Swaziland has a different place in the geography of the world. There are many such things in this country that separate this country from other countries such as language, living style, dress, culture, religion, business. Let us know about some such unique facts related to the country of Swaziland and important events related to history, knowing which your knowledge will increase.

Swaziland Country Quick General Knowledge

CapitalMbabane (executive), Lobamba (legislativ
CurrencySwazi lilangeni
GroupAfrican Union
ConstitutionSeptember 6, 1968
National Anthem of CountrySchweizerpsalm, (Swiss Psalm)

Read Also: Name of the country, their capital and currency List

The empire was founded in the middle of the eighteenth century under the leadership of Gwane III; The present limits were fixed in the year 1881. From 1903 to 1967, Swaziland was a British protected state. On 6 September 1968, this country again gained independence. Swaziland is a full-fledged monarchy, whose current ruler is King Mswati III. He is also the Head of State, and also appoints several representatives from both houses of Parliament, including the Prime Minister of the country. Elections are held every 5 years to determine a majority in the lower house of parliament. The current constitution of the country was adopted in 2005.
Swaziland, the official name of the Kingdom of Swaziland, is a sovereign country located in South Africa. Mozambique to the east, and South Africa to the north, west and south are neighbors of this landlocked country. Swaziland is one of the smallest countries in Africa with a maximum length (north to south) of 200 km. M And maximum width (east to west) 130 km M is. Despite the small size, the climate and topography of this country are diverse, somewhere cold and mountainous plateau, then hot and dry plains. The population is predominantly ethnic.
Swaziland is a small economy developing country. Swaziland is classified by the International Monetary Fund as a lower-middle-income country, due to lower per capita GDP. The main local trading partner of this country is South Africa. The currency of Swaziland, Leilangini, the currency of South Africa is estimated according to the rand. Its major non-African trading partners are the United States and the European Union. Majority of the country's employment comes from agriculture and manufacturing sectors. Swaziland is a member of the South African Development Community, African Union and Commonwealth countries.
The official language of Swaziland English and Swazi.
  • Swaziland Official name is Kingdom of Swaziland which is a sovereign nation located in South Africa.
  • Swaziland borders north, west and south with South Africa and eastward from Mozambique.
  • Swaziland gained its independence from the United Kingdom (UK) on 6 September 1968.
  • Swaziland has a full royal system, whose current ruler is Raja Mswati III, who has 14 wives.
  • The total area of ​​Swaziland is 17,364 sq km. (6,704 sq mi).
  • According to the World Bank, Swaziland had a total population of 1.343 million in 2016.
  • The official languages ​​of Swaziland are English and Swazi.
  • The name of Swaziland's currency is Leilangini.
  • The current queen mother of Swaziland is Ntombi Tfvala who is the mother of Mswati III.
  • King Maswati II (1840–1868) of Swaziland was considered the eldest boy king who fought with the Zulu tribe and his brothers for the throne. Swajioon is the English version of his name.
  • Swaziland has two capitals, the first being Mbabane, its administrative capital and Lobamba as its royal and legislative capital.
  • Emlembe is the highest mountain in Swaziland, with 1,862 meters (6,109 ft).
  • The Swaziland flag has a red color symbol of war, blue color of peace and stability, yellow color of resources and the flag is the symbol of the shield and two spears in the center, protection from enemies.
  • 06 September 1969 - The African country of Swaziland gained independence from Britain. Today was declared as the national day of this country.
  • 09 November 2005 - Swaziland is facing the world's highest HIV infection rate, drafting a sexual offense and domestic violence bill that proposes a death penalty for deliberate broadcast of child rape, incest and HIV. Amnesty International later expressed concern.
Mozambique [L] , South Africa [L] ,
Definition of international border: L = Land Border | M = Maritime Border

Swaziland FAQs:

The capital of Swaziland is Mbabane (executive), Lobamba (legislativ.

The currency of Swaziland is Swazi lilangeni.

Swaziland is the part of Africa continent.

The languages spoken in Swaziland are English, Swazi.

The national anthem of Swaziland is "Schweizerpsalm, (Swiss Psalm)".

Swaziland country part of the African Union like large International groups.

Swaziland country founded on September 6, 1968.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  11271
  Post Category :  Africa Continent