According to Gregory calendar, on August 23, the day number in a year is 235 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 236. August 23 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 23 August in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1305After a show test, William Walse, a leader of resistance against England during the Wars of Scottish independence, was executed in the Smithfield Market in London.
1514Ottoman forces defeated Safavid in the war of Achladiran, to gain control over East Anatolia and North Iraq.
1572A wave of Catholic congestion began against the St. Bartholomev Day murder, Hugonauts, which lasted for several months and estimated thousands of people all over France.
1650General George Monk established the preceding 'Monk Regiment of Foot' of Coldstream Guards at England's New Model Army, which makes the regiment the oldest in the regular army in continuous service.
1711Admiral Howenden Walker arrived in St. Lawrence.
1762The famous French poet and litterateur André Schnee was born.
1839As it was designed for the war against the King Dynasty of China, known as an upcoming opium war, Britain captured Hong Kong's passport.
1850The first American National Women's Rights Conference was held in Worcester, Massachusetts.
1853The first real international weather organization was established in Brussels Belgium.
1866The Treaty of Prague ended the Ostro-Prussian War.
1873The Albert Bridge spread over the Tems River in London was opened.
1896In the city of Quizone in the modern period, Andres Bonifesio and his Katipun Comrade revolted against the Spanish rule, marking the beginning of the Philippine Revolution.
1906Unable to stop the rebellion, Cuban President Tomas Estrada Palma requested intervention from the United States.
1914In its first major action of World War I, the British campaign team defeated German soldiers in Mons, Belgium.
1927After a controversial test, and despite protests around the world, American anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti (both pictures) of Italian origin were arrested through electrocution in Massachusets for allegations of murder.
1929The Palestine riots-arbas began attacking Jews in Hebrona under the Bitish mandate of Palestine, killing more than sixty people in two days.
1939Non-aggression pact was signed between the then Soviet Union and Germany.
1939The Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union agreed to the 10-year mutual non-evening treaty-Molatov-Ribntrop Pact, including a secret protocol dividing the northern and East-East-East-Easts into German and Soviet regions.
1942The most dreadful battle of the Stalingrad war took place between the Soviet Union and Germany.
1943Soviet Vijay, deciding in the Battle of World War II- Thekursk, gave a strategic initiative to the Red Army for the rest of Alwar.
1944King Michael dismissed the Government of Axis of General Iyanonosku, which put Romania on behalf of the Allies for the remaining World War II.
1960The world's largest frog (3.3 kg) was caught.
1966Lunar Orbiter 1 takes the first picture of Earth from an orbit around the moon.
1976Thousands of people died due to earthquakes in China.
1978In New Delhi, Indira Gandhi was facing allegations of fraud. Gandhi was warned by the judge to stay in the country and was released on bail of $ 1,875. Fraud he and his companions were cheating businessmen to get the use of free cars for the 1977 election.
1989Vidyaus, Lithuania experienced a crowd of about fifty thousand people on the 50th anniversary being seized by Stalin and Hitler. Baltic residents asked for independence, and formed a 370 mile long human chain, including 1.5 million people and displayed the injustice done to them.
1989Singing of Revolution - Around two million people created more than 600 (370 mi) long human chain to display their wishes for freedom.
1990The performance of Western brothers on TV by Saddam Hussain created some concern all over the world, as he rubbed the hair of a British child and said that he is not hostage but was peaceful.
1997US University of Mississippi Medical Center received turmeric patent four years ago.
2000John Anthony Kaiser was a Roman Catholic clergyman) in the city of Morendt, Kenya.
2004America's Justin Gatlin became the fastest runner on Earth by winning the 100-meter Ferrata race.
2005Thun Peru Flight Pukalpa Peru had 204 crashes in which 41 people died.
2006Natasha Company, abducted at the age of 10, survived his prisoner Volfgang prince after eight years of imprisonment.
200730 manuscripts of the Rigveda were included in the UNESCO World Memory Register-2007.
2007The European Union lifts the ban on the export of British livestock, meat and dairy products, which was recently implemented in Surrey after legs and mouth disease.
2007Alexi Nikolavich, Tsrevich of Russia, and his sister Anastasia's skeleton remains found near Yakaterinburg in Russia.
2009In a severe drought in northern China, 5 million people deficient water and damage 8.7 million hectares of fields.
20102 tonnes of elephant ivory and five rhino horn were hidden as Nairobi, leading to Avocado Malaysia, is occupied.
2010A former Philippine National Police Officer kidnapped a touristbus in Manila and kept those killed by the police hostage for about 11 hours.
2011Scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences discovered the origin of the Brahmaputra and Indus rivers and completed a comprehensive satellite study of the length of their route.
2011President Obama gives momentary relief to illegal migrants: students, elderly, elderly, crime victims and family members, including the same-sex partner as part of immigration reform in the United States.
2012The US tested helium -filled monitoring balloons on the Mexican border. Both aerial vessels float about 800 meters high and are equipped with very advanced cameras. It is said that the balloons will not see far away in the Mexican region.
2013The attack on the mosque in Tripoli, Lebanon killed 50 people.
2013Real estate developers are blamed as they are due to the damage caused by Syren, Libya, a UNESCO world heritage site.

Important Historical Events of 23 August in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1944The famous Indian film heroine Saira Banu was born.
1947Vallabhbhai Patel became the Deputy Prime Minister of India.

Important Days of 23 August National & International Days 🏁

International Day To Remembrance Of The Slave Trade And Its Abolition (Unesco)International Day
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition [UNESCO]International Day
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave TradeInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 23 August 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1943Reita Faria / Doctor / India
1852Radha Gobinda Kar / Physician / India
1872Tanguturi Prakasam / Politician / India
1905H. V. R. Iyengar / Civil Servant / India
1923Bal Ram Jakhar / Politician / India
1943Rita Faria / Doctor / India
1972Tanguturi Prakasam / Politician / India
1983Gauhar Khan / Actress / India
1988Vaani Kapoor / Actress / India
1989Asha Negi / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 23 august 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 10 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  10015
  Post Category :  History of August