According to Gregory calendar, on June 10, the day number in a year is 161 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 162. June 10 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 10 June in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1190The third crusade-Frederick I drowned in the Salef River in Barbrosa Anatolia.
1246Naseeruddin Muhammad Shah I became the ruler of Delhi.
1719Battle of Glen Sheel: British forces defeated Yakub and his Spanish allies.
1760The first effective law for medical practice was enacted in New York.
1786An earthquake in China's Sijuan province broke the dam on the Dadu River, killing one million people.
1811A volcanic eruption forms in Sabrina Island Azores).
1829The first boat race competition between Cambridge University and Oxford University took place. This competition became a tradition after both universities. The race took place on the Tems River in London in England.
1829In Rowing, Oxford defeated Cambridge in the first boat race (depicted in the 2002 race) held on Tems in London.
1829The first boat race competition took place at Oxford and the University of Cambridge.
1838More than 25 Australian tribals were massacred near Inverel in New South Wales.
1865Richard Wagner's revolutionary Triston and Isolde received their premiere in Munich.
1871Two days after the Korean coast batteries, two American warships were attacked, an American punitive campaign landed and caught several people on Gangahawa Island.
1918The First World War-Italian Torpedo boats drowned the Austro-Hungerian dreaded SMS Szant Istwan on the Dalmesian coast.
1924Rome's Italian socialist leader Giacomo Mattotti kidnapped and murdered.
1925The United Church of Canada was inaugurated in the city of Mutual Street Arena in Toronto.
1925The United Church of Canada, the country's largest Protestant Church, conducts its inaugural service at Toronto's Mutual Street Arena.
1931Norway occupied eastern Greenland.
1933The Barter Theater was inaugurated in Abingdon City, Virginia.
1935American Physician Bob Smith drank his last alcohol drink, inscribed in the traditional founding date of alcoholic anonymus.
1940Norway surrendered to the German Nazi forces during World War II. The German army attacked Norway with sea and wind as soon as Operation Weserbung was taken into action. The unexpected Norwegian forces failed to oppose a powerful attack and officially surrendered to Germany.
1940Italy declared a fight against France and Britain during World War II.
1944During the Second World War, six hundred and forty people, including men, women and children, were killed in the city of Ordor-Soon-Glain. Ordor-Sur-Glain was a city in France which was attacked by the German army. This phenomenon is known as the Ordur-Sura-Glain massacre.
1944The German army killed 218 Greeks during World War II.
1946Italy was declared a republic.
1946Italy became a republican nation after the end of the monarchy.
1947In Sweden, the Saab company built its first automobile.
1957Under the leadership of John Defenbekar, the Progressive Conservative Party won the seats on the completion of 22 years of Liberal Party rule at the Canadian House of Commons at the Federal Party of Commons.
1967The Soviet Union ended diplomatic relations with Israel.
1967Argentina became a member of the Burn Convention Copyright Treaty. The Burn Convention, known as The Burn Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, is known as the Copyright Treaty, is an international agreement controlling copyright, which is first accepted in 1886, Burn in 1886, Burns, Switzerland it was done.
1971The United States concluded its trade agreement with China.
1971The US ended China's 21-year trade ban.
1977One of the first individual computers apple 2 on sale. This was the first consumer product sold by Apple Computer. It was a compact computer designed for personal use and became one of the most hi -tech computers of that time.
1977Sales of the first Apple II series computer began.
1991Eleven -year -old Jessie Lee Dagard was abducted in Taho, South California; She remained a prisoner till 2009.
2001Barlusconi was appointed Prime Minister of Italy.
2002Pakistan renamed the world's second highest peak K-2 to 'Chogori' or 'Shahgori'.
2003Spirit Rover was launched by NASA for Mission Marsa. This was the beginning of the Mangal Abhiyan program organized by the United States space agency NASA. Spirit Rover was a robot vehicle sent to the surface of Mars to collect information and became the first country to land on the surface of the planet Mars.
2003NASA's Mangalyaan rover launched.
2008War in Afghanistan - As a result of an air strike by the United States, eight paramilitary forces of the Pakistan Army Core and eight fighters of the Taliban died in the tribal areas of Pakistan.
2008The 54th National Film Awards were announced, 'Lage Raho Munnabhai' being voted the best popular film.

Important Historical Events of 10 June in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1890Sunday was declared a holiday in India by the British. Christianity considers Sunday as the day of prayer. This day is celebrated by them as a weekly holiday. Therefore, the British implemented the concept of Sunday holiday, where they had once ruled (their colonies), this exercise continues across the country including India.
1908Mary Clubwala Jadhav was born. She was a famous politician and social worker. It established a large number of NGOs in India and is often credited with establishing the oldest organized social work bodies in India. He was honored by Padma Shri.
1955Internationally well -known Indian badminton player Prakash Padukone was born. He was the first Indian to become the world's number one in the international badminton rankings. His achievements include Gold, World Grand Awards and World Cups at the Commonwealth Games.
1966Indian version of MIG Fighter Aircraft designed in Nashik. It was born from Russia. Mig fighter aircraft played a lead role during the 1971 Indo-Pak war and Kargil War. These aircraft were used extensively by the Indian Air Force.

Important Days of 10 June National & International Days 🏁

World Eye donation DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 10 June 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1834Alfred Webb / Politician / India
1908Joyanto Nath Chaudhuri / Soldier / India
1928Dhansingh Thapa / Soldier / India
1931M.S. Gopalakrishnan / Instrumentalist / India
1938Rahul Bajaj / Politician / India
1938Vasanti N. Bhat-Nayak / Academic / India
1955Ved Prakash Sharma / Author / India

See full list of famous people born on 10 june 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 3 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  16909
  Post Category :  History of June