World Consumer Rights Day Quick Facts

Event NameWorld Consumer Rights Day ()
Event Started15 March 1983
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byConsumer International Membership Organization

World Consumer Rights Day Brief

World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated every year around the world on 15 March to raise the voice of Consumer Rights and make them aware to protect their Rights.

World Consumer Rights Day History

24 years ago today, on March 15, 1983, Consumer Rights Day was started by an organization named Consumers International. The motive behind this was that all consumers around the world should know what their rights are to meet basic needs. Also, the governments of all countries should take care of the rights of consumers. Significantly, on March 15, 1962, US President John F. Kennedy was the First to define consumer rights.

World Consumer Rights Day Objective

The purpose of this day is to make consumers aware of their rights and responsibilities. Consumer hoarding, Black marketing, Distribution of adulterated material, Overcharging, Selling of non-standard goods, Cheating, Irregularities in measurement, in addition to not providing service after guarantee, in view of crimes against customers Awareness campaigns are conducted on this day.

World Consumer Rights Day Theme(s)

  • 2013: Consumer Justice Now
  • 2014: Fix Our Phone Rights! Theme: Consumer Justice Now!
  • 2015: Helping consumers choose healthy diets
  • 2016: antibiotics off the menu
  • 2017: Building a Digital World Consumers can Trust
  • 2018: Making Digital Marketplaces Fairer
  • 2019: Trusted smart products
  • 2020: The Sustainable Consumer
  • 2021: Tackling Plastic Pollution
  • 2022: Empowering consumers through green energy transition

More info about World Consumer Rights Day

Why is National Consumer Day celebrated?

24 December is celebrated as 'National Consumer Day' in India. The Consumer Protection Act Bill was passed on this day in 1986. After this amendments were made in this Act in 1991 and 1993. In order to make the Consumer Protection Act more functional and purposeful, a comprehensive amendment was brought in December 2002 and came into force from 15 March 2003.

Consequently, the Consumer Protection Rules, 1987 were also amended and notified on 5 March 2004. The Government of India has declared 24 December as National Consumer Day, as the President of India accepted the enactment of the Historic Consumer Protection Act, 1986 on the same day.

Apart from this, March 15 is celebrated every year as World Consumer Rights Day. This day has been written in golden letters in the history of Indian consumer movement. This day was first celebrated in India in the year 2000.

Fundamental Rights of Consumers:

Right to meet basic needs: The right to basic, essential goods and services such as: adequate food, clothing, shelter, health care, education, public utilities, water and sanitation.

Right to Security: The right to be protected from products, production processes and services that are injurious to health or life.

Right to Information: Right to make choices on the basis of honest advertising and publicity.

Right to Choose: Right to choose from a range of products and services offered at competitive prices with satisfactory quality.

Right to be Heard: The right of consumers to voice their opinion regarding government policies.

Right to Redress: Right to get fair settlement of claims with compensation for substandard goods or unsatisfactory services.

Right to Consumer Education: Right to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills about goods and services.

Right to a healthy environment: The right to live and work in an environment in which there is no danger to present and future generations.

Important Days of March Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
03 MarchWorld Wildlife Day - International Day
04 MarchNational Safety Day - National Day
08 MarchInternational Women's Day - International Day
11 MarchWorld Kidney Day - International Day
14 MarchPi Day - International Day
15 MarchWorld Consumer Rights Day - International Day
16 MarchNational Immunization Day - National Day
18 MarchOrdnance Manufacturing Day - National Day
21 MarchInternational Abolition Day - International Day
21 MarchWorld Forest Day - International Day
21 MarchWorld Poetry Day - International Day
21 MarchWorld Puppetry Day - International Day
22 MarchWorld Water Day - International Day
23 MarchWorld Meteorological Day - International Day
24 Marchworld Tuberculosis Day - International Day
27 MarchWorld Theater Day - International Day

World Consumer Rights Day FAQs:

World Consumer Rights Day is observed every year on 15 March.

Yes, World Consumer Rights Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on March all over the World.

World Consumer Rights Day started on 15 March 1983.

World Consumer Rights Day is observed every year by Consumer International Membership Organization.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  11592
  Post Category :  Important Days of March