According to Gregory calendar, on August 21, the day number in a year is 233 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 234. August 21 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 21 August in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1139In the battle of Yancheng during the wars, General U Fee of Song Dynasty defeated the army under the leadership of Jindenesty General Vayan Wuzhu.
1689The Dunkeld War took place in Scotland.
1689Jacobite clan Dunkled Cathedral, Dunkled, Dunkled, collided with a regiment supporting William of Orange on the streets around Scotland, who supported Jacobite Recycling-Skotland's overthrow Raja James VII.
1703Adirn Incident: The Turkish army removed Sultan Mustafa II, which reduced the power of the Sultans.
1772In Sweden, Gustav III ended the rule of the 50-year-old parliament and established dictatorship.
1790The British army, led by General Meadows, captured Dindigul in Tamil Nadu.
1808Battle of Vimeiro: British troops under Sir Arthur Wellesley defeated the French under General Jean-Andoch Junot.
1810Marshal Jean Baptiste Berndot of France, elected by the Swedish Riksmand of the Crown Prince of Estates, Sweden.
1831Net Turner led a slave rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia, America, suppressed after about 48 hours.
1858The first of the seven debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen. Douglas, candidates for an Illinois seat in the United States Senate, were held in Ottawa, Illinois.
1878The American Bar Association was held in Sarasota.
1906The Scandal shook the Virginia society when it was found that a local optician, a dentist and a doctor performed an illegal abortion on a prominent woman. Miss Canner whose abortion. Worked as a receptionist in Budgali's dental office. Each of the doctors had to post a bond of $ 3,000 and later appeared in court.
1911Lyonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa was stolen from Lumvre by Emuzium employee and was not recovered until two years later.
1915In World War I, Italy declared war against Turkey.
1918The second battle of the Somme begins.
1931Pandit Vishnu Digambar died.
1938The teaching of Jewish teachers in public and high schools was banned in Italy.
1938President Roosevelt publicly promised to protect Canada, an enemy should attack him, and in return they estimated Canada to help Americans, if they were in attack.
1944Republic of China, Soviet Union, United Kingdom and the United States delegation met Damberton Ox in Washington, DC to discuss the formation of the United Nations.
1945American physicist Harry K. Daglian, Junior accidentally dropped the tungsten carbide brick on a delta phase plutonium bomb core and prepared itself for a deadly dose of deadly known fatal neutron radiation due to an important accident after 25 days.
1957The Soviet Union tested the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile R-7 Semeyorka.
1957US President Dwight D Eisenhower announced a 2-year suspension for nuclear testing.
1959Hawaii became the 50th state in the United States.
1965The constitution came into force in Romania.
1969Donald and Doris Fisher San opened the first Gap store on Ocean Avenue, Francisco.
1969An Australian tourist set the Al-Aksa Mosque on fire, a major reason for the formation of the Islamic Cooperation Organization.
1982King Sobhuja II of Switzer Land passed away.
19862000 killed by poisonous gases from the volcano eruption in Cameroon.
1986Usain Bolt, the world's fastest runner, was born in Jamaica.
1986Malignant gas from the volcanic lake Nyos in Cameroon, West Africa destroyed everything in a 15 -mile radius, including 1,500 people. The gas was harmful because it had high amounts of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and sulfur.
1986A deadly explosion of a cloud of carbon dioxide from the neosine Cameron Lake killed 1,700 people and 3,500 livestock.
1992The United States Marshals engaged a fugitive engagement in a firing in Rubiriz, Idaho, which laid siege for twelve days.
1993NASA lost contact with his Mars Observer spacecraft, a three -day orbital entry.
1997Cyclone Vinny killed 140 people and injured three thousand people in eastern China.
2005At the conclusion of World Youth Day 2005 in Cologne, Germany, about 800,000 people came together for the Pope Benedict Sixteenth.
2006Famous Shehnai player Ustad Bismillah Khan died in Varanasi.
2006The channel tunnel connecting the UK and France has been seen coming out smoke from a freight train.
2007Space Shuttle Endeavor land safely at Kennedy Space Center at 12:32:29 EDT
2007Hurricane Dean landed landslides on the Yukaan Peninsula as a 5 -class storm, causing 45 deaths and losses of US $ 1.5 billion.
2008Food and Drug Administration of the United States E. Clings and spinach radiation to kill coli and other unsafe germs.
2010A Vincent Van Gogg Painting - Flower with Popi flowers and flowers is known as Mohammad Mahmud Khalil Arts Museum in Cairo, but is said to have been found later at the Cairo Airport.
2012In logic on cosmogoni, the Physical Review released a study describing the Big Bang, which is a phase change by the phenomenon symmetry, possibly makes it better to clear how our famous space time can arise from the original case .
201337 people were killed and 16 injured in a bus accident near the Chin Swe Temple in Malaysia.
2013The Syrian Home War-Racket, which included Sarin, attacked the opposed to Damascus' Ghouta suburbs, resulting in at least 281 deaths.
2014Israeli airstrikes in Rafah killed three top Hamas commanders.

Important Historical Events of 21 August in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1972Wildlife Protection Act passed in India.

Important Days of 21 August National & International Days 🏁

International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of TerrorismInternational Day
World Senior Citizens DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 21 August 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1947Margaret Chan / Doctor / China
1905Bipin Gupta / Actor / India
1907P. Jeevanandham / Politician / India
1910Narayan Sridhar Bendre / Artist / India
1912Brahm Prakash / Politician / India
1931Vijay Shankar Vyas / Economist / India
1934Sudhakarrao Naik / Politician / India
1961V. B. Chandrasekhar / Cricketer / India
1979Pema Khandu / Politician / India

See full list of famous people born on 21 august 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 10 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of August