The year 1898 has a special significance of its own in India and world history. Let us know some such important events of the year 1898 such as: born famous people, death of famous people, war treaty, independence of a country, invention of new technology, change of power, important national and international day etc., knowing which your general Knowledge will increase.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1898 in World ⚡

30 SeptemberThe American city of New York was established.
09 DecemberBelur Math was established in Kolkata.
10 DecemberThe Spanish-American War ended after the Confederate Paris.
21 DecemberFrench scientists Pierre and Marie Curie discovered radium.
14 JanuaryJoey Darling hit his first six of the Test match.
01 FebruaryThe first insurance policy was issued to a passenger insurance company in the US.
22 AprilUS President McKinley Cuba ordered blockade of ports.
08 MayThe first game of the Italy Football League was played.
07 JuneThe Social Democracy Party of America held the first national conference in Chicago.
07 JulyThe United States annexed the island of Hawaii.
12 AugustSpanish-American War: American and Spanish Forces Abolished in Cuba.
02 SeptemberFor the first time machine guns were used in battle.
12 OctoberThe first city council was established in Matiur.
02 NovemberTheodore Herzl traveled to Jerusalem.
10 DecemberThe Treaty of Paris was signed and the Spanish-American War ended.
13 JanuaryJ'accuse...!, an open letter by French writer Émile Zola toPresident Félix Faure of the French Republic, was published by theParisian newspaper L'Aurore, accusing the highest levels of the FrenchArmy in covering up the truth of the Dreyfus affair.
13 JanuaryJ'accuse...!, an open letter by French writer Émile Zola toPresident Félix Faure of the French Republic, was published by theParisian newspaper L'Aurore, accusing the highest levels of the FrenchArmy in covering up the truth of the Dreyfus affair.
15 FebruaryThe United States Navy battleship USS Maine exploded and sank in Havana, Cuba, killing more than 260 people and precipitating the Spanish–American War.
01 MayUnder Commodore, US Asian Squadron George Davi defeated the Spanish-American War's first engagement Manila Bay's Admiral Petricio Montozo Atte Battle.
12 JunePhilippine declaration of freedom. This Caviet II L Viso was declared in the current day-day Quitte, with the public reading of the Cavit, the Act of the Declaration of Freedom, the Filipino revolutionary forces under the General Emilio Aguunelo declared the sovereignty and freedom of the Philippine Islands from the colonial rule of Spain. Did. ,
21 JuneGuam's occupation was a bloodless phenomenon between the United States and the empire of Spain during the Spanish-American War. However, the Spanish Garrison had no knowledge of war on the island and no real defense. They surrendered without resistance and the island passed in American control. The incident was the only struggle for the Spanish-American war on Guam.
21 JuneIn a bloodless event during the Spanish-American War, the United States captured Guam from Spain.
03 JulyOne of the major marines of the Spanish-American War, the United States Navy destroyed the Spanish Navy's Caribbean Squadron.
08 JulyAmerican thief artist and gangster Sop Smith, killed in Alaska's Inkway, when an argument with fellow gang members turned into an unexpected gun battle.
25 JulySpanish-American War: After two months of sea-based bombing, the United States invaded Puerto Rico.
13 AugustAfter a fake battle for Spanish-American war-manila, the missing commander surrendered in the US, the missing commander, to hold the Philipino rebel hands out of the city.
10 SeptemberIn an act of 'promotion of de deed', Italian anarchist Luigluchey fiercely lashed out at Austria's Queen Elisabeth in Geneva, Switzerland.
18 OctoberThe United States raises the American flag on San Juan, formally occupying the island's Parto Rico.
02 NovemberOrganized cheerleading was born at the University of Minnesota when a student Johnny Campbell directed a mob to participate in an American college football game.
26 DecemberAt the French Science Academy, physicists Pierre and Mary Curie (picture) announced the discovery of a new element, naming radium.

Important Historical Events of the Year 1898 in India ⚡

27 MarchSir Syed Ahmed Khan, who introduced modern education for the Muslims of India, died. He founded Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College which later became Aligarh Muslim University.

Famous People's Birthdays in 1898 😀

JanuaryDurga Benerjee / Jurist / India
03 MayGolda Meir / Politician / Israel
02 AprilHarindranath Chattopadhyay / Politician / India
02 DecemberIndra Lal Roy / Pilot / India
02 JanuarySukumar Sen / Politician / India
04 JulyGulzarilal Nanda / Politician / India
05 DecemberJosh Malihabadi / Poet / India
08 JulyP.S. Kumaraswamy Raja / Politician / India
11 AugustSadashiv Kanoji Patil / Politician / India
18 JanuarySukumar Sen / Civil Servant / India
25 NovemberDebaki Bose / Actor / India
31 DecemberKrishna Ballabh Sahay / Politician / India
Ja NACapt. Durwa Banerjee / Pilot / India
NA JanuaryDurba Banerjee / Social Worker / India
NA JanuaryDurga Banerjee / Pilot / India

Historical Events by Month 📅

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