The year 1939 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1939 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1939 in World ⚡

22 MayThe signing of the Treaty of Steel between Germany and Italy during World War II.
04 JuneThe first shopping cart introduced in Oklahom City.
07 JuneGeorge VI and Elizabeth became the first kings and queens of Britain to visit America.
22 JuneSubhash Chandra Bose separated from the Congress and established the Forward Bloc.
27 JuneBirth of renowned musician and actor RD Burman, who has composed music in over 300 films.
27 JulyCentral Reserve Police Force was established.
01 SeptemberWorld War II began with the German invasion of Poland.
03 SeptemberWorld War II began with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin declaring war on Germany and Britain against Germany on a radio broadcast.
09 SeptemberThe Nazi army reached Vasaraya during the Second World War.
10 SeptemberCanada declared war against Germany in the Second World War.
11 SeptemberIraq and Saudi Arabia declared war against Germany.
30 SeptemberGermany and Russia agreed to the partition of Poland.
16 OctoberGermany launched the first attack on British territory during World War II.
21 OctoberFamous Hindi films actress Helen was born.
17 NovemberThe Nazis entered Prague University and killed the students. International Student Day is celebrated on 17 November in memory of those children.
22 NovemberSamajwadi Party chief and former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav was born.
28 NovemberJames Nasmith, the father of basketball, died.
23 AugustNon-aggression pact was signed between the then Soviet Union and Germany.
27 AugustThe world's first jet fuel jet made its first flight from Germany.
15 DecemberCommercial production of nylon yarn began in Delaware, USA for the first time.
27 DecemberAn earthquake in Turkey killed about forty thousand people.
24 JanuaryAn earthquake in Chile killed 30,000 people.
25 January10 thousand people died in Chile's Chilean earthquake.
20 AprilIn Germany, the 50th birthday of the dictator Adolf Hitler was celebrated as National Day.
29 AprilNetaji Subhash Chandra Bose resigned from the Congress.
05 JanuaryThe Battle of Vallisil began.
14 FebruaryThe German warship Bismarck was launched.
07 MarchArmand Calinisu became the Prime Minister of Romania.
10 AprilThe Italian army occupied Albania.
15 MayThe romantic drama film Goodbye produced by Mr Chips premiered in the UK.
12 JuneByron Nelson Won Open
12 JulyTrinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society was established.
10 AugustDirk Jan de Geyer became Prime Minister of the Netherlands.
08 SeptemberThe Battle of Gaddania began.
02 OctoberThe Battle of Cock began.
15 NovemberThe Battle of South Guwanxi began.
16 DecemberThe first battle of Summa started.
10 FebruarySpanish Civil War-The Nationalists concluded their conquest of Catalonia and sealed the border with France.
02 MarchItalian Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli was elected as Pope and tookthe name Pius XII.
09 AprilAfter being denied permission to perform at the Hobby The Daughter of the American Revolution of the Constitution, African singer Anderson, Washington D.C. Gave an open-air concert on the steps of Lincolnmemorial.
20 AprilBilly Holiday recorded its version of 'Strange Fruit', which gained fame as a symbol of the civil rights movement.
20 AprilAdolf Hitler's 50th birthday was celebrated as a nationalist in Nazi Germany.
13 MayThe WDRC-FM, the first commercial US FM radio station, was launched on 13 May 1939 in Bloomfield, Connecticut. It is now known as 102.9, with the slogan of 'Classic Rock Back' after the whale replaced his old theme Brass Bonanja.
14 MayLeena Medina became the youngest mother at the age of five years, seven months and seventeen days when she gave birth to a boy from a Caesarean section on 14 May 1939.
19 MayWinston Churchill signed British Russian anti-Nazi pact on May 19, 1939. Thus both the countries made an alliance against Germany as a part of World War II.
04 JuneThe German Ocean liner St. Louis, 937 Jewish refugees from Nazi oppression, taking political refuge, was denied inland permission in the United States, already away from Cuba.
19 JuneFormer American baseball player Lo Gehrrig was a disease called Vithamotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, now commonly known in the United States 'Low Gehris Disease'.
02 AugustPhysicist Leo Szeelald signed US President Franklin signed by Albert Einstein. Wrote a letter to Roosevelt, warning that Germany could develop a atomic bomb, which led to the establishment of the Manhattan project.
23 AugustThe Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union agreed to the 10-year mutual non-evening treaty-Molatov-Ribntrop Pact, including a secret protocol dividing the northern and East-East-East-Easts into German and Soviet regions.
25 AugustThe United Kingdom and Poland entered a mutual assistance for a military alliance in terms of military invasion by 'Europeanpower'.
31 AugustThe Nazi forces, who presented in the form of poles, staged an attack against the German radio station Synder Gleevitz in Gleevitz, Upper Silesia, Germany, making an excuse to attack Poland the next day.
01 SeptemberAt the beginning of World War II in Europe, Nazi Germany invaded Poland in Wilu and Westerplat.
01 SeptemberAt the beginning of World War II in Europe, Nazi Germany invaded Poland in Vellun and Westerplat.
03 SeptemberBritain and France announced the war on Germany in vengeance of Hitler's Poland invasion.
10 SeptemberDeclaration of war on Canada and Germany with England.
17 SeptemberThe Soviet Union attacked East Poland in the vengeance of Germany's Western Poland invasion of the first month.
17 SeptemberThe Second World War-Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east sixteen days after the Nazi Germany's attack on that country.
17 SeptemberThe Second World War-Royal Navy lost its first warship in the war when the German submarine U-29 tarpedo and drowned HMS courageous.
18 SeptemberNazi Publicity Radio Program began broadcast for audiences in The Kingdom and United States with the Nazi Publicity Radio Program, Germany Calling, Ekhost Nickname-Hawa '.
21 SeptemberRomanian Prime Minister Armand Calinsaku was murdered by pro -Nazi members of the Iron Guard.
25 SeptemberThe Versels forgot to include the peace treaty Andora, so Andora and Germany eventually signs an official treaty ending ww i
27 SeptemberPoland surrendered to Germany after a 26 -day fierce war. The German army captures about 140,000 Polish soldiers.
30 SeptemberVladislav, General of World War II, became Prime Minister of Sikorski Polish government.
14 OctoberThe second World War-German submarine U-47 sank in the Torpedo and the British Royal Navy warship HMS drowned in Royal Oak, while later immersed in scop flow in Scotland's orche.
06 NovemberAs part of his plan to eradicate Polish Buddha, Gestapo arrested 184 professors, students and employees of Jazzelonian University.
26 NovemberThe Soviet Red Army attacked Menila and then claimed that the fire originated from Finland, causing Cassius Bailey to start the Winter War a few days later.
30 NovemberThe Winter War began, as the Soviet Red Army invaded Finland (Finnish soldiers') and quickly advanced to the Mannerheem line, an action that was considered illegal by the United Nations.
05 DecemberThe remains of the Pedro II of Brazil, which were thrown out and thrown out, were buried after re -burying.
12 DecemberThe nervousness of the Royal Navy Dutant HMS Duchess was overwhelmed by HMS Barham, escorting and drowned with great loss of life.
15 DecemberThe American historical epic film Gone with the Wind (Poster-colored), Margaret Mitchell's Pulitzar-Nam's novel from the same name adapted, was premiered in Atlanta, Georgia.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1939 in India ⚡

03 MayIndian freedom fighter Netaji Subhash Bose established the Forward Bloc.
13 AprilHindustani Red Army (Indian Red Army) was formed for armed struggle with the British in India.
03 MayThe All India Forward Block was formed on 3 May 1939 by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. The aim of the forward block was to rally all leftist classes within the Congress and develop an alternative leadership within the party, banning it after three years. British officials.
03 MaySubhash Chandra Bose formed the All India Forward Block of the Indian National Congress in protest against Gandhi's strategy.
22 DecemberMembers of the All India Muslim League celebrated a 'Day of delivery' to celebrate the resignation of members of the Indian National Congress on the decision to enter World War II at the request of the United Kingdom.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1939 😀

16 JulyRuth Perry / Politician / Liberia
01 DecemberHemananda Biswal / Politician / India
01 JuneS. Rajendra Babu / Lawyer / India
01 NovemberVed Prakash Malik / Soldier / India
02 OctoberBudhi Kunderan / Cricketer / India
02 MayV. N. Khare / Lawyer / India
03 AugustApoorva Sengupta / Cricketer / India
03 MarchM. L. Jaisimha / Cricketer / India
06 MarchAdam Osborne / Business Man / India
08 FebruaryJames Michael Lyngdoh / Civil Servant / India
08 JanuaryNanda / Actress / India
10 MarchAsghar Ali Engineer / Author / India
11 NovemberRavindra Kalia / Author / India
13 SeptemberBhagwat Rawat / Poet / India
13 JulyPrakash Mehra / Actor / India
13 JulyPrakash Mehra / Producer / India
14 OctoberDr. Suniti Solomon / Physician / India
15 SeptemberSubramanian Swamy / Academic / India
16 JulyShringar Nagaraj / Actor / India
18 MaySudhir Ranjan Majumdar / Politician / India
20 MayBalu Mahendra / Director / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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