According to Gregory calendar, on October 06, the day number in a year is 279 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 280. October 06 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 06 October in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1499King Louis of France captured Milan.
1683In the Pennsylvania Colony, German migrants established the first permanent German settlement germantown in North America.
1723Benjamin Franklin arrived in Philadelphia at the age of 17.
1762British troops occupied Manila, Philippines.
1777The US revolutionary war-British forces captured Fort Clinton and Fort Montgomery in the command of General Sir Henry Clinton, and destroyed the Hudson River series.
1870Rome was made the capital of unified Italy.
1873County Carlo Football Club Rugby Union) was established in Ireland.
1884The United States Naval War College was established in Newport Rhode Island.
1903Work began for the first time in the High Court of Australia.
1906The Majlis was held for the first time in Iran.
1908Austria-Hungeri announced the merger of Bosnia and Herjegovina, causing permanent damage to their relations with Russia and Serbia states.
1910Elifheros Venizalos was elected the Prime Minister of Greece first of the seven unkind of his seven non-terms.
1912The US military captured the Nicaraguan city of León.
1927The first feature film, adorned with dialogue and background music, 'The Jazz Singer' was released.
1927The first successful feature sound film The Jazz Singer starring Al Jolson was released.
1943British commandos successfully completed Operation Devon.
1948The Ashgabat earthquake of 1948 killed 110,000 people.
1954Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru announced a National Health Plan for the country.
1957The Soviet Union conducted a nuclear test at Novaya Gemalya.
1961President John F. Kennedy recommended the construction of bomb shelters to protect American families from nuclear collapse in nuclear war incidents.
1973Egypt, under the leadership of President Anwar Sadat, launched Operation Badr in coordination with Syria, crossed the Suez Canal and launched the Yom Kipur War by cutting the Israeli bar lev line of the fort.
1976A violent devastation occurred due to a violent demonstration at Thammasat University grounds and Sanam Luang of Bangkok by Thai Army and police units, killing 46 people, and a military coup against Prime Minister Seni Pramoj's government.
1977The Russian war plane Maquian MiG-29 made its first flight. It is a combat aircraft designed by the Soviet Union.
1981Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was killed by a military group during a military parade in Cairo.
1985Police Constable Keith Blakelock was killed during the riots at the Broad Water Farm Housing Estate in Tottenham, London.
1987Fiji was declared a republic.
1995Two Swiss scientists first identified the house outside the Earth's solar system.
1998Matthew Shepard, a student of the University of Vayaming, was attacked and a six -day slater died due to being gay near Lamami, Vyoming, America.
2000President Milosevich fled the country amid bloodless democracies in Yugoslavia, with opposition leader Kostunica proclaiming himself president.
2000Announcing corruption in the administration of Argentine President Fernando de la Rua and in the Senate, Vice President Carlos Alvarez resigned from his office.
2002Al Qaeda bombed the oil tanker Limburg, leaking 90,000 barrels (14,000 m3) in the Gulf of Aden.
2005New York City increases police patrolling in New York City Subway System after receiving a terrorist threat.
2006NASA releases close-up photos of Mars which reveals the hidden, sea past. These pictures were taken by Mars Honor Orbiter.
2007The Australian-American television satellite was tested using the Ariane-5 rocket at Kuru.
2007Jason Lewis completes world's first manned voyage.
2008The US trusted Russia for manned space flights between 2010 and 2015.
2009Idelphonse Nizeyimana, one of the most wanted suspects who had a hand in the 1994 Rawandan massacre, has been caught in Kampala, the capital of Uganda.
2010A free trade agreement between South Korea and the European Union has been signed.
2011Production in Japanese plants, car manufacturer Toyota returns to its normal routine after the 2011 Tuhoku earthquake and tsunami.
2012According to Iran, Israel should be part of the treaty on nuclear weapons unrealance.
2013After ending the rescue operation for the survivors of the 2013 Lampedusa Pravasi Shipwre, it is determined that 360 people were killed.
2014American actress Marion Seldus passed away.
404The Empress Alia Eudoxia, the empress of Bycadius, was killed by the complications of delivery.

Important Historical Events of 06 October in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1862The Indian Penal Code Act was passed and came into force from January 1.
2012B. Satya Narayan Reddy, the famous Indian lawyer, leader and 19th Governor of West Bengal, passed away.
2014The deaths of four citizens in India and Pakistan caught fire on the borders of Pakistan and India.

Important Days of 06 October National & International Days 🏁

World Wildlife DayInternational Day
Khatri DayNational Day
Saibaba Mahasamadhi DayNational Day
World Cerebral Palsy DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 06 October 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1893Meghnad Saha / Politician / India
1893Meghnad Saha / Astronomer / India
1893Meghnad Saha / Scientist / India
1930Bhajanlal / Politician / India
1935Mahendra Singh Tikait / Politician / India
1944Jitranram Manjhi / Politician / India
1946Vinod Khanna / Actor / India

See full list of famous people born on 06 october 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Wed 14 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  15861
  Post Category :  History of October