World Theater Day Quick Facts

Event NameWorld Theater Day ()
Event Started1961
Event LevelInternational Day
Observed byInternational Theatre Institute

World Theater Day Brief

Every year 'International Theater Day' or 'World Theater Day' is celebrated around the world on 24 March. Every year on this day, at the invitation of the International Theater Institute, a distinguished theater artist of the world gives a message to all the theater workers on the topic 'Culture and Theater of Peace'.

World Theater Day History

World Theater Day was established in 1961 by the International Theater Institute. Many organizations and groups related to the theater also organize this day as a special day.

An important event of this day is the International Theater Message, which expresses his views on the subject of theater and the culture of peace as a renowned theater artist of the world. The first international theater message was delivered by Jean Cochte of France in 1962. In the year 2002, this message was given by the famous theater artist of India, Girish Karnad.

More info about World Theater Day

What is the Theater called?

Whenever we talk about theatre, drama, music, spectacle, etc. starts roaming in our minds. In fact, the Theater is made up of the words 'Color' and 'Stage' i.e. presenting one's art, decoration, music, etc. in the form of a scene from a stage/floor.

Where it is called theater in the whole of Asia including Nepal, and India, then in western countries it is called theater. The word 'Theatre' is the English version of theatre, and the whole building including the auditorium and theatre, where it is performed, is called an auditorium, theatre, or opera.

What is International Theater Institute (ITI)?:

The International Theater Institute was created in the year 1948 by experts in theater and dance with the help of UNESCO. This theater institution grew into the largest organization of the performing arts with over 100 centers and collaborations around the world. ITI UNESCO organizes International Dance Day and World Theater Day every year in Paris.

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23 MarchWorld Meteorological Day - International Day
24 Marchworld Tuberculosis Day - International Day
27 MarchWorld Theater Day - International Day

World Theater Day FAQs:

World Theater Day is observed every year on 27 March.

Yes, World Theater Day is an International Day that is celebrated every year on March all over the World.

World Theater Day started on 1961.

World Theater Day is observed every year by International Theatre Institute.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  9112
  Post Category :  Important Days of March