Algeria has a different place in the geography of the world. There are many such things in this country that separate this country from other countries such as language, living style, dress, culture, religion, business. Let us know about some such unique facts related to the country of Algeria and important events related to history, knowing which your knowledge will increase.

Algeria Country Quick General Knowledge

CurrencyAlgerian Dinar
GroupAfrican Union, Arab League, OPEC
ConstitutionJuly 5, 1962
Father/Founder of CountryHayreddin Barbarossa
National Anthem of CountryKassaman, (We Pledge)

Read Also: Name of the country, their capital and currency List

In olden times Algeria was called Sultanate Nomedia. His people were called Nomadians. This empire had relations with the ancient Greece and Roman nations of the time. By the fourth century BCE, Berbers in Algeria formed the single largest element of the Carthagean army. After negligible resistance by the local people, the Muslim Arabs of the Ummayed Caliph conquered Algeria in the early 8th century. Between 1962 and 1964, the number of European mongrels who fled Algeria was more than 900,000. The migration to mainland France intensified after the 1962 Oran massacre, in which hundreds of terrorists entered European parts of the city.
Since the breakup of Sudan in 2011, Algeria has been the largest country in Africa and the Mediterranean basin. Its southern part comprises an important part of the Sahara. The highest point is Mount Tahat (3,003 m or 9,852 ft).
Algeria is classified as a high middle-income country by the World Bank. The currency of Algeria is Dinar (DZD). The development model of the economy continues in the country after the socialist independence of the country. In recent years, the Algerian government has halted the privatization of state-owned industries and imposed restrictions on imports and foreign participation in its economy. These restrictions are yet to be lifted, although questions remain about Algeria's slowly expanding economy.
Modern standard Arabic and Berber are the official languages. Algerian Arabic (Darja) is the language used by the majority population. Albanian Arabic is colloquially French and barbaric. Barbar is recognized as a national language by the constitutional amendment of 8 May 2002. In February 2016, the Algerian constitution passed a resolution, which has become an official language of Berber, along with Arabic.
  • Algeria is a Muslim country located in North Africa. Algeria is the tenth largest country in the world and the second largest in Africa.
  • Algeria has an area of ​​23,81,741 square kilometers (919 595 square meters). The capital and largest city of Algeria is Algiers.
  • Algeria borders Tunisia to the north-east, Libya to the east, Morocco to the west, Western Sahara to the south-west, Marithenia and Mali, Niger to the southeast and the Geo-Central Sea to the north.
  • The ancient name of Algeria was Sultanate Nomedia. His people were called Nomadians.
  • The war of independence of Algeria took place between 1954 to 1962. About 1 million Algerians died in this disastrous war with France, eventually Algeria gained independence from France in 1962.
  • Algeria's judicial system was inspired by French and Islamic law.
  • The official (main) language of Algeria is Arabic. But people here also use Arabic, French and Berber language.
  • Algeria's national oil company is called Sonatrach, the largest oil company in Africa.
  • The national food of Algeria is Couscous, which is famous throughout Africa.
  • The national day of Algeria is celebrated on 1 November and it is also known in Algeria as Revolution Day.
  • Algeria exports agricultural-based products to the world throughout the continent of Africa.
  • Algeria is the largest exporter of propane gas in the world.
  • The Algerian currency is named Algerian Dinar.
  • 12 June 1830 - France started the process of colonization of Algeria.
  • 08 May 1945 - A parade turned into a riot to celebrate the end of World War II, after which there were large -scale disturbances and murders around French Algeria and around it.
  • 03 August 1948 - Prior to the Unitedstates House of Representatives' House Un-Amazer Activities Committee, the former detective became the informer of the government. The letters accused the US State Department official Algeria Sath of communist and Soviet spy.
  • 01 November 1954 - Funt Day Liberation Nationley launched the Algerian war against the French rule.
  • 09 September 1954 - The earthquake in the Arlinsville region of the African country of Algeria killed 1400 people.
  • 10 September 1954 - An earthquake in the southwestern region of the African country of Algeria killed the 1,400 people.
  • 23 April 1961 - In the midst of the Algerian war, French President Charles Degole gave a military speech, calling military personnel and locals to oppose the attempt of coup against them.
  • 08 January 1961 - A referendum was held in France over Algeria's independence. Algeria recorded only 69 percent of the vote in favor.
  • 05 July 1962 - Algeria became independent of France. Algeria is a country in North Africa on the banks of the Mediterranean Sea. Its capital and the most inmanded city is Alzires. With an area of ​​2,381,741 square, 90% km desert is the desert, Algeria is the tenth largest country in the world and the largest in Arabia and Africa.
  • 30 June 1962 - The last soldier of the French Foreign Legion left Algeria.
Italy [M] , Libya [L] , Mali [LM] , Mauritania [L] , Morocco [LM] , Niger [L] , Spain [M] , Tunisia [LM] ,
Definition of international border: L = Land Border | M = Maritime Border

Algeria FAQs:

The capital of Algeria is Algiers.

The currency of Algeria is Algerian Dinar.

Algeria is the part of Africa continent.

The languages spoken in Algeria are Arabic, French, Berber dialects.

The national anthem of Algeria is "Kassaman, (We Pledge)".

Algeria country part of the African Union, Arab League, OPEC like large International groups.

Algeria country founded on July 5, 1962.

Hayreddin Barbarossa is considered the founder/father of Modern Algeria.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  15768
  Post Category :  Africa Continent