Panama has a different place in the geography of the world. There are many such things in this country that separate this country from other countries such as language, living style, dress, culture, religion, business. Let us know about some such unique facts related to the country of Panama and important events related to history, knowing which your knowledge will increase.

Panama Country Quick General Knowledge

CapitalPanama City
Currencypanamanian balboa and united states doll
ContinentNorth America
Father/Founder of CountrySimon Bolivar
National Anthem of CountryHimno Istmeño, (Hymn of the Isthmus)

Read Also: Name of the country, their capital and currency List

The country celebrates two Independence Days: the first on 3 November and the second on 28 November, when they gained independence from Colombia and Spain respectively. Panama was one of Spain's colonies on the American island, until it became part of the Gran Colombian Union. Spanish - Panama first discovered Panama in 1501 by Rodrigo de Bestidas and established it as a separate republic with the help of the United States in the bloody revolution in 1903. In 1968, General Omar Torrijos held the post of government and remained a strong administrator until his death in an airplane crash in 1981. But just days after Panama was handed over control of the canal in December 1989, the US launched Operation Just Cause and attacked Panama. Under the Torrijos-Carter Treaty on December 31, 1999, the US returned all of the canal-related land to Panama, after which the canal's full administration as well as the canal-related buildings and infrastructure were under the control of the local administration came.
Panama, formally named the Republic of Panama, is located on the Panama Landscape, connecting the two continents of North America and South America with a thin bead of earth. It is bounded on the northwest by Costa Rica, on the southeast of Colombia, on the south by the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the Caribbean Sea, which is a part of the dark ocean. The capital city of Panama is named Panama City (Ciudad de Panama, Ciudad de Panama in Spanish). Panama had a population of 34,05,813 in 2010 and has an area of ​​75,517 sq km.
The economy of the Republic of Panama is entirely dependent on the dollar and is primarily based on a well-developed service sector in which banking, commerce, tourism, trade, the Panama Canal - where the Colon Free Trade Zone is located -, insurance, medicine and Includes health, container ports and private industries. These economic services account for about 80% of GDP. The Panama Canal, which was acquired by the government in 1999, is one of the most important services, as millions of dollars derived from its toll revenue have led to construction projects, heavy employment in the country.
Spanish is the official and major language. Spanish spoken in Panama is known as Panamanian Spanish. About 93 percent of the population speaks Spanish as their first language. Many citizens who work internationally or in professional corporations speak both English and Spanish. About 14 percent of Panamanian speak English. This number is expected to increase as Panama now requires English classes in its public schools. Native languages, such as Ngäbere, are spoken throughout the country, mostly in their native regions. More than 400,000 Panamanian keep their native languages ​​and customs. About 4 percent speak French and 1 percent speak Arabic.
  • Panama is officially called the Republic of Panama, a country located south of Central America.
  • Panama is located on the geo-damaroo which acts as a kind of connective, it connects the North American continent and the South America continent together.
  • Panama borders the Caribbean Sea to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the south, Costa Rica to the northwest, and Colombia to the southeast.
  • Panama gained independence from Spain on November 3, 1903, from the Republic of Colombia on November 28, 1821, and enacted the Constitution on October 11, 1972.
  • The total area of ​​Panama is 75,417 sq km. (29,119 square miles).
  • The official language of Panama is Spanish.
  • The names of the currencies of Panama are Balboa and United States Dollar.
  • According to the World Bank, in 2016 the total population of Panama was 40.3 lakhs.
  • The religion of most people in Panama is Christian.
  • The highest mountain in Panama is Volcán Barú, an active stratovolcano with a height of 3,474 meters.
  • The longest river in Panama is the Chucunaque River, which has a length of 231 km.
  • The largest artificial lake in Panama is Gatun Lake, which is 425 square kilometers. Spreads over an area of.
  • The largest artificial canal in Panama is the Panama Canal, built between 1903 and 1914 with the help of the United States.
  • The Panama Canal was built for the purpose of trade, it was built between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans to facilitate smooth transportation, save time and money.
  • The national animal of Panama is the Panamanian golden frog.
  • 15 August 1519 - Panama city was created.
  • 20 November 1739 - Jenkins's Battle of Year-e-Bitish naval force captured Portobello's settlement in Spanish Main (Modern Panama).
  • 28 November 1821 - Panama declares independence from Spain, Gran joins Colombia.
  • 14 March 1826 - The General Congress of South American States met in Panama.
  • 22 June 1826 - Panama's Pan-American Congress unsuccessfully tried to unite America's republics).
  • 13 November 1903 - The United States acknowledged the independence of Panama.
  • 03 November 1903 - Panama gained independence from Colombia.
  • 23 February 1904 - For $ 10 million, the United States acquired control of the Panama Canal Zone.
  • 04 May 1904 - United States Army engineers began work on the Panama Canal.
  • 28 October 1904 - Panama and Uruguay established diplomatic relations.
Colombia [LM] , Costa Rica [LM] , Nicaragua [M] ,
Definition of international border: L = Land Border | M = Maritime Border

Panama FAQs:

The capital of Panama is Panama City.

The currency of Panama is panamanian balboa and united states doll.

Panama is the part of North America continent.

The languages spoken in Panama are Spanish.

The national anthem of Panama is "Himno Istmeño, (Hymn of the Isthmus)".

Simon Bolivar is considered the founder/father of Modern Panama.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  9693
  Post Category :  North America Continent