According to Gregory calendar, on September 20, the day number in a year is 263 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 264. September 20 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 20 September in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1066King Harald III of Norway and his England's Tosting Godwinson fought and defeated the Northern Arlas Edwin and Morkar at the battle of Fulford near York, England.
1260The second of the two major Prussian rebels by Balt's Priusiantribe began against the Toutonic knights.
1388Sultan Feroz Shah Tughlaq III of Delhi died.
1498The Tsunami, which came due to the Meio Nankaido earthquake, fired the building that built a statue of the Great Buddha at Kotku-in in Kamakura, Japan.
1697The Treaty of Rhineswick was signed between France and Grandalan, which ended the nine -year war.
1797The US frigate constitution in Boston launched Old Ironsides.
1803The Irish rebel Robert Emmett was executed.
1819Carlsbad decras were issued throughout the German Confederation.
1831The first steam-powered bus was built. Gordon Branz was the inventor of this bus with a capacity of 30 people and running very slow.
1839The first railroad from Needleland to Amsterdam was inaugurated by Harlem.
1848American Association for the Advancement of Science was formed.
1867After the merger of Hungry into Austria, François Jozeff formally became Emperor of Austria Hungry.
1881Chester A. Arthur was sworn in as the 21st President.
1884Ichle Rights Party' formed in San Francisco.
1906The largest and fastest ship of that time was launched the ocean liner RMS Mortania of the world.
1925The Harold Lloyd comedy film The Freshman was screened.
1943World War Australian soldiers defeated royal Japanese troops at the Battle of Caipit in New Guinea.
1946The first Cannes Film Festival was opened in the resort city of Cannes. This will be an annual festival on the French Riviera.
1954The first program of the Fortran language developed by IBAM was run on a computer.
1970The Russian probes collected some rocks from the lunar surface.
1971Hurricane Irein (satellite picture.) Successfully became the first known tropical cyclone to successfully crossed the Nicaraguato from the Atlantic Ocean.
1973Billie Jean King won the world famous Battle of Susques.
1977A series of astronomical scenes of unknown nature were observed in the Western Soviet Union, Finland and Denmark.
1977A series of astronomical events of unknown nature were observed in the Western Soviet Union, Finland and Denmark.
1984The Cosby Show, which became one of the three Americans, transmits its pilot episode, the biggest rating of five consecutive years.
1990The US conducts nuclear tests at the Nevada test site.
1992French voters ratified the Maastricht Treaty.
1995The 50th session of the United States General Assembly took place.
2001During a television address for a joint session of the Unitedstates Congress, US President George W. Bush declared a 'war on onrror' against al-Qaeda and other global terrorist groups.
2007The Canadian dollar arrived briefly with the US dollar for the first time since 1976.
200715,000 to 20,000 protesters marched in Louisiana, USA, in support of six black youths convicted for harassing their white classmates.
2008A truck filled with explosives exploded in front of Marriotthal in Islamabad, Pakistan, killing 54 people and injured 26 others.
2009Tadag became the first person to win the top award in Australian Rules Football and Gelik Football by winning the All-Ireland Senior Football Championship Finals with Kennelli Kerry.
2010The brightest object in the night sky next to the moon is Jupiter. It reaches the closest to the Earth since 1963, as a result of which it also appears to the naked eyes.
2011American officially eliminates "not ask, don't ask" the military policy, allowing gay and gay personnel to publicly declare their sexual orientation.
2011The United States has ended the policy, not to ask for its' not ask, which allowed gay and homosexuals to serve openly into the army.
2013The US Obama administration and EPA proposes that the new coal plant will be at least 40% of cleaner compared to current coal plants to reduce harmful emissions in the environment.
2014After an operation implemented by the Turkish government after a June kidnapping in Mosul, Iraq, 49 hostages of the Islamic State have been freed and have returned to Turkey. Turkish President Recep Taip Erdogan will not give information about his works in this rescue operation.

Important Historical Events of 20 September in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1933Leading theosophist, advocate for women's rights, writer, speaker and India-loving woman doctor Annie Besant died.
20054 Indian soldiers died after a terrorist attack in the eastern state of Manipur.
2008Pakistan detained 13 Indian fishermen after Pakistan drowned in water.
2012Trade unions in India went on strike. It comes in response to plans that will open supermarkets for international competition.

Important Days of 20 September National & International Days 🏁

Railway Police Force Raising Day (Rpf)National Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 20 September 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1911Shriram Sharma / Activist / India
1923Akkineni Nageswara Rao / Actor / India
1924Janaki Ramachandran / Actress / India
1934Rajinder Puri / Journalist / India
1946Markandey Katju / Lawyer / India
1949Mahesh Bhatt / Producer / India

See full list of famous people born on 20 september 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Tue 13 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  16931
  Post Category :  History of September