Guyana has a different place in the geography of the world. There are many such things in this country that separate this country from other countries such as language, living style, dress, culture, religion, business. Let us know about some such unique facts related to the country of Guyana and important events related to history, knowing which your knowledge will increase.

Guyana Country Quick General Knowledge

CurrencyGuyanese dollar
ContinentSouth America
Father/Founder of CountryCheddi Jagan
National Anthem of CountryDear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and Plains

Read Also: Name of the country, their capital and currency List

Here the first native tribes - Arawak and Karib ruled. Christopher Columbus saw Guyana on his third journey (1498), but Holland was the first country to establish its colonies here: Esquecubo (1616), Berbis (1627) and Demerara (1752). At the end of the 18th century, Britain established its rule over these three colonies and named it 'British Guyana'. Britain brought workers from its other colonies to Guyana to work here. Therefore, modern Guyana is made up mostly of Indians and African people. Guyana received Britain's 200 years of peace on 26 May 1966 and became a republic on 23 February 1970.
Guinea is bounded on the north by the Atlantic Ocean, on the east by Suriname (along the Courantine River), on the south and southwest by Brazil, and on the west by Venezuela. Guyana is involved in territorial disputes with both Suriname and Venezuela, which are the result of colonial rule. Although the United Nations International Tribunal settled a long-standing maritime boundary dispute between Guyana and Suriname in 2007, the 6,000 square miles (15,600 sq m) between the two tributaries of the Quarantine River in southern Guyana was later settled. River claims the triangle area.
The main economic activities in Guyana are agriculture (production of rice and demerara sugar), bauxite and gold mining, timber, shrimp fishing and minerals. The sugar industry, which accounts for 28% of all export earnings, is largely run by the company Gysuko, which employs more people than any other industry. Many industries have a large foreign investment. For example, the Rio Tinto Alcan subsidiary of the American company Reynolds Metals and the British-Australian Rio Tinto invest heavily in Guyana's mineral industry; The Korean, Malaysian Barama Company has a large stake in the logging industry. Since 2015, foreign companies have discovered several important deepwater oils.
English is the official language of Guyana and is used for education, government, media and services. The vast majority of the population, Guyanas Creole, speaks their native language to the English-speaking Creole, which has little African, Indian, and Amerindian influence. In addition, the indigenous Caribbean languages ​​(Akavayo, Y-Y, and Makushi) are spoken by a small minority of Amerindians. Guyanis are made and spoken by some Indo-Guyana for Hindustani and Tamil cultural and religious reasons.
  • Guyana is officially called the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, a country located on the continent of South America.
  • Guyana borders the North Atlantic Ocean, Brazil to the south and southwest, Suriname to the east and Venezuela to the west.
  • Guyana gained independence from the United Kingdom on 26 May 1966 and became a republic on 23 February 1970.
  • The total area of ​​Guyana is 214,970 sq km. (83,000 square miles).
  • The official language of Guyana is English.
  • The name of the currency of Guyana is the Guyanese Dollar (GYD).
  • According to the World Bank, the total population of Guyana in 2016 was 7.73 lakhs.
  • Guyana is the third smallest country on the northern mainland of South America.
  • In 1834, slavery was banned by Guyana.
  • The national bird of Guyana is named Hoatzin.
  • The national game of Guyana is cricket, it is part of the West Indies team and in 2007, they also hosted the Cricket World Cup.
  • The national flower is Victoria Water Lilly, which was named after Queen Victoria.
  • Guyana has a fairly low rate of deforestation and in 2012 Guyana also received a $ 45,000,000 reward for rainforest conservation efforts.
  • Guyana's education system is among the best in the Caribbean. It is based on the British education system.
  • The national animal (animal) of Guyana is the jaguar, also known as Felis Pantera.
  • 09 October 1953 - The British Government suspended the Guyana Constitution.
  • 26 May 1966 - The British Guyana gained independence and became Guyana. The British Guyana was the name of the British colony on the northern coast of South America, known as Guyana's independent nation in 1966. Its indigenous people are Arvak -speaking Lusayan, who are part of the Teno people.
  • 23 February 1970 - The country became the Republic of Guyana and today was declared the national day of this country.
Barbados [M] , Brazil [LM] , Suriname [LM] , Trinidad and Tobago [M] , Venezuela [LM] ,
Definition of international border: L = Land Border | M = Maritime Border

Guyana FAQs:

The capital of Guyana is Georgetown.

The currency of Guyana is Guyanese dollar.

Guyana is the part of South America continent.

The languages spoken in Guyana are English, Amerindian dialects, Creole, Hindi, Urdu.

The national anthem of Guyana is "Dear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and Plains".

Cheddi Jagan is considered the founder/father of Modern Guyana.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  12075
  Post Category :  South America Continent