The year 1884 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1884 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1884 in World ⚡

21 JulyThe first cricket Test match was played at the Lord's ground in England.
20 SeptemberIchle Rights Party' formed in San Francisco.
13 OctoberToday, it was decided that Greenwich Mean Time would be the world's standard time. Greenwich is part of South East London.
14 OctoberLala Hardayal, the founder of 'Gadar Party' in America, was born in Delhi.
15 NovemberThe conference began in Berlin, the capital of Germany, to distribute colonies to European countries in the continent of Africa.
25 NovemberJohn B. of St. Louis Mayenberg patented 'Evaporated Milk' Evaporated Milk).
13 DecemberPercy Everitt patented the weighing machine by inserting the coin.
08 JanuaryKeshav Chandra Sen, the nationalist leader of Bengal and the speaker of Brahmas Samaj, died in Calcutta (now Kolkata).
01 FebruaryThe first volume of the Oxford Dictionary was published.
04 JanuaryThe Fabian Society was established in London.
05 FebruaryDerby County Football Club was established in England.
12 MarchThe first female American state college was established in Mississippi.
22 AprilThomas Stevens embarked on the first bike trip around the world.
17 MayAlaska was merged into an American territory.
28 JuneThe Norwegian Association for the Rights of Women was established.
21 JulyThe first Test cricket match was played at Lord's ground.
05 AugustThe foundation stone for the Statue of Liberty was laid on the island of Bedelay in New York Harbor.
04 SeptemberThe UK ended the ICT policy of punitive transport to New South Wales in Australia.
06 OctoberThe United States Naval War College was established in Newport Rhode Island.
02 NovemberTimisoara became the first city in Europe with streets illuminated by electric lights.
10 DecemberHuckleberry Finn's Mark Twain Adventures was first published in London.
04 JanuaryThe Fabian Society, an intellectual movement whose purpose isto advance the socialist caused by gradualist and reformist methods rather than revolutionary means, was founded in London.
18 JanuaryWelsh physician William Price was arrested for attempting to cremate his deceased infant son; he was acquitted in the subsequent trial, which led to the legalisation of cremation in the United Kingdom.
01 FebruaryThe first fascicle of the Oxford English Dictionary, a 352-page volume that covered words from A to Ant, was published.
19 FebruaryMore than sixty tornadoes struck across the Southern United States, believed to be among the largest and most widespread tornado outbreaks in American history.
13 MarchMahdist War-Forces loyal to self-proclaimed Mahdi MuhammadAhmad began a 319-day siege of a combined Anglo-Egyptian force defendingKhartoum, Sudan.
20 AprilPope Leo XIII published a publisher and publishes publisher, refuting many beliefs and practices associated with it as popular sovereignty and church and state separation.
22 OctoberThe Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London was adopted as an assistant to the mid -day period of longitude.
10 DecemberThe first published by American writer Mark Twainwas in the Adventures of Berry Finn in the United Kingdom and Canada.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1884 in India ⚡

03 DecemberThe first President of India, Rajendra Prasad was born in Jiradei, Bihar.
29 DecemberVyomesh Chandra Banerjee, the first president of the Indian National Congress, was born in Kidderpore, Calcutta (now Kolkata).

Famous People's Birthdays in 1884 😀

03 DecemberRajendra Prasad / Politician / India
14 OctoberLala Har Dayal / Freedom Fighter / India
03 DecemberDr. Rajendra Prasad / Lawyer / India
03 DecemberRajendra Prasad / Politician / India
03 OctoberRajendra Prasad / Teacher / India
04 OctoberAcharya Ramchandra Shukla / Writer / India
04 OctoberRamchandra Shukla / Author / India
11 SeptemberSudhamoy Pramanick / Politician / India
12 JanuaryNellie Sen Gupta / Politician / India
14 OctoberLala Hardayal / Freedom Fighter / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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