The year 1918 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1918 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.
Important Historical Events of the Year 1918 in World ⚡
Event__Date | Incident/Event |
15 May | First air mail service launched in the US. |
21 May | The US House of Representatives allowed women to vote. |
03 June | Gandhi literature presided over the Hindi Literature Conference in Indore. Hindi was considered as the official language in that. |
24 June | The first airmail service started in Canada between Montreal to Toronto. |
12 July | The Japanese warship exploded in the Gulf of Tokayam. In which 500 people died. |
13 July | The Japanese warship exploded in the Gulf of Tokayam. In which 500 people died. |
29 September | During World War I, Bulgaria laid down arms before the combined forces of France and Britain. In the First World War, this country was a component of Germany Austria Hungry and Osmani rule. |
17 October | Yugoslavia declared itself a republican country. |
21 October | Margate Oven set a world record with a typing speed of 170 VPM in 1 minute. |
22 October | The final phase of the First World War began with the invasion of the Joint Army on the German Army. |
28 October | After the separation of Hungary and Austria, Czechoslovakia became independent. |
05 November | Influenza megaliths, originating from European countries, killed one million people in the world. |
12 November | After the defeat of the Austrian-Hungry Empire in World War I and the separation of these two countries, the monarchical system of governance in Austria ended and the period of democratic governance began. |
14 November | The Republic of Czechoslovakia was established and TG Masric became President. |
18 November | Latavia declared independence from Russia. |
13 August | BMW became a public company, producing cars worldwide. |
19 August | The 9th President of the country Shankar Dayal Sharma was born. |
14 December | British women voted in general elections for the first time. |
06 February | Women over 30 years of age in Britain got the right to vote. |
24 February | The European country Estonia gained independence from Russia. |
05 March | The Soviet Union removed Petrograd and made Moscow the capital of Russia. |
22 January | The Bolsheviks, the Ukrainian People's Republic, declared independence in Russia. |
24 February | The city of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia Trio gained independence from Russia in the form of the Transascogenic Democratic Federal Republic. |
07 March | French composer Claude Debbst died in Paris due to colorectal cancer. |
02 May | The owner of General Motors bought Chevrolet Motor Company of DeVare. |
22 June | The Spanish 'flu' took the form of an epidemic, causing more than 30 million people to die in 6 months. |
15 July | Second Battle of the Marne: The war began near the river Marne with a German attack. |
21 August | The second battle of the Somme begins. |
19 September | The third Transjordan attack began in the Jordan Valley. |
28 October | In Western Galicia Eastern Europe) a new polis government was announced. |
03 November | Poland declared its independence from Russia. |
14 December | Prince Frederick Charles of Hess resigned from the Finnish throne. |
26 January | A group of Red Guards hung a red lantern atop the tower of Helsinki Workers' Hall to symbolically mark the start of the Finnish Civil War. |
16 February | The Council of Lithuania signed the Act of Independence of Lithuania, proclaiming the restoration of anindependent Lithuania governed by democratic principles, despite the presence of German troops in the country during World War I. |
21 February | The Carolina Parakeet, the only parrot speciesnative to the eastern United States, became extinct when the lastindividual died in captivity at the Cincinnati Zoo. |
04 March | The first known case of the so-called Spanish flu was firstobserved at Fort Riley, Kansas. |
21 March | World War I—German forces opened the Spring Offensive with Operation Michael, an attempt to break through Allied lines and seize ports on the English Channel. |
30 March | Bolshevik and Dashkak forces suppressed the Muslim insurgency in Azerbaijan, resulting in over 12,000 deaths. |
01 April | The British Armed Forces started giving personnel the power to fly. |
09 April | Lions' actions during the battle of Milal at the end of World War I honored him directly on the battlefield with Portugal's highest military honor, order of the tower and sword. |
21 April | Manfred von Richthofen, known as 'The Red Baron', was shot dead near Vax-S-Somme in France, as the most successful fighter pilot with 80 of a world war Win the air war after the career confirmation in. |
21 April | Manfred von Richthofen, known as 'Red Baron', was killed in France near Vax-S-Somme, which failed fighter aircraft failed with 80 unsuccessful air fighters of First World War I Was in the form of a career. |
23 April | The First World War British Royal Navy raided the Belgian port of Brugs-Zebruz. |
09 May | The First World War-Germany canceled Britain's second attempt to rebuild the Belgium port of Ostend. |
11 May | The mountain republic of the Northern Caucasus (MRNC) was officially established on 11 May 1918. It was captured by the Bolshevik Russia's Red Army in June 1920 and the Republic of Mountaineers' government was forced to leave the Caucasus. |
13 May | The United States Post Office Department released the first airmail stamp on 13 May 1918. This 24 percent inverted Jenny Stamp became very famous due to a printing error, with a biplane revealed on a sheet of 100 tickets that were sold to the public. |
16 May | The sedation act was passed in the United States, using the United States, flag, or armed force to use the United States, flag, or armed force to use 'disorganized, unholy, insulting or derogatory' Refused |
26 May | The democratic republic of Georgia was established. The Georgia Democratic Republic existed from May 1918 to February 1921 and was the first modern establishment of the Republic of Georgia. It was built after the fall of the Russian Empire which began with the Russian Revolution of 1917. |
28 May | Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and First Republic of Armenia declare their freedom. The first republic of Armenia was the first modern Armenian state to be known in the time of its existence since the fall of the Kingdom of Silisia in 1375. |
10 June | The First World War-Italian Torpedo boats drowned the Austro-Hungerian dreaded SMS Szant Istwan on the Dalmesian coast. |
24 June | First airmail service in Canada from Montreal to Toronto. Airmail (or Air Mail) is a mail transport service that is branded and sold on the basis of airborn. Airmail items usually come more faster than surface mail, and usually cost more to send. |
26 June | The 26-day battle of Belue Wood near the Marne River in the First World War-France finally cleaned that forest of German soldiers. |
04 July | Ottoman Sultan Headed VI managed to sit on the throne. Around VI was the 36th and last Sultan of the VI Ottoman Empire. His reign began between 1918 and 1922. He was the brother of Headed V. He was sitting on the throne as Usman's greatest male member after the suicide of Abdulaziz's son Yusuf Izatai Effandy in 1916, who was the successor of the throne. |
12 July | Japanese Bettleship Kawachi's ammunition in the magazine exploded more than 600 officers and crew people. |
17 July | RMS Carpethia, who rescued the RMS Titanic drowning, was himself drowned by a German U-boat. |
17 July | The Russian Revolution-Bolsheviks executed the Zar Nicholas II in Yakaterinburgh and the family. |
17 July | RMS Carpethia, who rescued people from drowning RMS Titanic, sinks itself by a German U-boat. |
08 August | The Battle of Amianas began in Emines, France, which began on the cordial days of the powers of the Allied Nations through the German front and eventually ended the First World War. |
30 August | Fanny Coupon shot and injured Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin, helping to spread red terror in the future Soviet Union, a repressive socialist-revolutionary party member and other political opponents. |
18 September | First World War- The defeat of Central Powers in the Battle of Dobro Pols played a role in Bulgarian return from the war and opened the way for the later liberation of Vardar Macedonia. |
28 September | Estimated 30 million people died worldwide in the world's worst flu epidemic in history. The epidemic is of Spanish flu, which is called in this way, as the first major break caused many deaths in Spain. |
03 October | First World War - After the defeat of his armed forces for the powers of friendly countries, Bulgarian Zar Ferdinand I gave up in favor of his third Boris III. |
04 October | A gunpowder plant in Severville, New Jersey, USA burst more than 100 people and destroyed more than 300 buildings. |
08 October | After the First World War-His Paltan faced heavy casualties during the Meuse-Argonne aggressive in France's Forest of Argon German soldiers died and 132 mothers were imprisoned. |
28 October | Czechoslovakia declared his freedom from Austria-Hungary. |
11 November | J józef Pilsudski was appointed as Commander of Polishforce by the Regency Council and was tasked to form a national government for the new independent country. |
01 December | With the signing of the Act of the Union, Denmark recognized the Empire of Denmark as a complete sovereign state in the individual union through a common emperor. |
16 December | Visas Micivisius-Capsukas announced the formation of the Lithuanian Soviet-Socialist Republic, which is a puppet state, which was created by Cyon Trusia to justify the Lithuanian-Soviyat War. |
17 December | Around 1,000 protesters marched in Government House Indrwin, Australia, where they burnt effigies of Administrator Johngilartha and demanded their resignation. |
27 December | A public speech by the famous Polish Pianoist Ignesis Jan Pastravsky Posenan provoked the Greater Poland rebellion against Germany. |
Important Historical Events of the Year 1918 in India ⚡
Event__Date | Incident/Event |
22 July | Indralal Rai, India's first proficient pilot, was killed in an air battle with Germany in London during the First World War. |
22 August | Indralal Rai, India's first proficient pilot, was killed in an air battle with Germany in London during the First World War. |
02 December | Gurudas Banerjee, the leading educationist and the first Indian Vice Chancellor of the University of Calcutta, died. |
21 November | The China-Indian War ended after the China People's Liberation Army declared a unilateral ceasefire and withdraws the prequel of line control, which they captured during the struggle in all regions. |
Famous People's Birthdays in 1918 😀
Birth | Name/Category/Country |
03 July | S. V. Ranga Rao / Actor / India |
05 July | K. Karunakaran / Politician / India |
09 December | E.K. Nayanar / Politician / India |
12 August | Guy Gibson / Pilot / India |
13 May | Balasaraswati / Choreographer / India |
14 December | B. K. S. Iyengar / Author / India |
19 November | Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya / Philosophical / India |
19 August | Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma / Politician / India |
19 August | Shankar Dayal Sharma / Politician / India |
19 August | Shankardayal Sharma / Politician / India |
20 May | Piru Singh / Soldier / India |
24 August | Sikander Bakht / Politician / India |
25 August | B. P. Mandal / Politician / India |
26 January | B. D. Sharma / Politician / India |
26 June | Rama Raghoba Rane / Soldier / India |
30 August | Binayak Acharya / Politician / India |
NA NA | Abdul Ghafoor / Politician / India |
NA NA | S. L. Shakdhar / Civil Servant / India |
Historical Events by Month 📅
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Year 1902 in History - Important Historical Events of the year 1902
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Year 1907 in History - Important Historical Events of the year 1907
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