World Blood Donation Day Quick Facts

Event NameWorld Blood Donation Day ()
Event Started2005
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byWorld Health Organization

World Blood Donation Day Brief

World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) is organized on 14 June every year. The event was first organized in 2005 to raise Awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank blood donors, a joint initiative of the World Health Organization, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

World Blood Donation Day History

World Blood Donor Day is celebrated every year on 14 June by people in many countries all over the world, it is also called World Blood Donor Day. It is celebrated every year on 14 June on the birthday of Karl Landsteiner, Nobel laureate, who discovered the "ABO blood group" born in 1868. In the year 2005 "World Health Organization, International Red Cross Federation and Red Crescent Society". It was started and established for the first time to celebrate annually on 14 June.

World Blood Donation Day Objective

The event was First started in the year 2005 with the goal of raising public awareness about the need for safe blood donors (including its products) by healthy individuals, voluntarily and without money. The day is celebrated to raise awareness about the need for blood donation.

World Blood Donation Day Theme(s)

  • The theme of World Milk Day 2012 was "Drink fresh milk, keep body fit, mind sharp"
  • The theme of World Milk Day 2013 was "Milk for the Prosperity and Health of the Southeast Asia Region"
  • The theme of World Milk Day 2014 was "Milk is the first food for human" and "world class nutrition"
  • The theme of World Milk Day 2015 was "Milk is the first food for human"
  • The theme of World Milk Day 2017 was "Raise a glass for milk"
  • The theme of World Milk Day 2018 was "Drink Move Be Strong"
  • The theme of World Milk Day 2019 was "Drink Milk: Today and Every Day"
  • The theme of World Milk Day 2020 was "The 20th-anniversary celebrations"
  • The theme of World Milk Day 2021 was "Sustainability in the Dairy Sector"
  • The theme of World Milk Day 2022 was "Dairy Net Zero"

More info about World Blood Donation Day

Who should not donate Blood?

Please do not donate blood if you have any of the following problems:-

  1. If your HIV or hepatitis tests are positive.
  2. If recently, you got a tattoo.
  3. If you suffer from any blood clotting disorder.
  4. If you have had a heart attack in the past six to twelve months.
  5. If you are pregnant.
  6. If you abuse intravenous drugs.
  7. If recently, you have had malaria.
  8. If you have received blood, plasma or other blood components during the previous year.
  9. If you have had cardiac surgery in the previous year.
  10. If you are taking heart disease medicines.
  11. If you have recently had an abortion.
  12. If you have received chemotherapy/radiation for the treatment of cancer.
  13. If you suffer from moderate or severe anemia.

What are the important precautions before donating blood?

  • Drink plenty of water and fluids.
  • Avoid consumption of caffeinated beverages.
  • Eat well to reduce the risk of any reactions. You are advised to consume foods rich in iron.

Medical science regarding blood donation:

  • The common man should know that the process of making blood in the human body is always going on and there is no harm from donating blood, but it is a very beneficial work that should be done whenever there is an opportunity.
  • In relation to blood donation, medical science says, any healthy person who is between 16 to 60 years of age, who weighs more than 45 kg and who has not had a disease like HIV, Hepatitis B, or Hepatitis C, can donate blood.
  • The 350 mg of blood given at a time is supplied to the body within twenty-four hours and the quality of blood is supplied within 21 days. Secondly, people who donate blood regularly are less prone to heart diseases.
  • The composition of blood is such that the red blood cells contained in it die on their own in three months (120 days), so every healthy person can donate blood once in three months. According to experts, half a liter of blood can save three lives.
  • According to doctors, blood cannot be stored for a long time.

Important Days of June Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
01 JuneInternational Child Protection Day - International Day
01 JuneWorld Milk Day - International Day
05 JuneWorld Environment Day - International Day
08 JuneWorld Ocean Day - International Day
08 JuneWorld Brain Tumor Day - International Day
10 JuneWorld Eye donation Day - International Day
12 JuneWorld Child Labor Prohibition Day - International Day
14 JuneWorld Blood Donation Day - International Day
17 JuneWorld Desert and Drought Prevention Day - International Day
18 JuneInternational Picnic Day - International Day
18 JuneGoa Revolution Day - National Day
19 JuneWorld Ethnic Day - International Day
20 JuneWorld Refugee Day - International Day
21 JuneInternational Yoga Day - International Day
21 JuneWorld Music Day - International Day
23 JuneUnited Nations Public Service Day - International Day
23 JuneInternational Widows Day - International Day
26 JuneInternational Drug and Drug Abuse Day - International Day
29 JuneNational Statistics Day - National Day
जून का तीसरा रविवार of JuneWorld Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) - International Day

World Blood Donation Day FAQs:

World Blood Donation Day is observed every year on 14 June.

Yes, World Blood Donation Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on June all over the World.

World Blood Donation Day started on 2005.

World Blood Donation Day is observed every year by World Health Organization.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  10243
  Post Category :  Important Days of June