor Prohibition Day - International Day
14 JuneWorld Blood Donation Day - International Day
17 JuneWorld Desert and Drought Prevention Day - International Day
18 JuneInternational Picnic Day - International Day
18 JuneGoa Revolution Day - National Day
19 JuneWorld Ethnic Day - International Day
20 JuneWorld Refugee Day - International Day
21 JuneInternational Yoga Day - International Day
21 JuneWorld Music Day - International Day
23 JuneUnited Nations Public Service Day - International Day
23 JuneInternational Widows Day - International Day
26 JuneInternational Drug and Drug Abuse Day - International Day
29 JuneNational Statistics Day - National Day
जून का तीसरा रविवार of JuneWorld Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) - International Day

International Child Protection Day FAQs:

International Child Protection Day is observed every year on 01 June.

Yes, International Child Protection Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on June all over the World.

International Child Protection Day started on 1950.

International Child Protection Day is observed every year by World Health Organization.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  13526
  Post Category :  Important Days of June