National Immunization Day Quick Facts

Event NameNational Immunization Day ()
Event Started1995
Event LevelNational Day
Observed byIndia

National Immunization Day Brief

National Immunization Day is celebrated every year on 16 March in India. This day is celebrated to make people aware of the Importance of getting timely vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases.

More info about National Immunization Day

What is called a vaccine or vaccination?

To develop immunity against a disease, the medicine which is given in any form is called vaccine and this action is called vaccination. Vaccination is considered the most effective and cheapest method for the prevention of infectious diseases.

Vaccines are antigenic substances. The drug given in the form of a vaccine is either a live but attenuated amount of a disease-causing bacterium or virus, or it can be by killing or ineffective or some purified substance, such as protein etc. The smallpox vaccine was tried before the sun, which happened in India or China 200 BC.

Under the National Immunization Program in India, children up to 15 years of age and pregnant women are given vaccines against fatal diseases. These diseases are:

Tuberculosis (TB), diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, measles (measles) and polio (poliomitis) if a child is immunized by giving adequate doses of vaccines to protect against all these diseases at the right time So in future he/she will be protected from these deadly/crippling diseases to a great extent.

National Immunization Program for Children:

Immunization Table MMR in National Capital Territory of Delhi A single dose of the vaccine is recommended.

This dose is given when the child is 15 months old. Similarly, Delhi also recommends that every child should be given 4 doses of Hepatitis 'B' vaccine as per the following schedule:

  • At birth: First dose (with BCG vaccine)
  • At 6 weeks: Second dose (with O.P.V., D.P.T.)
  • At 10 weeks: 3rd dose (with O.P.V., D.P.T.)
  • At 14 weeks: 4th dose (with O.P.V., D.P.T.)
  • If due to any reason at the time of birth, B.C.G. If the vaccine is not given, it can be given at any time before the child is 9 months old.

Important Days of March Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
03 MarchWorld Wildlife Day - International Day
04 MarchNational Safety Day - National Day
08 MarchInternational Women's Day - International Day
11 MarchWorld Kidney Day - International Day
14 MarchPi Day - International Day
15 MarchWorld Consumer Rights Day - International Day
16 MarchNational Immunization Day - National Day
18 MarchOrdnance Manufacturing Day - National Day
21 MarchInternational Abolition Day - International Day
21 MarchWorld Forest Day - International Day
21 MarchWorld Poetry Day - International Day
21 MarchWorld Puppetry Day - International Day
22 MarchWorld Water Day - International Day
23 MarchWorld Meteorological Day - International Day
24 Marchworld Tuberculosis Day - International Day
27 MarchWorld Theater Day - International Day

National Immunization Day FAQs:

National Immunization Day is observed every year on 16 March.

Yes, National Immunization Day is an National Day that is celebrated every year on March all over the India.

National Immunization Day started on 1995.

National Immunization Day is observed every year by India.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  6625
  Post Category :  Important Days of March