According to Gregory calendar, February 25 is the day number 56 in a given year. February 25 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 25 February in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1570Pope Pius V issued the papal bull Regnans in Excelsis to excommunicate Queen Elizabeth I and her followers in the Church of England.
1586Akbar's court poet Birbal was killed in a battle with the rebel Yousafzai.
1746The soldiers of the King of Cumberland captured Aberdeen.
1797William Tate surrendered to the British at Fishguard.
1836American inventor and industrialist Samuel Colt received apatent for a 'revolving gun', later known as a revolver.
1837The first American electric printing press was patented by Thomas Davenport.
1847State University of Iowa received approval.
1866Miners in Calaveras County, California, discovered a humanskull that a prominent geologist claimed was proof (later disproven)that humans had existed during the Pliocene age.
1870Representing Mississippi in the Senate, Hiram Rhodes Revels became the first African American to serve in the United States Congress.
1879The US Congress passed the first Timberland Conservation Act.
1894Religious leader Meher Baba was born in Pune.
1901U.S. Steel, the first billion-dollar corporation and once theworld's largest producer of steel, was incorporated by industrialist J.P. Morgan.
1933USS Ranger, the first ship of the United States Navyconstructed as an aircraft carrier, was launched.
1945During World War II, Turkey declared war on Germany.
1948Fearful of civil war and Soviet intervention in recent unrest,Czechoslovakian president Edvard Beneš ceded control over thegovernment to the Communist Party.
1951After being postponed since 1943 due to World War II, the first Pan American Games opened in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1952The sixth Winter Olympic Games ended in the Norwegian capital, Oslo.
1956In his speech 'On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences'to the 20th Party Congress, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev denouncedthe personality cult and dictatorship of his predecessor Joseph Stalin.
1962The Congress party won the general election.
1975Shah Faisal, the then ruler of Saudi Arabia, was assassinated by his own nephew, Prince Faisal bin Mussad.
1986People Power Revolution: Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos visits the country after 20 years of rule; Corazon Aquino became the first female President of the Philippines.
1986In the Philippines, the non-violent People Power Revolutionculminated with the removal of Ferdinand Marcos from power and theinauguration of Corazon Aquino as the nation's first female President.
1992Nagorno-Karabakh War-Armenian armed forces killed 613 ethnic Azerbaijani civilians from the town of Khojali in the Nagorno-Karabakhregion of Azerbaijan.
1994Israeli physician Baruch Goldstein opened fire on Muslim Arabspraying at the mosque in Hebron's Cave of the Patriarchs, killing 29people and wounding 125 others.
1996Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack in which 25 people were killed and 40 wounded by two suicide bombs in Israel.
1996There is a close on “Father” at criterion Theatre, New York City after 52 performances.
1998The major awards in the 40th Grammy Awards is won by Shawn Colvin, Bob Dylon, Sarah McLachlan, and Elton John.
2003Approved the 'Kuala Lumpur Declaration' at the 13th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement.
2005Radio Canada International has completed it 60th year and celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2005.
2006Deepa Mehta's film 'Water' won the 'Golden Kinari' award.
2007The movie “The Departed” is awarded with the best picture award in the Academy Awards in 2007.
2008HDFC And the share ratio was approved for the merger of Centurion Bank of Punjab. The film 'Nine Country for Old Man ' was voted Best Film of the Year at the 80th Oscar Academy.
2009Members of the Bangladesh Rifles mutinied at its headquartersin Pilkhana, Dhaka, Bangladesh, resulting in 74 deaths.
2010Victor Yanukovych is sworn in as the 4th president of Ukraine, after being delayed by supreme administrative court of Ukraine.
2011The Fianna Fáil-led government suffered the worst defeat of asitting Irish government since the formation of the Irish state in 1921.
2012The famous film “The Artist” has been awarded with four awards at the spirit awards which honoured independent films.
2013A law has been enacted by Russians in which there is ban on smoking in schools and on subways.
2014The government of Brazil planned to cut its spending by almost $19 billion this year. It is na effort to reduce the country’s debts and inflation growth. Economists have revised current year GDP and next years growth forecast in recent weeks.
628Khosrow II, the last great king of the Sasanian Empire, was overthrown by his son Kavadh II.

Important Historical Events of 25 February in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1875The Keeva Indians under Lone Wolf Giogogo) surrendered at Fort Sail.
1988India's first surface-to-surface missile Prithvi was successfully launched.
1995There was a bomb attack on a train in Assam, India in which 27 soldiers were killed.
2000Approval of bilateral extradition treaty with India by Russia's lower parliament Duma.

Important Days of 25 February National & International Days 🏁

Kuwait National DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 25 February 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1894Meher Baba / Spiritual Leader / India
1899Gurnam Singh / Politician / India
1903Kailas Nath Wanchoo / Lawyer / India
1938Farokh Engineer / Cricketer / India
1948Danny Denzongpa / Actor / India
1974Divya Bharti / Actress / India
1981Anuj Sahni / Actor / India
1994Urvashi Rautela / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 25 february 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 8 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  13866
  Post Category :  History of February