Dominican Republic has a different place in the geography of the world. There are many such things in this country that separate this country from other countries such as language, living style, dress, culture, religion, business. Let us know about some such unique facts related to the country of Dominican Republic and important events related to history, knowing which your knowledge will increase.

Dominican Republic Country Quick General Knowledge

CountryDominican Republic
CapitalSanto Domingo
CurrencyDominican peso
ContinentNorth America
Father/Founder of CountryJuan Pablo Duarte
National Anthem of CountryHimno Nacional, (National Anthem)

Read Also: Name of the country, their capital and currency List

The native Taino people inhabited Hisaniola before the arrival of Europeans, it was divided into five chiefs. The Taino people had eventually moved north over several years, and lived around the Caribbean islands. The Taino natives had done quite well for themselves and were on their way to being an organized civilization. Christopher Columbus, on his first voyage in 1492, explored and claimed the island, landing here. The colony of Santo Domingo became the first permanent European settlement in America and the first seat of Spanish colonial rule in the New World. Meanwhile, France captured the western third of Hisaniola, naming its colony Saint-Domingue, which became the independent state of Haiti in 1804. Dominicans declared independence in November 1821 after more than three hundred Spanish regimes. The movement Jose Nunez de Cáceres intended to unify the Dominican nation with the country of Gran Colombia, but the newly independent Dominic was forcibly removed by Haiti in February 1822.
The eastern five-eighth of Hispaniola in the Dominican Republic, the second largest island in the Greater Antilles, is the Atlantic Ocean in the north and the Caribbean Sea in the south. Santo Domingo, the capital and largest city of the Dominican Republic, is on the southern coast. There are four important mountain ranges in the Dominican Republic. These include the Cordillera Septentrional, the Samaná Peninsula, the Monte Cristi. The Yaque del Norte is the longest and most important Dominican river.
The Dominican Republic is the largest economy (according to the US Department of State and the World Bank) in the Caribbean and Central American region. It is a high middle-income developing country, with a GDP per capita of US $ 14,770 in terms of PPP. Over the past 25 years, the Dominican Republic has been the fastest growing economy in the US with an average real GDP growth rate of 5.53% between 1992 and 2018.
The population of the Dominican Republic is mostly Spanish-speaking. The local type of Spanish is called Dominican Spanish, which is similar to other Spanish in the Caribbean and has a similarity to Canyon Spanish. Furthermore, it is influenced by African languages ​​and is a term borrowed from Caribbean languages, particularly for the island of Hispaniola. The schools are based on a Spanish educational model; English and French are compulsory foreign languages ​​in both private and public schools, although the quality of foreign language teaching is poor. Some private educational institutions offer tuition in other languages, notably Italian, Japanese and Mandarin.
  • The Dominican Republic is a sovereign state located on the island of Hispaniola in the Greater Antilles Islands of the Caribbean region.
  • The Dominican Republic shares the island of Hispaniola with the nation of Haiti in the west.
  • Dominica gained independence from the United States on 1 July 1965 and enacted and enacted its own constitution on 6 November 1966.
  • The total area of ​​the Dominican Republic is 48,315 sq km. (18,655 sq mi).
  • Spanish is the official language of the Dominican Republic.
  • The currency of the Dominican Republic is named Peso.
  • According to the World Bank, the total population of the Dominican Republic in 2016 was 1.06 crore.
  • The religion of most people in the Dominican Republic is Christian.
  • The highest peak in the Dominican Republic (Pico Duarte) is 3,098 meters.
  • The longest river in the Dominican Republic is the Yaque del Norte River, which has a length of 298 km.
  • The largest lake in the Dominican Republic is Lake Enriquillo, which is 375 square kilometers. Spreads over.
  • The Dominican Republic's military officers and police officers are not allowed to vote.
  • The Dominican Republic has a tropical rainforest climate, so the annual average temperature there is up to 25 ° C.
  • A lighthouse in Santo Domingo was built in Faro in 1992, on the 500th anniversary of the discovery by Christopher Columbus of the Dominican Republic.
  • The national dish of the Dominican Republic is Sancocho.
  • 01 January 1959 - Cuban President Fulgencio Batista fled to the Dominican Republic as forces under Fidel Castro took control of Havana, marking the end of the Cuban Revolution.
  • 25 November 1960 - Meerabal sisters, who opposed the dictatorship of military Rafael Truejillo in Dominican Republic, were beaten to death.
  • 27 February 1963 - The Dominican Republic receives its first democratically elected president, Juan Bosch, since the end of the dictatorship led by Rafael Trujillo.
Colombia [M] , Haiti [LM] , Netherlands [M] , United Kingdom [M] , United States of America [M] , Venezuela [M] ,
Definition of international border: L = Land Border | M = Maritime Border

Dominican Republic FAQs:

The capital of Dominican Republic is Santo Domingo.

The currency of Dominican Republic is Dominican peso.

Dominican Republic is the part of North America continent.

The languages spoken in Dominican Republic are Spanish.

The national anthem of Dominican Republic is "Himno Nacional, (National Anthem)".

Juan Pablo Duarte is considered the founder/father of Modern Dominican Republic.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  9604
  Post Category :  North America Continent