World Wildlife Day Quick Facts

Event NameWorld Wildlife Day ()
Event Started20 December 2013
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byUnited Nations General Assembly

World Wildlife Day Brief

Every year 03 March is celebrated as 'World Wildlife Day' in the world. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) had decided to observe World Wildlife Day every year from 03 March 2013. This day was proposed by Thailand to raise Awareness about and celebrate the wildlife and flora of the world.

World Wildlife Day History

The United Nations General Assembly, in its 68th session on 20 December 2013, announced to celebrate World Wildlife Day on 03 March every year to make people aware of the protection of wildlife and to raise awareness about endangered species of flora. The Wild Elephant Preservation Act was first passed in the year 1872 to prevent the extinction of wildlife.

More info about World Wildlife Day

What is Wildlife Institute of India?

Wildlife Institute of India (WII) was established in 1982. This institute is a self-governing institution under the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests which has been recognized as a training and research institute in the field of wildlife conservation.

Wildlife Crime Control Bureau India

Wildlife Crime Control Bureau was constituted under the Director of Wildlife Protection to prevent wildlife related crimes. Wildlife Crime Control Bureau is a statutory multi-disciplinary body set up by the Government of India under the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests to deal with organized wildlife crime in the country.

Headquarters of Wildlife Crime Control Bureau in India is located in New Delhi. It has five regional offices located at New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai and Jabalpur.

Important facts related to forests and wildlife in India:

  • For the protection of wildlife, by the 42nd Amendment (1976) Act in the Constitution of India, two new Article 48-. And 51 were included in the concurrent list of subjects related to wildlife.
  • In 2002, the National Wildlife Action Plan (2002-2016) was adopted, with emphasis on people's participation and support for the conservation of wildlife.
  • The Wild Elephant Preservation Act was first passed in 1872 to prevent the extinction of wildlife.
  • The Indian Forest Act came into existence in the year 1927, according to the provisions of which hunting of wild animals and illegal felling of forests was declared a punishable offence.
  • After independence, the Indian Board for Wildlife was established by the Government of India.
  • The Indian Forest Act was again passed in 1956.
  • The Wildlife Protection Act was passed in 1972. This is a comprehensive central law, in which there is a provision for the protection of extinct wild animals and other endangered animals.
  • The National Wildlife Plan was started in 1983 to improve the critical condition of wildlife and to conserve wildlife.

Important Days of March Month - (National Days and International Days):

Day Event Name - Event Level
03 MarchWorld Wildlife Day - International Day
04 MarchNational Safety Day - National Day
08 MarchInternational Women's Day - International Day
11 MarchWorld Kidney Day - International Day
14 MarchPi Day - International Day
15 MarchWorld Consumer Rights Day - International Day
16 MarchNational Immunization Day - National Day
18 MarchOrdnance Manufacturing Day - National Day
21 MarchInternational Abolition Day - International Day
21 MarchWorld Forest Day - International Day
21 MarchWorld Poetry Day - International Day
21 MarchWorld Puppetry Day - International Day
22 MarchWorld Water Day - International Day
23 MarchWorld Meteorological Day - International Day
24 Marchworld Tuberculosis Day - International Day
27 MarchWorld Theater Day - International Day

World Wildlife Day FAQs:

World Wildlife Day is observed every year on 03 March.

Yes, World Wildlife Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on March all over the World.

World Wildlife Day started on 20 December 2013.

World Wildlife Day is observed every year by United Nations General Assembly.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  10879
  Post Category :  Important Days of March