According to Gregory calendar, February 19 is the day number 50 in a given year. February 19 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 19 February in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1389Sultan Gasuddin Tughlaq II was killed in Delhi.
1473Holland mathematician and astronomer Nicholas Copernicus was born. As a result of his hard work he discovered in 1503 that the Earth completes its orbit around the Sun once in 24 hours.
1600The Peruvian stratovolcano Huaynaputina exploded in the most violent eruption in the recorded history of South America.
1630The best Maratha ruler and guerrilla war born Shivaji was born in Junnar.
1674The Third Anglo-Dutch War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Westminster, with England regaining New York, and the Netherlands taking Suriname.
1807Former U.S. Vice-President Aaron Burr was arrested for treasonafter having raised a private army to allegedly create an independentnation in Spanish Texas.
1807In Alabama, a conspiracy against former United States Vice President Aaron Burr was tried, but proved innocent.
1811Peninsular War: An outnumbered French force under Édouard Mortier routed and nearly destroyed the Spanish at the Battle of the Gebora near Badajoz, Spain.
1828The Boston Society for Medical Reform was established in the United States.
1881Kansas became the first state to ban all alcoholic beverages.
1884More than sixty tornadoes struck across the Southern United States, believed to be among the largest and most widespread tornado outbreaks in American history.
1910The football stadium Old Trafford in Greater Manchester,England, hosted its first match between Manchester United and Liverpool.
1915Freedom fighter Gopal Krishna Gokhale died.
1920United States Senate forbids ratifying Versailles treaty
1937An attempt to assassinate Italian Viceroy Rodolfo Graziani in Addis Ababa failed, triggering a brutal crackdown of Ethiopians over the following three days.
1942World War II: US President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, authorizing the forcible relocation of over 112, 000 Japanese Americans and Japanese people residing in the United States to nternment camps.
1942During World War II, an attack by Japanese fighter jets on the northern Australian city of Darwin killed 243 people.
1943The third battle of Kharkov began.
1959There was an agreement between Greece, Turkey and Britain about the independence of Cyprus.
1963Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique, a non-fiction books credited with sparking the beginning of second-wave feminism in the United States, was first published.
1965Colonel Pham Ngoc Thao of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam,and a communist spy of the North Vietnamese Vietminh, along withGenerals Lam Van Phat and Tran Thien Khiem attempted a coup against themilitary junta of Nguyen Khanh.
1966United Kingdom Naval Minister Christopher Mayu resigned.
1978Pankaj Malik, a famous singer, composer and actor of Bengali and Hindi films, passed away.
1986The first module of the Soviet space station Mir was launched,establishing the first long-term research station in space.
1992The premier of Ken Ludwig’s musical “Crazy for You” was held on February 19, 1992 in New York City. It was opened at the same date at Shutbert Theatre New York for 1622 performances.
1993Kenya Moore, a 22 year old girl Micligan was crowned as the 42nd Miss USA on February 19, 1993.
1993A ship with 1500 passengers drowned at sea near Hato.
1996The first premier of Howard Stern Radio Show was held in February 19,1996 in York and Pennsylvania on WQXA 105, 7 FM.
1997FCC made available 311for non-emergency calls and 711 for hearing or speech- impaired emergency calls on February 19, 1997.
1997Deng Xiau Peng died at the age of 92, a senior Chinese leader and the foundation of economic reform in the country.
1999Danish scientist Doctor Len Vestergaard succeeded in slowing the speed of light in Washington.
2003The Iranian Revolutionary Guard military flight crashes into the Sirach Mountains. 275 people were killed in the disaster.
2004Approval by more than 50 countries of the Stockholm Treaty banning pesticides and industrial chemicals.
2006A methane explosion in a coal mine in Nueva Rosita, Mexico, trapped and killed 65 miners.
2010The Vatican city approves Australian Mary Mackillop as their first saint for canonization on February on February 19, 2000.
2011On February 19,2011 the call for a ‘Jasmine Revolution’ in the People’s Republic of China spread online as the authorities hunt down for political activists there.
2011Items from the Belitung shipwreck, the biggest single collection of Tang Dynasty artefacts found in one location, were first put on display in Singapore.
2012On February 19, 2011 a record of 2.2 million people attend the Bola Buta strut Party during Rio Carnival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
201244 people were killed in a prison riot in Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
2013On February 19, 2013 NASA loses its communication with the International space stations for three hours as a result of updating the station’s command and control software.
2014The social media company FaceBook announces that it will purchase WhatsApp for 19 billion dollar as it is in increasing move presence. Also, younger users seem to prefer communicating with mobile apps, which allow them to avoid cell phone testing charges.

Important Historical Events of 19 February in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1986Computerized railway reservation ticket was introduced for the first time in India.

Important Days of 19 February National & International Days 🏁

Chhatrapati Shivaji JayantiNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 19 February 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1630Chhatrapati Shivaji / King / India
1953Cristina Fernandez De Kirchner / Politician / Argentina
1630Chhatrapati Shivaji / Freedom Fighter / India
1630Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj / King / India
1900Balwantrai Mehta / Politician / India
1922Beant Singh / Politician / India
1930Kasinathuni Viswanath / Actor / India
1949Padmanabhan Balaram / Scientist / India
1964Sonu Walia / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 19 february 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 7 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  18078
  Post Category :  History of February