World Meteorological Day Quick Facts

Event NameWorld Meteorological Day ()
Event Started23 March 1950
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byworld meteorological organization

World Meteorological Day Brief

Every year 'World Meteorological Day' is celebrated all over the world on 23 March.

World Meteorological Day History

On 23 March 1950, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) was established as a unit of the United Nations and its headquarters were opened in Geneva. The purpose of establishing the organization is to reduce human suffering and promote sustainable development.

Unlike before, meteorology at present does not include only meteorological discipline, but it includes the whole of Geology. It is used to predict natural disasters such as floods, droughts, and earthquakes. It is also used by seafarers, seafarers, and those who manage road and Air Traffic. All this is made possible by weather observation Towers, Weather balloons, Radars, Artificial satellites, High-capacity computers, and various Arithmetic models.

World Meteorological Day Theme(s)

YearsThemes of recent years:
2022Early Warning and Early Action
2021The Ocean, Our Climate and Weather
2020Climate and Water
2019The Sun, the Earth and the Weather
2018Weather-ready, climate-smart
2017Understanding clouds
2016Hotter, drier, wetter - Face the future
2015Climate knowledge for Climate Action
2014Weather and Climate: Engaging youth
2013Watching the weather to protect life and property: Celebrating 50 years of World Weather Watch
2012Powering our future with weather, climate and water
2011Climate for you
201060 years of service for your safety and well-being
2009Weather, climate and the air we breathe
2008Observing our planet for a better future
2007Polar meteorology: Understanding global impacts
2006Preventing and mitigating natural disasters
2005Weather, climate, water and sustainable development
2004Weather, climate, water in the information age
2003Our future climate

More info about World Meteorological Day

Important facts about the World Meteorological Organization

  • The WMO originated from the International Meteorological Organization (IMO) established in the year 1873.
  • WMO was established in the year 1950.
  • In 1951, it became a specialized agency of the United Nations.
  • It currently has 191 countries as its members.
  • Its headquarter is in Geneva (Switzerland).
  • This organization is the official voice of the United Nations, regarding information about the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere, its relationship with the oceans, the weather and consequently the distribution of water resources.

In the present time, meteorology has reached a very advanced level, with the use of weather balloons, modern radars and all the various taxes through high-tech artificial satellites and computers, we have moved towards accurate weather information.

From the high-level images sent by artificial satellites and the information filtered by them, we can easily know the type of crops, their area, crop, etc. Not only this, the meteorological department has the highest lowest temperature humidity of different cities, the level of pollution there also. Can tell very well.

Important Days of March Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
03 MarchWorld Wildlife Day - International Day
04 MarchNational Safety Day - National Day
08 MarchInternational Women's Day - International Day
11 MarchWorld Kidney Day - International Day
14 MarchPi Day - International Day
15 MarchWorld Consumer Rights Day - International Day
16 MarchNational Immunization Day - National Day
18 MarchOrdnance Manufacturing Day - National Day
21 MarchInternational Abolition Day - International Day
21 MarchWorld Forest Day - International Day
21 MarchWorld Poetry Day - International Day
21 MarchWorld Puppetry Day - International Day
22 MarchWorld Water Day - International Day
23 MarchWorld Meteorological Day - International Day
24 Marchworld Tuberculosis Day - International Day
27 MarchWorld Theater Day - International Day

World Meteorological Day FAQs:

World Meteorological Day is observed every year on 23 March.

Yes, World Meteorological Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on March all over the World.

World Meteorological Day started on 23 March 1950.

World Meteorological Day is observed every year by world meteorological organization.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  11890
  Post Category :  Important Days of March

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