World Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) Quick Facts

Event NameWorld Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) ()
Event StartedJuly 05, 1908
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byUnited States of america

World Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) Brief

Father's Day is a widely celebrated festival in honor of fathers. In most countries of the world, it is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. In some countries it is celebrated on different days. It complements Mother's Day, which is celebrated to honor the mother.

World Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) History

Father's Day began in the early 20th century as a complementary celebration of Mother's Day to honor the father's religion and upbringing by men. It is also celebrated in the memory and honor of our ancestors. Father's Day is celebrated around the world on various dates - including gift giving, special banquets for fathers and family activities. Father's Day was first celebrated on July 05, 1908 in Fairmont, West Virginia. This special day was organized by Mrs. Grace Golden Clayton in honor of the 210 fathers who died in a mine accident at Monongah, West Virginia on December 06, 1907. The 'First Father's Day Church' still exists today in the Fairmont under the name Central United Methodist Church.

World Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) Objective

Father is such a word without which one's life cannot even be imagined. Such a sacred relationship that cannot be compared with any other relationship. In childhood, when a child learns to walk, first of all he holds his father's finger.

The little child finds great comfort in holding the father's finger and being in his arms. As soon as they speak, the children start insisting and the father fulfills all their insistence. From getting chocolates, toys in childhood to sending bikes, cars, laptops to youth and sending them abroad for higher education, they keep fulfilling all your demands, but there comes a time when in this run-of-the-mill life, children don't have their father's. Can't find time. Keeping this in mind, the tradition of celebrating Father's Day started./p>

Important Days of June Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
01 JuneInternational Child Protection Day - International Day
01 JuneWorld Milk Day - International Day
05 JuneWorld Environment Day - International Day
08 JuneWorld Ocean Day - International Day
08 JuneWorld Brain Tumor Day - International Day
10 JuneWorld Eye donation Day - International Day
12 JuneWorld Child Labor Prohibition Day - International Day
14 JuneWorld Blood Donation Day - International Day
17 JuneWorld Desert and Drought Prevention Day - International Day
18 JuneInternational Picnic Day - International Day
18 JuneGoa Revolution Day - National Day
19 JuneWorld Ethnic Day - International Day
20 JuneWorld Refugee Day - International Day
21 JuneInternational Yoga Day - International Day
21 JuneWorld Music Day - International Day
23 JuneUnited Nations Public Service Day - International Day
23 JuneInternational Widows Day - International Day
26 JuneInternational Drug and Drug Abuse Day - International Day
29 JuneNational Statistics Day - National Day
जून का तीसरा रविवार of JuneWorld Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) - International Day

World Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) FAQs:

World Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) is observed every year on जून का तीसरा रविवार June.

Yes, World Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) is an International Day that is celebrated every year on June all over the World.

World Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) started on July 05, 1908.

World Father / Fathers Day (Third Sunday of June) is observed every year by United States of america.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  11203
  Post Category :  Important Days of June